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1、此卷只装订不密封班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 绝密启用前浙江省2020年1月普通高中学业水平考试英语仿真模拟试题B(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:120分)选择题部分第一部分 听力(略)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。AWhen Apple cut its expectation benefit for the last quarter of 2018 because of slow sales of iPhones, markets wer

2、e shocked. The companys share price, which had been sliding for months, fell by a further 10% on January 3rd, the day after the news came out. Apples suppliers shares were also hit. But Apples pain is humans gain. The fact that these magical devices are now so popular is something to be celebrated.N

3、early 4bn of the 5.5bn adults on the planet now have one smartphone. They connect billions of people to the internets huge amount of information and services. Phones make markets more efficient and inspire growth. Yes, they can be used for wasting time and spreading disinformation. But the good far

4、outweighs the bad. They might be the most effective tool of development in existence.Actually this slowdown is the result of market saturation (饱和). After a decade of rapid taking-in, there is much less opportunity to sell handsets to first-time buyers as so few of them are left. And replacement cyc

5、les are becoming longer as new models offer only insignificant improvements. For all but the craziest fans, the slowing pace of upgrades comes as a welcome relief.Does that mean innovation (创新) is slowing No. The latest phones contain amazingly clever technology such as 3D face-scanners and cameras

6、assisted by artificial intelligence. Moreover, smartphones also provide a foundation for extra innovations, like mobile payments and video streaming, and for future ones, such as controlling “smart” home equipment or robotaxis.As computers become smaller, still more personal and closer to peoples bo

7、dies, many scientists believe that wearable devices will be the next big thing. Even so, finding another product with the range of the smartphone is a tall order. The recent slowing of smartphone sales is bad news for the industry, obviously. But for the rest of humans it is a welcome sign that a tr

8、ansformative technology has become almost universal.21. The writer considers the slowdown of smartphone sales good news because _.A. it can make market more efficientB. it slows crazy fans pace of upgradesC. it means less disinformation will spreadD. it indicates the popularity of smartphones22. We

9、can infer from the text that _.A. wearable devices will take the place of smartphones very soonB. in the future people might take a smartphone-controlled robotaxiC. Apples suppliers shares hit a record high after the news came outD. Apples share prices are likely to go on sliding in the next decade2

10、3. What is the best title for the text?A. A Brand New Age for HumansB. Smartphone, a Good Tool or a Bad Tool?C. New Technology in SmartphonesD. Bad News for Apple, Good News for HumansBIf 62 is the number in red on the top of your math test, for most of us, its a total disaster. Your entire week is

11、ruined, and 62 is what races through your head for the rest of the day. If 9 is the number of likes on that cute photo you posted the other day, many will feel rather disappointed.Our lives have become a constant system of ranks, assessments, and numbers. The days of passing judgment on others based

12、 on personality are gone, and now we judge based on how good a persons numbers are. We compare ourselves to the numbers of others, such as how low another persons weight is how high their paycheck. Self-worth is no longer based on quality of character, but quantity of numbers.In todays social media

13、consumed society, it has never been easier for people to broadcast their numbers to the world. A simple click of a button can take you to a page where you can observe the number of friends or followers a person has. Teenagers have taken on this mentality that if you dont have a certain number of fol

14、lowers, then you arent “cool”. Many feel they are not important if very few people are witnessing their status updates. This state of mind is harmful and not at all accurate. Twitter and Facebook can let the world witness your updates, but they will never let anyone see who you really are. In the en

15、d. self-worth should be based on what you think of yourself, not what the world thinks of you.So next time you receive a failing grade or you lose a follower, remember that these things cannot and should not define(定义)you. You are not your numbers. You are a person-a3-D living and breathing person with ideas and creativity and love that the rigidity of numbers cannot represent. You are the things you love and the things you laugh at and the way you treat others.24. How does the author sound in Paragraph 2?A. Regretful.B. Conservative.C. Doubtful.D. Friendly.25. According to the pas


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