
上传人:碎****木 文档编号:270891556 上传时间:2022-03-27 格式:DOCX 页数:2 大小:12KB
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1、 关于六一儿童节的英语作文:小学生庆六一诗歌Though you troubled me through and throughYou split the chalk and broke the glassAnd I made you kneel down tooBut now that the year is almost goneAnd the holidays are nearI am surprised most of all cozI cant believe the end is hereNext term you will be olderWhether wiser- I am

2、not sureSome other class teacher will face it allHow well I do not know.I remember all the fun we hadI am sure you remember tooAll the pranks and the spanksBut we managed to get throughI cant believe the end is hereYou will all be sorely missedAnd I hate to see you goCoz youll are very special kids.

3、Children of an Unfair GodMama, please dont hurt me anymoreI am only little, just about fourDont wake me up from my deep sleepDont take me to work; why cant it keep?Cant you send me to school?Like the neighbourhood kidsCant I learn to read and browse through books?No you cant, says the motherDragging her child awayYou must go to workTo keep hunger at bayFive children have we to keep and to feedHow can you think about so much sleep?


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