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1、Unit 9What does he look like. .看信息完成对话A:Look.This is my good friend.B:.A:His name is Wilson. A:He s 30 years old.A:He is from Japan.B:.B:.B:What does he like.A:He .A:He .B:What does he look like.Name Mr Wilson Age30Nationality JapaneseLikes Reading,Classical music Job ManagerAppearance Medium weight

2、 straight hairPersonality Outgoing .请你描述一下你的家人My grandfather is .My mother is . My father is . My cousin is .- 10 - / 8 .词汇Unit 9What does he look like.A1.看起来像2.五班3.不要讲话4.讲笑话5.卷曲的棕色头发6.下国际象棋7.买东西8.摇滚歌手 .单项挑选1.My teacher is very young.He short,straight hair. A.haveB.hasC.haves 2.My little brother lik

3、es chess.He joins chess club.A.playsB.playC.playing 3.“ Stop .” said the teacher,“ There is too much noise here. ”A.talkB.to talkC.talking4.Nobody why he is late.A.knowsB.knowC.knowing 5.What did you have supper yesterday.A.atB.toC.for 6.They were away two hours .A.agoB.beforeC.last 7.Why you here y

4、esterday.A.wereB.wasC.didn t8. Was Mr Green at work yesterday morning. .A.Yes,he isB.No,he wasn tC.Yes,he did .情形对话A:What are you doing.B:I m reading a letter from my pen pal. A:B:A girl.A:What nationality is she. B:A:What does she look like. B:A:Is she tall.B:A:Look at her photo.B:Oh.Shes good-look

5、ing and a little thin. A:Only a little.A. She has curly hair and medium height.B. Can she speak Chinese.C. Is your pen pal a boy or a girl.D. Shes American.E.No,she isn t.Unit 9What does he look like.B .词汇1. How 重的 is that box.2. Shes the most 为大众宠爱的 teacher in school.3. Who was the first 人 to swim

6、across the English Channel 英吉利海峡 . 4.He is wearing a pair of 眼镜 on his nose.5.Can you 记得 what her telephone number is. 6.Therell be a prize for the 获胜者 .7.Theyre 建造 new houses by the river. 8.Allan Green is the 队长 in our team. .用所给词完成以下短文medium,curly,straight,black,heavy,long,glasses,imageJohnny Dea

7、n is my mother s favourite rock singer.He always wear funny and he has hair.Heis height.Mother thinks he s very cool.I don t like his mustache I like Gloria Green.She wins the pop singer of the Year Award.She has hair.It s .Shes a little .I like her new . .句型转换1. He is tall and has short hair. 对划线部分

8、提问 he .2. Everybody knows me. 改为否定句 knows me.3.I think he s so great.改为否定句 I he so great.4.He likes reading and playing chess. 对划线部分提问 he like . .汉译英1. 李明宠爱看书和玩电脑嬉戏;Li Ming likes and computer games.2. 王琳是我们的排球队队长;她个子很高;Wang Lin is the of the volleyball .She s .3. 南茜总宠爱穿红色的连衣裙,带一副太阳镜;Nancy always a r

9、ed and a pair of .4. 老亨利长什么样? What Old Henny . 5.他矮个子有一点胖,他宠爱讲笑话;Hes and a little bit .He loves . .阅读懂得In autumn,the countryside is full of colour.Green leaves turn red and yellow.The nights grow cold.Soon,on very cold morning,frost霜 will cover the ground.The landis gettingreadyfor 为 做 准 备 winter.Bi

10、rdsand animals are gettingready,too.Birds flyto southern places,because it s warm there.Even a littlefieldmouse knows when autumn is here.It wants to leave the farmer s fields and comes into his house.On the farm,men are working hard.They are harvesting for winter.The moon is big and bright at night

11、.It looks very,very near.The autumn moon of the harvest time is called a harvest moon.1.In autumn leaves are getting .A.greenB.yellowC.green and yellow 2.On a very cold morning,we can find .A.the autumn is comingB.leaves turn redC.frostonthe ground3. The full moon in autumn is .A. called a harvest m

12、oonB.a harvest moon C.big and bright4. The little field mouse for winter.A. goes southB.goes to a warm place C.leaves the farmers fields5. The story as a whole is about .A. birds and animalsB.getting ready for winterC.season Unit 9What does he look like.Practice 1 .Find out the word which has the di

13、fferent sound from the others.从以下每四个划线部分中选出与其他三项发音不同的一项;1.A.orangesB.watchesC.applesD.boxes2.A.beardB.hearC.nearD.pear3.A.sureB.sideC.swimD.second 4.A.nowB.brownC.flowerD.follow 5.A.mustacheB.cheeseC.suchD.bench .Vocabulary.词汇;6. She win a hospital.She is a doctor.7. My brother isn t tall or short.H

14、e is mheight. 8.The Chinese boy has short,shair.9.Do you know the woman wlong,blond,curly hair. 10.What does Merry llike.She is short and a little bit heavy. 11.My little brother loves telling jokes and she never stops t.12. Her father is really tall and hand her uncle is short and thin.13. The rock

15、 singer has a new i.He wears glasses and he has long hair now. 14.Brown is a member of our basketball team.He is also the cof our basketball team.15.He looks very cool when he whis sunglasses. .Form sentences.组句; 请留意大小写和标点符号 16.does,what,look like,your friend17.build,has,she,medium,a.18.friend,I,a,have,new,in Class Five 19.reading,and,he,playing chess,likes 20.remember,do,you,with,th


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