小学三年级英语下册Module2试卷 888888888881

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1、三年级英语Module2考试卷时间:40分 满分100分 姓名 得分一、 为下列单词选出恰当的汉语意思。(20分) ( )1.small A.瘦的 ( )2.look B.指着 ( )3.thin C.男孩 ( )4.point D.小的 ( )5.boy E.看二、 选一选。(10分)1. -Whats this?-Its elephant.A.a B.an C./2. What they? A.am B.is C.are3. The cats small. A.is B.are C.am4.This is an . A.tiger B. monkey C.elephant5.They ar

2、e . .A. monkey B.ruler C.rabbits三、看图片,将单词补充完整,并写出相应的汉语意思。(10分) A B C D E( )1.This is a doll.( )2.Its a big tiger( )3.Its a monkey.( )4.My favourite animal is a lion.( )5.Her favourite toy is a ship.四、慧眼识珠,选一选。(20分)( )1.你在动物园里看到了一头很大的大象,你会对小伙伴说:-A.They are big B.Its a big elepant( )2.在上学的路上你看到了一群小动物,

3、可是你不知道它们是什么,你该问:-A.What are they B. What is it ( )3你的妹妹很胖,你会向同学介绍说:-.A. My sister is small B.My sister is fat( )4.你最喜欢的玩具是洋娃娃,你会说:-A.The toy is my favourte dollB.The doll is my faourite toy( )5.我的名字是燕子,我最喜欢的动物是狮子。-A. My name is Yanzi,my favourite animal is lion .B .My name is Yanzi,my favourite anim

4、al is ship.五、看一看,连一 连。(20分 )1. Look at the trees. A.那颗树很矮。2. This monkey is thin. B.看着这些颗树。3. That tree is short. C.这只猴子很瘦。4. This tree is tall. D.这颗树很高。5. That monkey is fat. E.那只猴子很胖。六、为下列选出正确的答语。( 10分)1. What are they A. Its a cat 2. whats this B .My favourite song is the ABC Song.3. whats your n

5、ame C. My name is Linchunyan.4. Hello,boys and girls. D.Hello ,Miss lin5.whats your favourite song E.They are lions七、 阅读短文,判断句子正( T )误 ( F )。(10分)Hello! My name is Dongdong .I am ten .I have (有 ) a white cat. Its name Mimi.Its small .It has a long tail (尾巴 ) and short ears.Lingling has a dog .Its name is Wangwang .It has two big eyes and a long tail .It is a black.Its fat .Lingling likes it very much( 非常 ).( )1.Dongdong has a small dog.( )2. Mimi is a black cat.( )3.The cat has a long tail( )and short ears .( )4. Wangwang is black and fat.( )5.Dongdong is ten.22


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