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1、数据库处理复习要点及参考答案最近更新时间:3/28/2022第一章 Microsoft Access 2007(第一次作业)3复习要点33355667889第二章 结构化查询语言简介(第二次作业)10复习要点101017Marcia 干洗店项目练习20第三章 关系模型和规范化(第三次作业)28复习重点282831Marcia 干洗店项目练习36第四章45复习重点45第五章 E-R图(第四次作业)45复习重点4545Marcia 干洗店项目53第六章 数据库设计(第五次作业)56复习重点5656Marcia 洗衣店项目练习58第七章 数据库创建、视图、触发器(第六次作业)61复习重点616162

2、62636465Marcia干洗店项目66第十章 用SQL Server 2008管理数据库触发器、存储过程83第八章 数据库再设计83第九章 管理多用户数据库8585第一章 Microsoft Access 2007(第一次作业)复习要点(1). 知识网络图图(2). 基本的定义:a. DBS:=用户+数据库应用程序+DBMS+DB。 各个部分有什么作用b. 元数据metadata (3). Access 的使用- 作业Create a Microsoft Access database named .Answers to the Project Questions are containe

3、d in the database , which is available on the texts Web site ( database is created as described in Appendix A. The two tables to be created are:DEPARTMENT (DepartmentName, BudgetCode, OfficeNumber, Phone)EMPLOYEE (EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Department, Phone, Email)Where An underlined colu

4、mn name indicates the table key (primary key) of the table, and an italicized column indicates a foreign key linking two tables.Figure 1-26 shows the column characteristics for the WPC DEPARTMENT table. Using the column characteristics, create the DEPARTMENT table in the database.Figure 1-27 shows t

5、he data for the WPC DEPARTMENT table. Using Datasheet view, enter the data shown in Figure 1-27 into your DEPARTMENT table.Figure 1-28 shows the column characteristics for the WPC EMPLOYEE table. Using the column characteristics, create the EMPLOYEE table in the database.Create the relationship and

6、referential integrity constraint between DEPARTMENT and EMPLOYEE. Enable enforcing of referential integrity and cascading of data updates, but do not enable cascading of data from deleted records.Using the Microsoft Access form wizard, create a data input form for the EMPLOYEE table and name it WPC

7、Employee Data Form. Make any adjustments necessary to the form so that all data display properly. Use this form to enter the rest of the data in the EMPLOYEE table shown in Figure 1-29 into your EMPLOYEE table.Using the Access report wizard, create a report named Wedgewood Pacific Corporation Employ

8、ee Report that presents the data contained in your EMPLOYEE table sorted first by employee last name and then by employee first name. Make any adjustments necessary to the report so that all headings and data display properly. Print a copy of this report.To produce the report as shown below, some wo

9、rk in the Report Design view is necessary take the time to show your students how to modify report formats in Report Design view.Using the Microsoft Access form wizard, create a form that has all of the data from both tables. When asked how you want to view your data, select by DEPARTMENT. Choose th

10、e default options for other questions that the wizard asks. Open your form and page through your departments.To produce the report as shown below, some work in the Form Design view is necessary take the time to show your students how to modify report formats in Form Design view.Using the Access repo

11、rt wizard, create a report that has all of the data from both tables. When asked how you want to view your data, select by DEPARTMENT. For the data contained in your EMPLOYEE table in the report, specify that it will be sorted first by employee last name and then by employee first name. Make any adj

12、ustments necessary to the report so that all headings and data display properly. Print a copy of this report.To produce the report as shown below, some work in the Report Design view is necessary take the time to show your students how to modify report formats in Report Design view.Explain, to the l

13、evel of detail in this chapter, what is going on within Microsoft Access in Project Questions , , , and . What subcomponent created the form and report Where is the data stored What role do you think SQL is playingAccess uses SQL SELECT statements to query the database tables for the data to be disp

14、layed in the forms and the report. The results of the query are stored in a temporary table created to hold this data, and this table is the source of the data displayed in the form and the report. SQL is used to gather the data needed for display in the form and report.第二章 结构化查询语言简介(第二次作业)复习要点(1).

15、定义DDL、DML。p32.(2). SQL 的写法 - 基本、重要。SELECT.FROM.WHERE.ORDER BY.GROUP BY.HAVING.IN.EXISTS.JOIN.ON(3). 难点:多表连接、相关子查询、谓词计算(4). 发现数据模式- 动脑、扩展。 例如题目.(5). 实验教材。 A. The ChangeClose on Fridays.SELECT ChangeCloseFROM NDXWHERETDayOfWeeK = Friday;B. The minimum, maximum, and average ChangeClose on Fridays.SELECT MIN (ChangeClose) AS MinFridayChangeClose,MAX (ChangeClose) AS MaxFridayChangeClose,AVG (ChangeClose) AS AverageFrid



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