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1、.摘要48 / 48.历史实践证明,纵观整个外交实践,一国的外交政策需要贴近不断变化的世界形势以适应不同的挑战和维护国际利益的需要。战后,随着全球一体化和社会信息化的不断发展,国家间的关系开始调整,综合国力的竞争日益激烈,较以往的以政治、军事、经济等硬实力为主导的国际关系,国际社会的价值观、思想、文化等软国力的作用不断上升,对一国外交政策的影响日益突出。在这一背景下,许多国家开始反思其外交政策,衡量软权力与硬权力的作用,认识到文化软权力具有潜移默化的作用,这种作用更柔和,更易被接受从而实现各国的政治扩张合法化,更符合时代要求,于是文化外交走向外交战略舞台的前台。为了适应这一形势,韩国提出和采取

2、了一系列的对外文化政策的主张和行动,勾勒出韩国文化外交的轮廓与内容。从 98 年韩国的文化立国到韩流的盛行,甚至到今天李明博提出的继续扩大文化外交,加强国际文化交流,短短数年,韩国一扫经济危机的阴霾,挺进世界文化大国行列。具体来讲韩国的文化政策包括对内巩固传统文化,支持和鼓励发展文化产业,利用文化产业的发展为其推行文化价值观奠定了经济基础;对外积极参与和利用国际多边机制,推动文化交流与合作,开展文化外交。文化外交不断丰富和充实着韩国的总体外交,不仅仅促进韩国经济的飞速发展,同时也塑造和提升了韩国良好的国家形象,使其在东亚汉文化圈内取得了巨大的成功。这一成功得到了世界的广泛关注。本文系统阐述了韩


4、对外文化交流和文化产业,韩国文化外交就是在这一过程中形成,III.并对韩国总体发展带来了巨大的影响。三、系统论述韩国文化外交的实现形式、特点。试从文化外交的理论入手,从韩国文化外交的目的和手段等角度挖掘韩国文化外交的深层内涵、特点。从而为下一部分对韩国文化外交的深入分析奠定基础。四、笔者从个人认识角度上对韩国文化外交进行了一些战略方面的初步思考,主要对韩国文化外交的成功和发趋势进行考察,并通过这些分析来反思当前中国文化外交的现状与不足,给中国文化外交的发展提出一些建议。.IV关键词:文化外交 文化产业国家形象拿来主义与走出去.AbstractThe historical practice pr

5、oved that, the diplomatic practice needs to draw close to theworld changing to adapt to the variety of the challenge and the international benefit. AtPostwar, along with the development of the globalization and the informationization, Theinternational relationships had changed, and international soc

6、ietys values, the thought, theculture, which are called the soft right highlights in the international relations function,these factors also influence a countrys foreign policy day by day. Under this background,many countries start to reconsider its foreign policy structure; they balance the relativ

7、eimportance of the soft right and the hard right. For the cultural soft right can influencespeople in a subtly way, so it can be accepted easily, therefore the cultural diplomacy is pushedto the onstage. In order to adapt to this situation, South Korea proposed and has adopted aseries of foreign pol

8、icy position and the motion, outlines the South Koreans culture.diplomacy and the content.Consolidated traditional culture, develops the cultural industry.vigorously; participate and use international multilateral mechanism, impel the culturalprotection, the exchange and the cooperation, Implement c

9、ulture diplomacy. Now the Culturaldiplomacy is rich and substantial South Koreas total diplomacy, at the meantime the Culturaldiplomacy of the South Korea has gained a remarkable result. This article elaborated the SouthKorean culture diplomacy production, the performance as well as the reason of it

10、 yields theremarkable result Systematically ,believed that the analyses of the South Korean culturediplomacy may give the Chinese who is under developing some advices.Based on this, this paper is divided into three parts. Introduction, the main text andconclusion.The first part is the introduction p

11、art. This part is meanly introduce the study on the SouthKoreans culture present; It elaborated the topic theory of the paper selected and the practicalsignificance; Elaborated the paper research technique; explained the paper innovation spot.The second part is the main text part. There are four sma

12、ll parts.V.Firstly, mainly analyzes the reason and the background which the South Korean culturediplomacy forms, points out the necessity and the pressing to develop culture diplomacy.Emphasis along with the contact of theculture 、economy and politics, , develops the South.Korean culture diplomacy a

13、lready become a more important question for the South Korea toenhance the national image.Secondly, reviews the development course of the South Korean culture diplomacy,elaborated the South Korean culture diplomacy already formed in reality, with thedevelopment of the South Korea, its gradually reali

14、zed the strength power of cultural,developed the foreign cultural exchange and the cultural industry positively, and yielded theremarkable result.Thirdly, elaborates the performance and the characteristic of the South Korean culturediplomacy. Tries to find the in-depth connotation, the characteristi

15、c from South Korean cultureangles and so on diplomacy goal and method excavates the South Korean culture diplomacy.Thus lays the foundation for the next part to place of the South Korean culture diplomacysuccess analysis.Fourth, the author has carried on some strategic aspect preliminary ponder fromindividual understanding angle to the South Korean culture diplomacy, mainly embarks to theSouth Korean culture diplomacy successful reason carries on the inspection, and reconsidersthe development of the Chinese culture diplomacy. Through these analyses and theinsufficien



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