铁路客运英语PPT课件(17单元)task 2-3

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1、Task 2-3 Service in the CarTask 2-3 Service in the CarI. Words and Phrases1. fire extinguisher 灭火器2. call button 呼叫按钮3. shade curtain 遮光窗帘4. bedside lamp 床头灯5. headset jack 耳机插孔6. volume control 音量开关7. magazine rack 杂志架8. wheelchair 轮椅9. paper napkin 餐巾纸;纸餐巾10. mop 拖布I. Words and Phrases11. rag 抹布12

2、. trash can/garbage can 垃圾桶13. coat and hat hook 衣帽钩14. loudspeaker 扬声器15. information display 信息显示器16. seat back 座椅靠背17. first-aid box 急救箱18. chief conductor/train master 列车长19. car attendant/conductor 列车员20. train announcer 列车广播员Dialogue One II. Dialoguesfor quite a while 好一会儿be supposed to do sth

3、 electric water heaterelectric adj.电的,电动的electronic adj. 电子的heater n.加热器;加热装置;暖气设备;炉子neighbour neighbor n.neighbourhood neighborhood n.neighbouring neighboring adj.scald vt. 烫伤;烫洗;加热;晒焦 vi. 烫伤;烫洗;煮沸 n. 烫伤;烫洗Tap n.龙头Dialogue Two II. Dialoguesnap n.小睡,打盹take/have a nap 小睡,打盹after a while 过一会儿all the w

4、hilehandbag n.手提包purse n.钱包,女用小包wallet n.钱包,皮夹子tote bag 大手提袋 tote n.手提,负担suitcase n.手提箱Dialogue Two II. Dialogueslean v. (身体)倾斜,倾侧;倚,靠lean out 探出lean out of 从探出lean on 靠在上; 依赖hang v.悬挂;绞死hang around 闲荡,徘徊hang on 坚持下去,不挂断 hook n.钩子 v.钩住pin n.钉子,针 v.把钉住coat-hook n.衣钩,挂衣钩Dialogue Three II. Dialoguesin

5、a good mood 心情好,好心情in a bad mood 心情不好,不爽temper n. 性格,脾气lose ones temper 发脾气air-conditionerDialogue Four II. Dialoguesspeed n.速度,高速 v.快速,加速at a speed of 以速度at full speed 全速decelerate v.减速,减缓,放慢accelerate v.增速,加快dizzy adj.眩晕的 v.使眩晕 dizzying adj.令人晕乱的,灿烂的dizziness n.头晕眼花restrict v.限定,限制,约束Dialogue Four

6、 II. Dialoguessense n.感觉官能;感觉,意识 v.意识到,感觉到 make sense 讲得通,言之有理 In a sense 在某种意义上说senseless adj.无意义的,失去知觉的sentiment n.感情,情操sensible adj.明智的,懂事的be Sensible of 知道,察觉到sensitive adj.敏感的be sensitive to 对十分敏感Dialogue Four II. Dialoguesdetect vt. 察觉;发现;探测tiny adj.很小的,微小的go off 对不再喜欢, (爆炸装置)爆炸;(枪)开火, (警报器)突然

7、大作Dialogue Five II. Dialoguesclean up 打扫,清理Peel n.果皮 v. 削皮,剥皮Shell n. (蛋、坚果等的)壳,(龟、蜗牛等的)壳,贝壳move over 挪开cooperation n. Cooperate v.cooperate with sb in doing sthcollaborate v.合作 with sb 两词常可互换,cooperate 强调自愿给予帮助;collaborate 特别指在智力方面,在从事某项文化活动中给予帮助Dialogue Five II. Dialoguesslide v.滑,滑动slide down 滑下,

8、往下滑slip v.滑倒,或没抓住某物表面而”滑掉”slip down 滑倒slipper slippery adj.滑的,滑头的storage space 贮存面积,存储空间;贮藏室oversize adj. 太大的;超大型的 n. 特大号valuable adj. 有价值的;贵重的;可估价的 n. 贵重物品fragile adj. 脆的;易碎的Dialogue Six II. Dialoguesfire alarm button 火灾报警按钮fire alarm fire alarm signal 火警信号fire alarm system 火警系统Fire fighterFire fig

