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1、.网络环境下化学教学的情感沟通策略的实验研究43 / 43.研究生_苏莉导师_文庆城学科专业:化学课程与教学论.研究方向:化学教学论年级:2003 级.摘要随着现代信息技术的发展,特别是 INTERNET 与校园网络接轨的校校通工程的实施,基于网络的教学活动受到日益广泛的重视和应用。但是由于网络教育模式中,师生、生生实体的实际分离,往往会导致师生以及生生间情感沟通的困难。而适当的情感交流,对激发学生的学习动机,促进学习者的认知和人格的健康发展都能起到积极的作用。所以情感交流的欠缺已成为制约网络教学发展的一大瓶颈。而目前绝大多数研究针对的都是远程教育,而对中学网络环境下的情感沟通则缺乏系统的有针


3、为期半年的教学实验研究。由于不是所有的内容都符合网络教学的要求,在实验前我们根据化学科的特点选择了适宜的内容。在本文中我们通过 4 个教学案例说明实施的情况。对实验结果我们运用了SPSS 软件进行了分析,分析结果表明:在情感教育目标达标测评、化学学习兴趣、化学成绩方面都优于对比班,且存在显著差异。除此之外,我们还通过学生学习档案、对学生的访谈,进行了质性评价。在此基础上得出结论:我们构建的网络环境下的化学教学情感沟通策I.略是有效和切实可行的。我们依据教学理论和教学实践的体验,分析讨论了本教学策略的有效性和可行性的原因,以及本研究在实施中存在的问题与不足,同时提出了相应的教学建议。由于研究者的

4、理论和实践经验有限,以及教学实验时间的不长,得出的结论还有待进一步检验和完善。关键词:网络教学、化学教学、情感交流、教学策略II.Strategies of emotional communication inNetwork-based chemistry education.Author: SuLiMajor:Subject EducationTutor:Prof. Weng QingchengSpeciality:Chemistry Teaching.AbstractWith the development of modern informatics technology, especia

5、lly the implement ofConnection Through All Schools Project which connects campus-wide network and the Internet,education via network has been applied in assistance to daily teaching more and more commonly.However, because of the separation of teachers-students and students-students, the problem ofco

6、mmunication between teachers and students occurs very frequently. This is to say, properemotional communication leads to positive effects that it can motivate the students to study, andadvance the cognizance ability and personal characteristics of the students. Therefore the lack ofemotional communi

7、cation has become the bottle-neck that restricts the development of networkeducation. While researches nowadays aims more at remote education, and there are hardlysystemic and pertinent investigations taken to investigate the emotional communication in thecircumstance of senior school network. There

8、for, a research of Strategies of emotionalcommunication in Network-based chemistry education is put forward.The education activity in the circumstance of senior school network is usually consisted ofnetwork classroom and network resources, and relying on those teaching and researching learningactivi

9、ties of students can be processed. In order to seek for proper and effective emotionalcommunication mode that is suitable for senior school teaching, on the guidance of emotionaleducation theories and constructivism theories, we put forward following education strategiesaccording to practical charac

10、teristics of network education. Strengthen the emotional designee of network education resources, stimulate the emotionalparticipation of the students. Integrate the traditional education, mobilize the emotional communication betweenstudents-students and teachers-students. Put network cooperation st

11、udy in practice; reinforce the emotional communication betweenstudents. Upgrade communication and feedback methods, redeems the lack of emotionalcommunication. Reinforce after-class tutorship, intensify the love between students and teachers.Based on those theoretic conceiving, grade one students fr

12、om LiuZhou High School was chosenfor educational experiment researches lasted half a year. In view of not all the contents are suitablefor network education, we have selected proper contents according to chemistry subject itself andIII.listed 4 education examples to describe the status of implementa

13、tion. SPSS software is used toanalyze the result of the experiment, which indicates that class that took network education ismuch superior than the counterpart at the following three tests: Emotional education standard.investigation, Investigation on interest in learning chemistry, Chemistry Examina

14、tion.Moreover,.we have worked on qualitative assessment by interviewing students and inquire into theirdocumentations. We have drawn a conclusion based on those researches, that emotionalcommunication strategies in chemistry education based on network is effective and practical.According to the educ

15、ational theories and experiences in educating, we have analyzed thereason why this strategy is effective and practical, exchanged advantages and disadvantages inimplementation, and tabled some educating proposals.In view of the limitation of theoretic and practical experiences of the researcher, the conclusioncould be further testified and improved.Keywords:Network EducationEmotional CommunicationChemistry EducationTeaching StrategiesIV.论文独创性声明本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果,论文中除了特别注明引用的内容外,不包含其他人或其他机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已经在论文



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