定语从句 教学设计(收藏)

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《定语从句 教学设计(收藏)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《定语从句 教学设计(收藏)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、定语从句(一) 教学设计 授课人:张传喜课题Grammar focus:The Attributive Clause课型语法课课时1课时学习目标1. 知识目标 学生了解和掌握定语从句的概念及句中先行词关系代词等名称的具体位置所在。 学生理解和掌握whothatwhich等关系代词引导的定语从句来描述人或事物的用法。2. 能力目标学生能正确使用whothatwhich等引导的定语从句来描述人或事物。3. 情感目标通过自主合作学习,培养学生细心的观察能力归纳总结的能力;在活动过程中,学生能互相协助,相互交流,意识到合作的重要性。 定语从句的概念。 如何使用who that which等关系代词引导

2、定语从句来描述人或事物。难点正确运用whichthatwho引导的定语从句来描述人或事物问题导入Leadin:1. Talking about somebody or something that the students know, Then teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard.Eg: She is a teacher. She teaches you math this term. She is a teacher who/that teaches you math this term.This is a mobile phone.

3、 I bought it last year.This is a mobile phone which/that I bought last year.2. Asking the Ss to read and translate the sentences, and then have the Ss observe these sentences. Ask : Do they have the same structure? What differences do they have?3.Teacher writes down Attributive Clause on the blackbo

4、ard.5分钟自主学习Task 1:Definition of Attributive Clause:谈一谈:What is Attributive Clause ? What is antecedent ,ntsid()nt ?What is relative ?2)Help the Ss summarize the Definition of Attributive Clause:定语从句:在复合句中,用来修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。 先行词:定语从句所修饰的词叫做先行词。关系词:引导定语从句的词叫做关系词.(分为关系代词和关系副词)3)Show the following sente

5、nces on the screen and analyze it for the students.e.g: She is an English teacher who likes singing songs 先行词 定语从句Task 2:试一试:Ask the Ss to point out the sentence antecedent and relative in the sentence.Task 3:辨一辨:Find out the attributive clause and tell the reason. (group work)10分钟互动质疑Activity 1:Tea

6、cher explains how to use “that”which”who”“whom” as relative in the attributive clause.Teacher analyzes each sentence and show the rule one by one on the screen.which:在从句中作主语或宾语,指物。1) They planted the trees. The trees didnt need much water. They planted the trees which didnt need much water. (作主语/指物)

7、2) The fish were not fresh. we bought the fish.The fish which we bought were not fresh. (作宾语/指物) who,whom : 在从句中分别作主语和宾语,指人。1) The boy is called Michael. the boy broke the window. The boy who broke the window is called Michael. (作主语/指人)2) The person is Mr. Li. You just talked to Mr. Li .The person w

8、hom you just talked to is Mr. Li. (作宾语/指人) that: 在从句中作主语或宾语,指人或物。 1) A plane is a machine. The machine can fly.A plane is a machine that can fly. (作主语/指物,可用which替换)2) The noodles were delicious. I cooked the noodles.The noodles (that) I cooked were delicious. (作宾语/指物,可用which替换,也可省略)Activity 2:Have t

9、he Ss look at the picture and talk about them with the attributive clause.15分钟检测反馈Practice: 1填一填: Fill in the blanks with the correct relative.2. 猜一猜: Guessing game. 3. 连一连: Join two sentences into one.Language in use:说一说:Tell me your hobbies by attributive clause.(T: You know everyone has his own h

10、obby. I have too. showing the sentences on the screen.)I like to do a job that is a big challenge to me .I enjoy watching films which is about war and peace.I prefer food that is fresh and delicious.I like to talk with those who are friendly to me.Can you tell me whats your hobby by attributive clau

11、se as I said?Have the Ss work in groups and then ask some Ss to tell us their hobbies one by one if there is any time.HomeworkAsk Ss to finish the grammar exercise on Page 103 (Activity 17 10分钟总结提升 Summary: Sum up the use of attributive clause that learned in this class.关系代词先行词所指关系代词在从句中作用that人物主宾wh

12、ich物主宾who人主whom人宾5分钟附:板书设计She is a teacher. She teaches you math this term. 定语从句(Attributive clause)She is a teacher who/that teaches you math this term. This is a mobile phone. I bought it last year. 先行词This is a mobile phone which/that I bought last year. 关系代词:that which who whom【感谢您的阅览,下载后可自由编辑和修改,关注我 每天更新】4 / 4


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