9、hting truck 消防车Fire department 消防局fire hydrant 消防栓Dialogue Six II. Dialoguesemergency braking button 紧急制动按钮Brake v. 刹车 n. 闸,刹车emergency braking lever 紧急制动手柄Lever n. 杠杆;控制杆 v. 用杠杆撬动emergency evacuation 应急疏散emergency escape window 紧急逃生窗tray table 小餐桌attach to t. 依附,附属;加入Trigger n. 扳机,引爆装置 vt. 引发,引起,触发

10、Buzzer n. 蜂鸣器Dialogue Six II. Dialoguescabin n.出租车,驾驶室 n.小木屋;船舱,客舱;司机室;机务人员室response n.respond v.timely adj. Adv.evacuate v. 疏散,撤退,排泄evacuation e to a full stop (完全)停止Dialogue Six II. Dialogueshandle n.把手,柄 v. 处理;操作seal n. 密封,印章,海豹,封条 vt. 密封;盖章hit n. v. 打击mark n. v.标志armrest n. 扶手;靠手tray table (可折的)

11、托盘小几;盘桌tray n.托盘,文件盒点击添加标题文字 III. Useful Expressions(1)去天津的最后一趟火车什么时候开?A: When does the last train leave for Tianjin?去天津的最后一趟火车在晚上11:10开。B: The last train for Tianjin will depart at 11:10 p.m.(2)火车什么时候到天津?A: When does the train arrive in Tianjin?火车将在9点过3分到天津。B: It will arrive in Tianjin at three pas

12、t nine.(3)火车是正点吗?A: Is the train on time?火车非常准时。B: The train is exactly on time.点击添加标题文字 III. Useful ExpressionsOr: The train is five minutes behind schedule/time.火车晚点5分钟。列车将正点到达您的目的地。Or: The train will arrive at your destination on time.(4)你什么时候回北京?A: When will you be back to Beijing?在9月7号。B: On Se

13、ptember the seventh.(5)这趟特快列车从天津直达北京,中途不停靠。The express train will go through to Beijing from Tianjin without any stop.点击添加标题文字 III. Useful Expressions(6)我怎么能在车上打到热水呢?你们有杯子吗?A: How can I get hot water on the train? Do you serve cups?B: The paper cups are disposable, you can get them for free at any t

14、ime.我怎么能在车上打到热水呢?你们有杯子吗?(7)打扰了,洗手间在哪里?A: Excuse me. Where could I find the washroom?洗手间里有人,请稍等一会儿。B: Its occupied. Please wait a moment.点击添加标题文字 III. Useful Expressions(8)这个厕所怎么进去?A: How could I get into the toilet?请往里推门。B: Please push the door inwards.(9)打扰了,请问在哪能洗手?Excuse me. Where could I wash my

15、 hands?(10)一等车厢和二等车厢有什么区别?A: Whats the difference between the first class coach and the second one?一等车厢比二等车厢空间大、更舒适。B: The first class coach has more space and it is more comfortable.点击添加标题文字 III. Useful Expressions(11)打扰了,以防晕车,我可以坐一个靠窗的顺向座位吗?A: Excuse me. Can I take the window seat that faces forwa

16、rd in case of train sickness?当然可以。靠窗那儿有一个座位,是56号。B: Of course. There is a seat by the window and it is No. 56.(12)打扰了,怎么才能把座椅调舒服些?A: Excuse me. How could I make the seat more comfortable?请按住扶手侧面上的白色按钮,向后躺,那就可以了。B: Please press the white button on the armrest and lean against the seat at the same time. That will be OK.(13)按这里的按钮,您可以调整靠背。You can adjust the backrest by pressing the button here.点击添加标题文字 III. Useful Expressions(14)小桌板在侧扶手内,请让我来帮您打开。The small table is in your armrest, please let me op



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