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1、英语必修III译林牛津版Unit3课堂精讲精练036take over夺取,接管(教材 P42)ln 89 BC, the Romans took over Pompeii.公元前89年,罗马人接管了庞贝城。take aw.y 章上uke out章由津由;专由去take.far.把误认为ukc in解;411ftuke over#tike on M 4( ; 4 M ; JL 现;承 (朗文 P2ioo)Sometimes I think he wants to take over the world.有时候我认为他想掌控整 个世界。 件津P2059)Dont be taken in by h

2、is charmhe*s ruthless.不要被他迷人的风度所蒙蔽 其实他冷酷无情。 Our new car takes up the whole garage.我们的新车占用了整个车库。 Weve taken on three new employees this month.我们这个月雇佣了3名新员工。O7carry out实施;执行;实现;完成(教材 P55)A surprise attack was carried out there by the Japanese in 1941.1941 年,R 本军 队进行了一次突然袭击。carry out实it,执行,实成.carry的常用短

3、南orry off夺如生命)成将(矣希丧有carry on 续 F 去carry away运走;使夫控/於迷carry through K榆.完成,雄持 (朗文 P289)Teenagers carried out a survey on attitudes to drugs.青少年对人们对待毒品 的态度进行了调查。 Well carry on our conversation tomorrow.我们明天将继续展开对话。 His courage will carry him throu旦h.他的。气会常他渡过难关。 He carried off most of the prizes.他赢得了

4、大部分奖项。O8in memory of 纪念(教材 Pss)ln memory of the Americans who died in the attack, a national memorial was built in Pearl Harbor just above the remains of Arizona.为了纪念在袭击中丧生的美国士兵,在珍珠港的亚利桑那号的残骸上方,国家建立了一 座纪念碑。(Din iwiTHwy d” dw nwEory oCT 乏念in praise of 曾美.歌*#in honour为了向 表示念search of 为了 寻找in charge of

5、 贵短语control of 也制in wpporc of 丈梓Gvour of 贵成gp&cof代替 (牛津 Pi258)He founded the charity in memory of his late wife.他创办 了这一慈善事业以 纪念他己故的妻子。 She wrote poems in praise of freedom.她写诗讴歌自由。 Only a few students spoke in support of the proposal.只有儿个学生表示支持这一提议。一站式集训I .选词填空under.protection; be decorated with; br

6、eak down; cut down; be divided into; rise up: have a deep influence on1.What his father saidhim all the life.2.He asked to be putpolice.3.Her healthunder the pressure of work.4.Im trying toon the amount of coffee 1 drink.5.Christmas treeslights of different colors.6.Our class_seven small groups.7.In

7、diana steel worker_against their bosses, damanding safer workconditions and better pay.【答案】1. had a deep influence on 2.under; protection 3.broke down 4.cut down 5.are decorated with 6.is divided into 7.rose upII .完成句子1. 这家公司已被一家大公司接管了。The companya large one.2. 我们将制定出一个计划,下个月我们就想看到计划实施。We will, whic

8、h wed like to seenext month.3. 它被命名为哈佛大学来纪念其创立者。It was named Harvard University.4. 天气变得非常恶劣,我们不得不原路折回。The weather became so bad that we had to.5. 他对这个计划很乐观,你最好别阻拦他。He quitethe plan , so youd betternot.【答案】1. has been taken over by2. work out a plan; carried out3. in memory of its founder4. turn back

9、5. is; optimistic about; stand in his pathIII.单项填空1. (2020江苏南通、扬州、泰州二模)To keep safean earthquake, you shouldremain at a spot in your room where nothing may fall on you.A. in search of B. in advance of C. in terms of D. in case of解析:选D。本题考查介词短语辨析o in search of寻找;in advance of在.前面,超过; in terms of就.而言;

10、in case of万一,以防。句意:万一地震,为了保证你的安全,你最 好待在一个不会有东西掉下来的地方。故选Do2. (2020-安徽合肥第一次质检)一How was the schools sports meet?We didnt plan it like that but itvery well.A. tried out B. went out C. worked out D. carried out解析:选C。答句句意:我们事先并没有那样计划,但最后结果却很好。workout”成功 地发展”,符合语意。try out意为“试验”;goout意为“出去,熄灭w; carryout意为“贯

11、彻, 实行。3. (2020福建四地六校第三次联考)My parents expected too much of me.When they heardthat I had failed in the college entrance examination, they almost.A. broke up B. broke off C. broke out D. broke down解析:选D。break up表示“破裂,解体;break off表示“断开;break out表示“爆发”; break down表示“抛锚,崩溃,垮掉”,从语意“父母听到我高考落榜,儿乎要崩溃了”,可知 选D项

12、。4. (2020-高考陕西卷)Some insectsthe colour of their surroundings to protectthemselves.A. take in B. take off C. take on D. take out解析:选C。句意:为了保护自己,一些昆虫身上呈现与周围环境一样的颜色。take in理 解,吸收,欺骗”;takeoff起飞,脱去:take onM呈现,承担:takeout清除,除掉”。5. Henry has looked upinfornation related to his essay.A. a great deal of B. a

13、number of C. a good many D. a few of 解析:选Ao information %不可数名词,应用a great deal of修饰。6. Chinas Youths Day, a celebration evening took place on our campus.lt was a success.A. In place of B. In hopes of C. Instead of D. In memory of解析:选D。根据题意可知,D项正确。这句话的意思是:为了纪念中国青年节,我们 学校举行了一次庆祝晚会,结果很成功。其他选项不符合语境。in pl

14、ace of意思是“代替; in hopes of 希望”;instead of a代替;而不是7. (2020 年高考辽宁卷)1 agree to his suggestion the condition that he drops allcharges.A. byB. inC. onD. to解析:选C。句意:我同意他的建议,条件是他降低费用。on condition that, “条件是”, 引导条件状语从句。8. , education is about learning and the more you learn, the more equipped for life you ar

15、e.A. As far as I concernedB. As far as I am concernedC. So far as I am concerningD. So far as I was concerned解析:选 Be as / so far as sb./sth.be concerned 是一固定结构,“就而言”,排除 A、C,再根据后文的education is.,可知应该用现在时态,排除D。9. The girl is working very hard, expecting to the test.A. get throughB. see through C. look through D. run through解析:选A句意:这女孩正在努力学习,希望通过考试。A通过,及格;B看穿;C浏 览;D流过,贯穿。根据句意选A。10. What are you reading, Tom?Im not


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