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1、1教学设计(精选多篇)第1篇:教学设计1TeachingPlanLearning EnglishBook 4 Leon46 Mothers and Fathers Are Special -Banqiao Middle SchoolKnowledge aims.1.Learn the new words and phrases and use them freely.2.Tell the cla to know the culture notes: Mothers Day and Fathers Day.-The Important Points.1.Tell the students des

2、cribe the origin (起源)of Mothers Day and Fathers Day.2.Encourage the students to retell the course (过程)of celebrating Mothers Day and Fathers Day.3.Train the students listening, speaking and reading.-The Difficult Points.1.Make the students understand mothers and fathers love to their children.2.Have

3、 them feel fathers and mothers better, Let them show their love to their parents.-Teaching Resource(资源).1.A tape recorder2. Somephotos.3.A song on (miing) mother.4. Acomputer.-Teaching methods.Listening, group work and imagination. -Teaching Steps.Stepe1 Lead-inT: Good morning boys and girls, would

4、you like to sing a song? Look at the screen, watch and listen, then gue what festival it is.(放映歌曲“思念母亲节”) Ss: Its Mothers DayT: You are right; do you love your mothers? Ss: Yes, very much.T: Why do you love your mothers? S1: Mother loves me very much.S2: Mothers love is true.S3: My mother is the bus

5、iest person in my family.S4: My mothers works very hard.She always thinks about others and never thinks about herself.S5: T: Very good.All of the mothers love their children very much.What about fathers?Ss: Fathers love their children, too.T: So we can say: “Mothers and Fathers Are Special.”Step2 Pr

6、esentationT: All of us know, China has a long history of respecting parents.What about other countries? Lets learn some culture notes of western countries.First: Please listen to the tape and answers.Then: Get the students to read the text in pairs according to the text.One asks, the other answers,

7、then change the roles each other.Step3: Free talk.T: Use your imagination, please describe how to celebrate Mothers Day Fathers Day.(屏幕显示提示画面或展示图片。) S6: People often buy many flowers for their mothers on Mothers Day.S7: People show their love to their parents in different ways.S8: I will try my best

8、 to make my mother or father happy.S9: I will give her/him a surprise.I will do a big meal on each day for them by myself.S10: I think (学生开始想象,气氛很浓。) Step4:TaskT: We have learned the two festivals.Who can finish the chart on the screen (blackboard)?Date: (the second Sunday in May.)Celebrating: (diff

9、erent people celebrate it indifferent ways.) Mothers DayOrigin: (in England, in the 1600s.)(in the United States, in the Early 1900s,Anna started it.)Date: (the third Sunday in June.)Celebrating: (give presents to fathers, father do Fathers Daywhatever they want.)Origin: (in the United States, in 19

10、10, in Mrs.John Dodd started it.)(The students tried to be the first to answer.They wrote the answerdown actively.) Step: Game.T: Now children, after learning this text, what do you think ofmothers and fathers love to you? Please playa role game to fill in them one by one, OK?Fathers love -Mothers l

11、ove - -S11: Mothers love is a sea and fathers love is like a mountain.S12: Mothers love is wide and fathers love is deep.S13: Mothers love is thick and fathers love is heavy.T: (smiling ) Great, you can understand mothers and fathers very much, then what should you do for them.Ss: We should love the

12、m.Step: Homework.1) Make a card or write a letter to your mother or your father, show him/her your love.2)Oral work: Do you think there be Mothers Day and Fathers Day in China? Why or why not?推荐第2篇:教学设计1追寻高雅生活教学设计七年级上册第七课第二框一、学习目标(一)知识目标1知道乐观、幽默的生活态度是追寻高雅生活的重要条件。 2正确认识从众心理和好奇心。3知道自觉陶冶高雅情趣的不同途径和方法。(二

13、)能力目标1自觉运用好奇心和从众心理的积极作用。2运用正确的方法,积极追寻高雅的生活,过真正富有情趣的生活。(三)情感、态度、价值观目标感受生活中美好的情趣,培养乐观幽默、积极向上的生活态度,自觉陶冶高尚的情操。二、教学重点、难点重点:从丰富的文化生活中领略生活的真正意义和情趣。 难点:正确运用好奇与从众心理,培养正当的兴趣。三、教学方法采用情境式教学法、讨论法、活动法,培养学生自主合作探究学习。四、教学过程(一)课前导入:在一次招待会上,服务员倒酒时,不慎将啤酒洒到一位宾客那光亮的秃头上。服务员吓得手足无措,全场人目瞪口呆。这位宾客却笑着说了一句话,化解了当时尴尬的局面,而且把在场的人都逗乐

14、了。他说了什么呢?(“老弟,你以为这种治疗方法会有效吗?”)如果我们每天都用这种高兴开心的状态,你就会发现原来我们的生活中到处都有美,处处都有我们生活的情趣,那么怎样才能让我们的生活更美好,追寻到更高雅的生活呢?这就是这节课我们共同探讨的问题。(设计意图:引起学生的兴趣,导入新课。) 课题:追寻高雅生活(二)讲授新课知识点一:乐观幽默的生活态度重要条件 活动一:笑看人生教师:看看哪位同学的想法最独特,最能把咱们逗乐了。(学生回答)教师:同学们脑子真聪明,有这么多的新奇的想法,咱们看看主人公到底说了什么(同学中有想的一样的给他鼓掌)。教师:我希望我们每个同学都能有一份好心情,拥有幽默的好品质,这

15、样你们会越发感受到生活的美好。(设计意图:激发学生的学习兴趣,小故事可让学生亲身体会用幽默的视角看待生活、化解尴尬,掌握秘诀一)。 知识点二:正确看待好奇与从众心理活动二:奇思妙想。问题准备:一个装着水的瓶子,底部扎一个孔,会不会流水呢?教师:谁认为会流水?谁认为不会流水?到底会不会流水?你想知道吗?好奇吗?学生:现场做小实验。(哪位同学自告奋勇上来,为大家揭开谜底?)教师:这是为什么呀?谜底不给大伙揭开,大家带着这份好奇心,将来学习物理时你们一定能够把这个问题解决,到时候你们一定要告诉我哦?正是因为这份好奇才有了众多的发明,才有了人类的进步,他们是仅仅停留在好奇上了吗?是所有的好奇对我们都有益吗?我们都能去尝试吗?(学生回答并举例子)如果我们对这些事产生了好奇后应该怎样做?克制、控制、把握住自己正确把握好奇心由好奇心还会引发一种心理这反映了一种什么样的心理现象?什么是从众?(学生回答)我们同学当中有没有类似的现象?(学生举例分析危害)所以我们应该反对的是盲目从众。从众有没有好的呀?(学生举例) 所以对于从众我们应该保持一种什么态度? 一分为二,要“择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之”。教师:这样我们就找到了追寻高雅生活的第二个秘



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