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2、vidualcultured.Socialdistancereferstothedegreeof_or_betweentwocultures.similarity,dissimilaritye.Becauseoftheir_,individualistsgivelittlethoughttothe_ofothers.Butcollectivistscareverymuchwhatothersintheirgroupsthinkanddonotliketobethetargetsof_and_.independence,evaluations,scrutiny,criticism .KeyTer

3、msa.cultureshockb.collectivistculturec.hospitalityd.politenesse.privacy在一个正式的西餐,你再提供一次帮助但你已经有足够的。你应该说“_”。那是美味的但我已经有很多,谢谢。B.禁忌词,表达,等,被视为_或_。不愉快的,令人厌恶的C. _是一种文化,分数高的个人主义。个体文化d. Social distance refers to the degree of _ or _ between two cultures. similarity, dissimilarity e. Because of their _, individ

4、ualists give little thought to the _ of others. But collectivists care very much what others in their groups think and do not like to be the targets of _ and _. independence, evaluations, scrutiny, criticism . Key Terms D.社会距离指的是_或_程度在两种文化之间。相似性,相异性E.因为他们_,个人主义者不在乎别人的_。但集体主义者非常关心他们小组中其他人怎么想,不喜欢被_和_目

5、标。独立性,评估,审查,批评。关键术语a. culture shockA.文化冲击b. collectivist cultureB.集体主义文化c. hospitality C.酒店d. politeness D.礼貌e. privacyE.隐私.ShortAnswera.Whatarethefivebasicthemesinindividualistcultureb.Whyistherealackofconcernatpublicdisplaysofphysicalorsexualintimacyc.Whatisthedifferenceontendencyforforeignerstotr

6、eatstrangersbetweenIndividualismandCollectivismTheories。简短的回答a. What are the five basic themes in individualist culture 在个人主义文化的五个基本主题是什么b. Why is there a lack of concern at public displays of physical or sexual intimacy B为什么在身体或性亲密公共显示缺乏关注c. Whatis the difference on tendency for foreigners to treat

7、 strangers between Individualism and Collectivism TheoriesC.是外国人对待个人主义和集体主义倾向的不同理论之间的陌生人.Casestudy(1)Analyzethecaseandtrytofindthemisunderstandingbetweenthegirlandthewesterner.AwesternerinvitedaChinesegirltohavelunchandtakeatouraroundtheBritishParliament.Infact,thegirldidnthavethelunchjustbecausewhe



10、saguest,areshyormodest,waitingforthefoodtobeputonyourplate,youwillremainhalf-starved.。案例研究(1) Analyze the case and try to find the misunderstanding between the girl and the westerner. (1)的案例分析,试图找到女孩与西方人之间的误解。A westerner invited a Chinese girl to have lunch and take a tour around the British Parliam

11、ent. In fact, the girl didnt have the lunch just because when the westerner asked her Are you hungry The girl answered no. Then they didnt have lunch together一个西方人邀请一个中国女孩吃午餐,环游英国议会。事实上,女孩没有午餐,因为当西方人问她“你饿了吗”女孩回答,那他们不一起吃午饭. 。(2) Can you find some differences in hospitality between a Chinese and Engli

12、sh What are the reasons (2)你能找到一个英语和汉语之间的一些差异在酒店的原因是什么An English guest: Each time a new dish arrived his parents would lean over and load my plate with tasty morsels. As they had taken all the trouble to cook it I just had to polish it off. As soon as my plate was empty they would put more on. Of co

13、urse, I felt duty-bound to ear that too. 一位英国客人:每次一道新菜到他的父母会过来载我的板的美味佳肴。他们把所有的麻烦把我刚刚擦亮它。一旦我的盘子是空的他们会把更多的。当然,我觉得有义务的耳朵太。A Chinese guest: Can you imagine how many dishes I had One one - a stew with meat and vegetables. The meat was over done and too hard to eat; green vegetables were no longer green.

14、They never put food on your plate but just ask you to help yourself. If you, as a guest, are shy or modest, waiting for the food to be put on your plate, you will remain half-starved.中国客人:你能想象我有多少道菜一一一个有肉和蔬菜炖。这肉熟透,太硬吃绿色蔬菜不再绿。他们从不把盘子里的食物只是问你帮助你自己。如果你,作为一个客人,害羞和谦虚,等待食物被放在你的盘子上,你仍会饿死。KeytoUnitTwo.Fillinblanksa.ThatwasdeliciousbutIvealreadyhadplenty,thanks.b.unpleasant,disgustingc.Individual



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