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1、四级图表类作文范文求四级作文图表类型的范文和例句,万能句,越多越好.楼上别广告-_-为帮助大家更好准备英语四六级图表作文,现给大家提供“英语六级考试图表作文的常用词”总结,希望对你们考试有帮助!1.有用的词上升:increase、rise、 ascend 、core、 surge 、go up 、climb 、mount、 level up下降: decrease、 fall 、drop、 descend、 decline 、reduce 、lessen、 level down平稳:stable 、steady、 remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/simi

2、lar to波动:fluctuate、 fluctuation、 rise and falls、 up and down占:occupy、 take up、 account for、 gain而:while、 howeve、r whereas、 on the other hand、 actually/in fact相比:by contract、 on the contrary、 likewise、 compared with最高点:the highest 、the top、 the summit 、the peak、 the most最低点:bottom 、less 、least 、rock

3、bottom平均:mean、 average趋势:tendancy 、trend、 inclination预见:prediction达到顶峰: mount to在*中占*:*gain the percentage of有一个稳定的过程:a stable period can be seen2.分项目的总结 真题网在做这个之前,把“模板”说一下:第一段:The*(某种图,比如bar chart ,pie chart或是curve graph)show*(简单写写情况,比如“妇女受教育程度”,“美国能源利用”,这些一般可以在图下面的说明文字中找到),From the *(某种土)we can ha

4、ve a understanding of *(又是什么情况)注:第二句话是废话,是为了凑字数,字数够了的时候就可以不用了,当然写的时候注意表达方式的一些小改动第二段:说明段,From the*/*illustrate* +一些内容,主要写以下几个方面:极点(极大,极小),趋势,特别点(交点,转折点,相同点和一些在特定图上有意义的点)第三段:From the chart,we may have a basic understanding of the situation of凑字数用的!3. 一些表达:A.柱形图increase rise go up / drop decrease decli

5、neB.饼图*is dividedsintos*parts *consume the largest prtion *accounting for*(百分比)of *is* *play a very important role in *C.线形图From this point Drop/increase dramaticly a modest /rapid increase1.以时间为比较基础的应抓住“变化”:上升,下降,或是波动,题中对两个或两个以上的变量进行描述时应在此基础上进行比较,如变量多于两个应进行分类或有侧重的比较。2.不以时间为比较基础的应注意对极点的描述。求四级作文 图表文和

6、应用文的范文及万用句型 急!图表作文1. As is shown by the graph/in the table。(概述图表) 正如曲线所示,最近54年来该国人口飞速增长。As is shown by the graph,there has been a rapid increase in the population of the country in the past five years. 2. It can be seen from the table that (得出结论) shown graph concluded figures estimated statistics A.

7、 从表中所给的统计数字可以看出,从1985年到1990年中国的人均收入迅速提高。 From the statistics given in the table it can be seen that the average personal income of the Chinese people increased (grew 、rose) rapidly from 1985 to 1990. B. 从曲线图可以得出结论,最近5年来中国人口的出生率已经大大下降。It can be concluded from the graph that there has been a great dec

8、line in birth rates in China in the past five years. 3. amount to (数量总计) add up to come to sum up to 全部费用合计200美元。 All the expenses (costs) amount to (= add up to) $ 200. 4. increase from to (数量增减) decrease rise fall drop A. 这个工厂生产的彩电已由1986年的5000台增加到1990年的21000台。The number of colour TV sets produced

9、by the factory increased (rose , grew , climbed) from 5000 in 1986 to 21000 in 1990. B.参加者的人数增加到30万。 The number of paticipants grew up to 300000 persons = increased , reaching 300000 persons). C. 这个学校的教职工人数已减少到700人。The number of teaching staff members in this school has decreased to 700 persons. 5.(

10、be)three times as + 形容词 + as 总产量 total output 钢的年产量 the annual output of 上升17% rise by 17per cent steel 日产量 the daily output 导致产量下降 result in a diminished output 现在我们地区的粮食产量相当于1970年的3倍。 The grain production (= output)in our area now is three times as great as that of 1970. 6.Compared with , 与去年相比,今年

11、13项主要产品的产量都有大幅度增长。The factory has an output of 9 million cigarettes daily. Compared with that of last year,the output of 13 main products (= items) this year has increased to a great extent. 7.There is (was) a rapid rise in be on the rise has been sharp increase on the increase sudden decrease on th

12、e decline steady decline gradual fall slow drop slight 最近几年来这个地区的棉花产量有了迅速增长。 The cotton output in this area has increased rapidly in the past few years. “结尾”段落中常用的句型: 1. In my opinion, 2. Personally, I 3. In short (= In brief), 4. In conclusion, 5.As far as Im concerned, 6. To conclude , it seems cl

13、ear that 至于说到我,我赞成前一种观点。所以,我的结论是,只要我们坚持正确的东西,改正错误的东西,我们就一定能成功。 As far as Im concerned ,Im in favour of the former view.Therefore,my conclusion is that we are certain to succeed as long as we stick to what is right and correct what is wrong.。四级作文图表类怎么写我看了最近两期的英语四级考试是图文类的,图标类作文怎么写啊 图表作文是四级写作中难度较大的一种写作

14、题型。这类作文可综合提供题目、数据、图像、提纲,形式多样, 【听!】【力!】【课!】【堂!】【网!】老师分四级作文图表类分析涉及5个方面:描述图表、指明寓意、分析原因、联系实际、给出建议。而每次考试只是从这5个方面的内容中选出3个结合在一起。从写作类型来看,文体多以说明文和议论文为主。要求考生围绕题目将有关信息转化为文字形式。写图表作文时对图表和数据内容不必全部描述,只需重点引用能支持观点的一些数据。分析图表时切不可凭空想象,要善于抓住总的规律和趋势。时态方面除特定的时间用过去时外,常用一般现在时。一般以三段式写作方法来组织文章。急求英语四级图表作文题目!例1Directions: For t

15、his part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on Changes in Peoples Diet. Study the following table carefully and your composition must be based on the information given in the table. Write three paragraphs to: 1. State the changes in peoples diet(饮食)in the past five years 2. Give possible reasons for the changes 3. Draw your own conclusion You should quote as few figures as possible. Kinds1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Grain 49% 47% 46.5% 45% 45% Milk 10% 11% 11% 12% 13% Meat 17% 20% 22.5% 23% 21% Fruit and Vegetable 24% 22% 20% 20% 21% Total 100% 100% 100%


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