新世纪大学英语综合教程1 课后答案 第二版秦秀白 Unit 4 Growing up Keys

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1、.Unit 4 Growing up: Keys to the execisesEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 Listed in the boxes below are some of the words that you need to be very familiar with. Now work in pairs and make sentences with each of them to see if you have really mastered

2、their usages. You are encouraged to consult a dictionary if you are still not quite sure about their meanings and usages.1) When the father learned about his sons school performance, hebeamedwith satisfaction.2) How do peoplecelebrateNew Years Day in your country?3) What are youcomplainingabout? You

3、 have already got everything you want.4) There were 24 peopleenrolledin the French class.5) The childrenpanickedwhen they saw the serious look on the teachers face.6) When I turned off the TV, all my three kidsprotested.7) He is toostubbornto admit that he was wrong.8) George is veryambitiousabout h

4、is future though he is just a teenager.9) My son is very good atfigures, and he plans to take up Mathematics as his major.10) He got veryfrustratedwhen he learned that he had failed the exam again.11) Being a verypossessivefather, he felt very unhappy when he learned his daughter was going to get ma

5、rried.12) How can you keep your children at home for the whole week? Of course, they will getrestless.2 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.精品.1) She finds herself inconflictwith her parents

6、 over her future career.2) The two parties finallyovercametheir differences on the matter of interest rate(利率).3) Some strange customshave survivedfrom earlier times.4) Please let us know if you canattendthe meeting scheduled(事先安排)for the coming Thursday.5) Shefrownedwith displeasure as she was read

7、ing her sons school report.6) Students are likely to let their mindswanderif the teachers lectures are dull and boring.7) I always feel soguiltyabout not visiting my parents more often, but I do have lots of things to cope with every day.8) The local farmerssustainedheavy losses during the flood sea

8、son.9) The next morning we all went out tosurveythe damage caused by the fire.10) The sudden appearance of a tiger from the woodsterrifiedus all.11) International students are required to carry medicalinsuranceas a condition of enrollment(注册).12)Adaptingto a new culture is no easy task because there

9、 are lots of cultural differences to overcome.3 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercises. Change the form where necess

10、ary.1) The old manwas sick ofhaving arguments all the time with his wife.精品.2) “You really cant imagine what I have gone through,” Mary said,choking backher tears.3)Compared withgrowing up in primitive societies, growing up in todays world is in some ways harder.4) When I firstsettled intoteaching i

11、n this small town, I felt very awkward, for my neighbors wanted to know everything about me.5) The boyswould give anything / the worldto meet that football star.6) Tom rushed into the room when Jane and I werein the midst ofaconversation.7) Its true that his father is a world-famous movie star, but

12、Jack became famousin his own right.8) We didnt plan it like that but itworked outvery well.9) At first he found it extremely hard tofit in withhis colleagues at the new company.10) When I was in my teens, I graduallygrew apartfrom my parents, only to realize how wrong I was in my later years.11) Im

13、sorry to hear that youre suffering from a severe cold.No wonderyou did not turn up at the party yesterday.12) It is not a healthy habitstaying uptoo late.13) Iwas annoyed withmy mothers tight control over me and ended up shouting at her one day.14) The boywas scared ofhis mother because she would al

14、ways scold(责怪)him if he did anything wrong.精品.15) Because of my carelessness, I soon found myselfin troubleagain and then I realized that what my mother had said was right.16) He is not a very responsible person.Forinstance, he promised to come to our meeting, but never even responded when we invite

15、d him. Increasing Your Word Power1 The words listed in the following box can be used to describe either a teenager or a parent. Go over each word carefully and then choose the right word to complete each sentence.1) He is a verypossessivefather. He says “no” to all his daughters boyfriends.2) A(n)over-protectiveparent usually weakens his / her childs belief in his / her ability to solve his / her own problems.3) Are you a(n)frustratedparent whose teenager always makes angry scenes when you try to get him or her to “just DO something”?4) Hispossessivemother wants him



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