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1、曾几何时在美国上大学不需要背负债务,而现如今高等教育已然成为了消费品,价格高昂,让人无力承担。但与此同时学校和发放贷款的银行却因为学生的贷款而获得巨大的利润。演讲者Samuel提出了一个针对如此现象的解决方案,下面是为大家收集关于TED英语演讲压榨学生的大学贷款,欢迎借鉴参考。演说题目How college loans exploit students for profit演说者SamuelToday 40 million Americans are indebted fortheir passage to the new economy. Too poor to pay their way

2、through college,they now owe lenders more than one trillion US dollars. They do find what jobsthey can get to pay off a debt that is secured on their person. In America,even a bankrupt gambler gets a second chance. But it is nearly impossible foran American to get discharged their student loan debts

3、.现在,四千万美国人为了奔小康而背上债务 穷到无法支付自己的大学学费,这些人的负债总额已超过一万亿美元。的确,他们能找到工作来偿还以个人名义担保的债务。在美国,即使是破产的赌徒也有重来的机会。但是一个美国人 想要还清其助学贷款却几乎是不可能的。Once upon a time in America, going tocollege did not mean graduating with debt. My friend Pauls father graduatedfrom Colorado State University on the GI Bill. For his generation,

4、 highereducation was free or almost free, because it was thought of as a public good.Not anymore.以前在美国,上大学不意味着要负债毕业。我的朋友保罗,他的父亲 在退伍军人法案的帮助下,从科罗拉多州立大学毕业了。他那个时代,高等教育基本上是免费的,因为当时高等教育被认为是一种公益事业。现在不是了。When Paul also graduated from Colorado State University, he paidfor his English degree by working part-t

5、ime. 30 years ago, higher educationtuition was affordable, reasonable, and what debts you accumulated, you paidoff by graduation date. Not anymore. Pauls daughter followed in his footsteps,but with one difference: when she graduated five years ago, it was with awhopping debt.当保罗也从科罗拉多州立大学毕业时,他是通过兼职才

6、拿到了他的英语学位。30年前,高等教育的学费定价合理,大多数人都能支付得起,你欠下的债务在毕业的时候也能还清。现在就不可能了。保罗的女儿遵循父辈的足迹(也去了科罗拉多大学),有一点不同的是,五年前,她毕业的时候 就背负了巨大的债务。Students like Kate have to take on a loanbecause the cost of higher education has become unaffordable for many if notmost American families. But so what Getting into debt to buy an exp

7、ensiveeducation is not all bad if you could pay it off with the increased income thatyou earned from it. But thats where the rubber meets the road. Even a collegegrad earned 10 percent more in 20xx than she did in 20xx.像凯特那样的孩子只能贷款 因为高等教育的费用 对于大多数家庭来说都难以承受。但那又怎样呢如果将来可以赚更多的钱来还债,现在借钱来读书也是不错的。但是事实上,20x

8、x年的毕业生 都比20xx年毕业的她收入多出10%。So . tuition costs up, public fundingdown, family incomes diminished, personal incomes weak. Is it any wonder thatmore than a quarter of those who must cannot make their student loan paymentsThe worst of times can be the best of times, because certain truths flash up inways

9、 that you cant ignore. I want to speak of three of them today.所以,学费越来越贵,公共资金支持越来越少,家庭存款越来越少,个人收入越来越低。所以这也难怪为什么有四分之一的学生 肯定没有办法还清他们的助学贷款了吧。最坏的时代也可能是最好的时代,因为你无法忽视很多血淋淋的真相。我今天想说三点。2 trillion dollars of debts for diplomasmake it abundantly obvious that higher education is a consumer product you canbuy. A

10、ll of us talk about education just as the economists do now, as aninvestment that you make to improve the human stock by training them for work.As an investment you make to sort and classify people so that employers canhire them more easily.2 万亿的助学贷款债务 非常明显地证明了 高等学位已经变成了 可以购买的消费品。与经济学家一样,我们把教育看成是一种通

11、过培训 来提升人类的投资。是一种将人排序分类从而 帮助雇主挑选人才的投资。The U.S. News World Report ranks colleges justas the consumer report rates washing machines. The language is peppered withbarbarisms. Teachers are called service providers, students arecalled consumers. Sociology and Shakespeare and soccer and science,all of thes

12、e are content.美国新闻与世界报道对大学进行排名,就像顾客为洗衣机排名一样。往往措辞犀利教师们被称为提供服务者,学生们则是消费者。社会学、莎士比亚、足球和科学 所有这些都是(商品的)内容。Student debt is profitable. Only not onyou. Your debt fattens the profit of the student loan industry. The two800-pound gorillas of which - Sallie Mae and Navient - posted last year acombined profit o

13、f 2 billion dollars. And just like home mortgages, studentloans can be bundled and packaged and sliced and diced, and sold on WallStreet. And colleges and universities that invest in these securitized loansprofit twice. Once from your tuition, and then again from the interest on debt.学生贷款是有利可图的,但不是通

14、过学生来实现利润 你的债务则增加了学生贷款市场的利润。两大学生贷款供应商 Sallie Mae and Navient 去年一共赚取12亿美元。就像房贷一样,学生贷款也可以捆绑或分割并在华尔街出售。那些投资于证券化贷款的 大学和学院便可从中获利两次,首先是从你缴纳的学费 然后再从债务利息中获利。With all that money to be made, are wesurprised that some in the higher education business have begun to engage infalse advertising, in bait and switch

15、. in exploiting the very ignorance thatthey pretend to educate有如此可观的利润,那么一些高等教育企业 开始打虚假广告,通过引诱或偷换概念 来剥削那些毫不知情的,这些企业假装去培养的学生,就毫不稀奇了Third: diplomas are a brand. Many years agomy teacher wrote, When students are treated as consumers, theyre madeprisoners of addiction and envy. Just as consumers can be

16、sold and resoldupgraded versions of an iPhone, so also people can be sold more and moreeducation. College is the new high school, we already say that. But why stopthere People can be upsold on certifications and recertifications, mastersdegrees, doctoral degrees.第三,学位是一种品牌。许多年前我的老师写到 当学生被当成消费者,上瘾和嫉妒就会应运而生。商家可以不断将最新款的iPhone卖给消费者,学校也可以向人们兜售教育。大学是新的高中。我们早已深知这点



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