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1、教程3Unit1Listen and talk invitations around the world reach institution specially appointed experts vote diploma medal is followed by 1. includingP11 Exercise6 subtle were overtaken species decades boundaries audio directly focus tone 1. cupped年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。(communicate with)Young people sometimes

2、complain of being unable to communicate with their parents.能在中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。(to takeup residence)It has been Marys long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true.家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难能在野外活下来。(survive)Domestic animal

3、s are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。(overtake)He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression.我估计公交路线上堵车了,因为我都等了3分钟也没见一辆车开过去。(figure)I figure that there is a traffic jam o

4、n the route of the bus, for Ive waited for 3 minuteswithout seeing one passing by.十年前,当公司还处在生产的鼎盛时期时,我们就决定投资新技术,将公司转型为技术密集型企业。由于拥有先进技术,我们在激烈动荡的市场竞争中脱颖而出。现在我们的成本下降了百分之三十,销售业绩却上涨了三分之二,利润翻了一番。Ten years ago, when our company was at the height of its production, we decided to invest in new technologies,

5、so as to turn our company into a technology-intensive one.With our advanced technologies, we out-competed all our competitors in the rough and tumble of the marketplace. Now we have reduced the cost by 3 percent, even as / while our sales have grown by two-thir党史 and the earnings have doubled.我们将可持续

6、性定义为保持企业盈利,但不以环境为代价。从商业的角度看,这合理吗?事实上,在追求可持续发展目标的过程中,我们的收益已经超过了所有的投资和开支。可持续发展的推进起到了如此重要的作用,帮助我们撑过了史上最深重的经济衰退。We define sustainability as keeping a business profitable, but not at the expense of the environment. Does this make good business sense Actually, what we get has more than offset all the inve

7、stments and expenses incurred in pursuit of the goal of sustainable development. The boost of sustainability made such a difference that it helped us survive the deepest recession in the history.Unit2Listen and talk invitations around the world reach institution specially appointed experts vote dipl

8、oma medal is followed by 1. includingP35 Exercise6 fundamental ultimate sparked apparently patience curiosity convince detail responses 1. (has) stirred记者敦促发言人就此次军事打击作出解释。(press for)Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of the military attack. 他的竞选演讲未能使选民相信他就是参议员的合适人选。(convince)His elec

9、tion speech failed to convince the voters that he was the right person for the Senate seat. 尽管我承认有问题存在,但我并不认为这些问题不能解决。(while)While I admit that there are prob lems, I dont agree that they cannot be solved. 他在电视上的第一次辩论给观众留下了深刻的印象。(impression)His first debate on TV made a deep impression on his audien

10、ce. 一切事物都是互相联系又互相作用的。(interact with)All things are interrelated and interact with each other. 这位年轻的埃及男孩在一些化学项目中积累了丰富的经验。这些经验帮助他在埃及大学读书时成绩名列班级前茅。在研究生学习即将结束时,他决定在化学学习方面继续深造。当面临选择去哪所大学时,他选择了宾夕法尼亚大学而放弃了加州理工学院,仅仅只是因为他当时认为“大学”比“学院”听起来更负盛名。This young Egyptian boy had received a wealth of experience in some

11、 chemistry projects. Such experience helped him to sail to the top of his class at college in Egypt. When he was about to finish his postgraduate study, he decided to further his chemistry education. When confronted with choosing which university to go to, he chose University of Pennsylvania over Ca

12、lifornia In stitute of Technology (Caltech) just because he thought “university” sounded more prestigious than “institute”. 瑞典皇家科学院授予他第28届诺贝尔医学奖,以褒奖他为战胜癌症所做的开创性工作。实际上,他已经做了整整2年的研究才取得了这一了不起的突破,他也是他所在大学第一位获得诺贝尔奖殊荣的教师。如今已将诺贝尔奖收入囊中的他更加坚定地声言,将以前所未有的更大动力去继续开拓人类攻克癌症的事业。The Royal Swedish Academy awarded him

13、 with the 28th Nobel Prize in Medicine for his groundbreaking work in fighting against cancer. It turns out that he had spent 2 years on his research before he made this wonderful breakthrough, and he is the first faculty member of his university to receive the Nobel Prize. Now with Nobel Prize unde

14、r his belt, he claimed that he had never been so much more motivated to continue to push the envelope of what human beings can possibly do about cancer.教程2Unit5我们得把感情放在一边,从专业的角度来对待这件事。(from a professional standpoint)We have to put aside our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint. 这部戏非常精彩,我很快就沉浸于激动人心的剧情之中。(lose oneself in)The play was so wonderful that I soon lost myself in the excitement of it.3 .她没有什么爱好除非你把看电视也算是一种爱好。(unless)She hasnt got any hobbies unless you call watching TV a hobby. 他说他是直接从市长本人那里得到这个信息的。(first-hand)He said that he had got the information fir



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