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1、别总为自己面试失败找各种理由和借口了,在回复面试官提出的各种刁钻问题时,你真的能对答如流吗还是稳一些,先结合自己的真实情况去选择面试吧。下面是为大家收集关于TED英语演讲找工作面试为什么过不去,欢迎借鉴参考。找工作面试为什么过不去演讲者Regina HartleyYour company launches a search for an open position. The applications start rolling in, and the qualified candidates are identified. Now the choosing begins. Person A:

2、Ivy League, 0, flawless resume, great recommendations. All the right stuff. Person B: state school, fair amount of job hopping, and odd jobs like cashier and singing waitress. But remember - both are qualified. So I ask you: who are you going to pick你的公司发布了一个公开招聘的职位。申请表开始滚滚而来,合格的候选人已被挑选出来。现在开始挑选。候选人

3、A常春藤盟校,绩点0,完美的履历,出色的推荐信。所有好的要素都具备。候选人B公立学校毕业,碾转于各种工作之间,甚至包括做收银员和唱歌的服务生。不过请记得 两位都是符合要求的。所以,我要问问你们你们会选择哪一位My colleagues and I created very official terms to describe two distinct categories of candidates. We call A the Silver Spoon, the one who clearly had advantages and was destined for success. And

4、we call B the Scrapper, the one who had to fight against tremendous od党史 to get to the same point. You just heard a human resources director refer to people as Silver Spoons and Scrappers -我和我的同事发明了一些非常正式的术语,来描述这两个不同类别的候选人。我们把 A 称为含着金钥匙(直译为银汤匙)的人,一个明显具有优势,而且注定会成功的人。我们把 B 称为拳击手,必须努力冲破重重难关才能实现同样的目标。你们

5、刚刚听到了一个人力资源总监将应聘者比作 银汤匙和拳击手which is not exactly politically correct and soun党史 a bit judgmental. But before my human resources certification gets revoked -let me explain.这听起来在政治上不太正确,而且还有些武断。但在我的人力资源证书被吊销前让我来解释一下。A resume tells a story. And over the years, Ive learned something about people whose ex

6、periences read like a patchwork quilt, that makes me stop and fully consider them before tossing their resumes away. A series of odd jobs may indicate inconsistency, lack of focus, unpredictability. Or it may signal a committed struggle against obstacles. At the very least, the Scrapper deserves an

7、interview.一份简历讲述了一个故事。过去的那些年,我了解到那些经历好似拼布床单的人,会让我在把他们的简历扔掉前会停下来认真地考虑一下他们。一系列杂乱的工作可能意味着易变,不专心,难以捉摸。或者,它可能标志着努力挣扎跨越障碍。至少,拳击手应该得到一次面试机会。To be clear, I dont hold anything against the Silver Spoon; getting into and graduating from an elite university takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice. But if your wh

8、ole life has been engineered toward success,how will you handle the tough times One person I hired felt that because he attended an elite university,there were certain assignments that were beneath him, like temporarily doing manual labor to better understand an operation. Eventually, he quit. But o

9、n the flip side, what happens when your whole life is destined for failure and you actually succeed不过我要强调一下,我并不排斥银汤匙;能够被精英大学录取并顺利毕业,同样需要付出很多心血和牺牲。但是,如果你的一生都被设计为走向成功,你要如何应对困难的时刻呢一位我曾经雇用过的人认为,因为他毕业于精英大学,某些类型的工作对他而言是低下的,比如短时间从事体力劳动以更好地了解公司运作。最终,他离开了。但是,另一方面,如果你的人生注定失败,而你却成功了,这是怎么回事呢I want to urge you t

10、o interview the Scrapper. I know a lot about this because I am a Scrapper. Before I was born, my father was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, and he couldnt hold a job in spite of his brilliance. Our lives were one part Cuckoos Nest, one part Awakenings and one part A Beautiful Mind.我会建议你去面试拳击手

11、。我很了解这些, 因为我自己就是一个拳击手。 在我出生之前, 我的父亲就被诊断为精神分裂症, 他无法继续工作 尽管他很有才华。 我们的生活就像飞越疯人院, 无语问苍天, 和美丽心灵的合集。Im the fourth of five children raised by a single mother in a rough neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. We never owned a home, a car, a washing machine, and for most of my childhood, we didnt even have a te

12、lephone. So I was highly motivated to understand the relationship between business success and Scrappers, because my life could easily have turned out very differently. As I met successful business people and read profiles of high-powered leaders, I noticed some commonality.我是一位单身母亲五个孩子中的第四个,我们在纽约布鲁

13、克林一个混乱的街区生活。我们从未拥有过一个家,一辆车,或是一个洗衣机,在我童年的大部分时间,我们甚至没有一部电话。因此我有很强的意愿去理解生意场的成功和拳击手的关联,因为我的人生很容易就会发展出不同的结局。我见过成功的商人,也阅读过具备出色领导能力的人的资料,我发现了其中的一些共性。Many of them had experienced early har党史hips, anywhere from poverty, abandonment, death of a parent while young, to learning disabilities, alcoholism and viol

14、ence. The conventional thinking has been that trauma lea党史 to distress, and theres been a lot of focus on the resulting dysfunction. But during studies of dysfunction, data revealed an unexpected insight: that even the worst circumstances can result in growth and transformation. A remarkable and cou

15、nterintuitive phenomenon has been discovered, which scientists call Post Traumatic Growth.他们中的很多人经历过早年的困顿,可能是贫穷,被抛弃,亲人的早逝, 也可能是学习障碍,酗酒和暴力。传统的思维认为创伤会导致痛苦,而且还重点强调了失败的结果。但在我研究这些不成功的案例期间,得到的数据却揭示了一个出乎意料的结论即便是最糟的境遇也能导致成长和转变。一个显著但有悖常理的现象已经被发现了,科学家们称之为创后成长。In one study designed to measure the effects of ad

16、versity on children at risk, among a subset of 698 childrenwho experienced the most severe and extreme conditions, fully one-third grew up to lead healthy, successful and productive lives. In spite of everything and against tremendous od党史, they succeeded. One-third.在一项设计用来衡量逆境对困苦的孩子会产生怎样影响的研究表明,在698位参与测试的孩子,在经历了最艰苦严苛的考验后,他们中的三分之一长大后获得了健康、成功以及丰富的人生。尽管经历了巨大的艰难,但最后还是成功了。有三分之



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