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1、 综合练习(历次水平II试题精选)Part One Listening ComprehensionSection IDirections: In this section you will hear two students, Frank and Theresa, discussing a survey they have to write as an assignment. Listen to the conversation and complete the notes below which what you hear.Notes about Franks survey:Topic: _

2、Typical examples of violent programs: _Peoples suggestions: _Peoples reactions to violence on news broadcast: _A possible problem with this survey: _The advantage of the survey: _Section TwoDirections: In this section you will listen to some news program. Below are the summaries of the news items. L

3、isten to the recording and fill in the missing words to complete the new summaries.1. An orangutan stopped the traffic outside _ . It took a keep from the zoo _ minutes to get downtown because of the traffic. The animal showed no interest in _ but responded when the keeper _ to it. It held the keepe

4、rs _ as they got into the car.2. A new method for teaching singing has been developed. Most singers are unaware of how they _. By wearing a _ over your head while you sing, you can hear your voice the way _ hear you. This can help you _ your singing.3. This year there are _ contestants in the Sunset

5、 Beaches and castle _-aged from 8 to _ . The two favorites are Greg Wallace (who has won three times before), with his _ castle, and newcomer David Bradley, with his Star Wars _.Section ThreeIn this section, you hear four telephone messages. What is each message about When you hear each message, you

6、 should write in English the main information. Some callers names are: Alberto, Janine Ellis, and Jim Saunders. You will hear the recording only once.Telephone message 1: _.Telephone message 2: _.Telephone message 3: _Telephone message 4:_.Part Two TranslationDirections:Read the following passage ca

7、refully and translate it into Chinese. Write your translation clearly in the spaces provided below.Whats in a nameFor thousands of years, humanity has classified the living thins of this world in much the same fashion; by their appearance. If it looks like a duck, walks and quacks like a duck, then

8、it is a duck. But tackling millions of species in this way has proven to be a recipe for confusion. As scientists have found to their cost, what looks like a duck may in fact be a goose.More recently, genetic techniques have been applied, particularly for distinguishing the more difficult-to-identit

9、y species such as viruses and bacteria by comparing pieces of DNA. Might this approach be more generally applicable Paul Hebert and his colleagues in Canada think it might be. Just as barcodes and the “universal product code” numbering scheme uniquely identify different items at a supermarket checko

10、ut, they suggest that some stretches of DNA could perform a similar function in living things. In a paper just published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, they discuss how long such a genetic barcode needs to be, and where it might be found.A universal product code found on the high street cons

11、ists of a string of 11 digits, each of which is one of ten numerals, providing 100 billion unique combinations. Genetic material, however, uses a quaternary, rather than a denary, coding system. In theory, it would only be necessary to sample 15 of those letters to create one billion unique codes.In

12、 practice, however, the characteristics of DNA mean that 15 letters are not enough. Unlike the arbitrary numbers of a universal product code, the letters of DNA are not random, because they code for something that a biological meaning.Part Three WritingDirections:Boshi Electronic (China) Co., Ltd. is planning to recruit an assistant to the general manager. Read the job description and qualification and write to this company to recommend yourself as a candidate. Your letter of application should not be less than 300 words.Job description:Assit daily administration workCollect and manage info


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