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1、野餐英语作文 8 篇愉快的野餐 (a happy picnic)ah! it s a warm spring! on the nice day, i, linda and sally go themeiyuan park, have a picnic together. i must go the supermarket in advance, buy some sock and coke.it s all right! we must on foot go park. we are starting the school.first, we go straight, turn right,

2、and then go straight, too. we are gettingto the park. oh, the park it s very beautiful ! people playing so happy,the flower is lovely, too. we eat the delicious food. linda has many crackers and cakes, sally have a boy of chocolates. we are playing the carrousel over a cup of coke. we are very pleas

3、ed. wwwit s a nicety day !My father said we were going to have a picnic this weekend, but I had to help my mother buy the food.So, I went to the supermarket with mymother at Friday night. Mymother and I picked the blanket at first.Then we went to find other tools, such as basket, dishes, and so on.W

4、e bought the food at last. However, it was the most things I would like to buy.I picked lots of my favorite food and snacks. There were a lot of meat.I was very happy to go home with so many things. tomorrow s picnic mustbe wonderful.我爸爸说我们这个周末要去野餐,不过我得陪我妈妈一起去买食材。所以, 星期五的晚上我和妈妈去超市了。我和妈妈先去买毯子。然后我们再去找

5、其它的 工具,如篮子,盘子等等。我们最后才买食物。不过,食物却是我最想买的。我 买了很多我最喜欢吃的食物和小吃。有很多的肉。买了那么多东西回家我真的很开心。明天的野餐一定会很棒的。It was a very hot day in summer. I didnt want to stay at home. Suddenly,1I had a wonderful idea. I invited my friends to have a picnic in the park. 这是夏日很热的一天。我不想在家待着。突然,我有了一个好主意。我邀请我的朋友们去公园野餐。Myfriends and I fo

6、und a beautiful place in the park. The sun was shining,and the sky was blue. The clouds were moving slowly. The flowers were dancing in the wind.我和朋友们在公园找到了一个漂亮的地方:阳光灿烂、天空湛蓝、云彩走得很慢、花朵随风起舞。Linda and I were sitting beside a fountain. Wewere talking about ourschool, our sports meet, our games and many

7、interesting things. Lily was playing beside us. She was playing with water. She was wet but she was smiling happily.Lisa was playing football with John and Kevin. Dora was catching fish in the pond.我和琳达坐在一个喷泉附近。我们聊学校、运动会、游戏和许多有趣的事。莉莉在我们旁边玩。 她在玩水。 她身上湿了, 但是她笑得很快乐。 丽萨在和约翰、凯文踢足球。朵拉在池塘里抓鱼。It was time fo

8、r lunch. Wetook out our food and shared with each other.We were all very excited. The picnic was very interesting. We all think the picnic at the park was interestin.该吃午饭了。我们拿出食物彼此分享。我们都很兴奋。野餐很有趣。我们都认为在公园野餐很有意思。Ive been to many places, and although they are beautiful, they cantcompare with the feeli

9、ng of the brook.On this day, we first went to the market to buy food, and then cameto the picnic by the brook. First of all, we took the dishes out, and then I lit the fire with matches, and finally we put our jobs on the tablecloth.I am a cry: dinner!The first dish was made Bian Nan Jie beef sauce.

10、 Red Beef in Brown Sauce into thin pieces, put into a single overlapping flower in the middle2of the plate, the middle flowers bordered a golden carrot pieces, some of the surrounding green add coriander.Our second dish is the Yi WenLou celery fried shredded pork. Firstput the green celery into the

11、pot, and then put the shredded meat in, and then stir fry, cooked.Our third dish is spicy chicken nuggets. Chicken pieces soaked in sparkling oil, and then sprinkled with a salt.Andfinally, what were going to do is a soup called hot pepper soup.Originally the soup color is very ugly, can not say it

12、is what kind of color,Chen Hongru put the radish flowers white, yellow, red, one piece, gently in the soup, so delicious spicy soup done.Thats wonderful! Weare all these delicious dishes to see hualeyan. We really dont have the heart to eat with a spoon scoop, at a loss.我去过许多地方,它们虽然很美丽,但也比不上在小溪边的感受。

13、这一天,我们先去菜场买菜,接着,来到了小溪边野餐。首先,我们把菜给 拿了出来,接着我用火柴棒把火给点燃,最后,我们把自己的饭碗放在铺好的桌布上。我一声高喊: “开饭啰! ”第一道菜是边南洁做的 “酱香牛肉”。 红色的酱牛肉切成很薄的片儿, 在盘子中间摆成一朵重重叠叠的花朵,花朵的中间镶上一片金色的胡萝卜片儿,周围添 上一些碧绿碧绿的香菜。我们的第二道菜是楼轶雯做的 “芹菜炒肉丝”。先把绿油油的芹菜给放进锅里, 然后,把肉丝给放进去,再炒一炒就熟了。我们的第三道菜是 “麻辣鸡块”。 鸡块浸泡在亮晶晶的油里面, 再撒上一把盐。 最后,我们要做的是一个汤,叫做“糊辣花汤” 。本来这汤的颜色十分难看,

14、说不出它是一种什么颜色,陈泓儒就把萝卜花儿白的、黄的、红的,一片一片, 轻轻地放在汤上面,就这样可口的糊辣花汤做完了。“太妙了! ”我们都被这些美味可口的菜给看花了眼。 我们真的不忍心吃, 拿着瓢羮,不知所措。3Yesterday,I went to have a picnic with myold classmates.We dated witheach other several days ago.And we were all expecting the days come. At last, the excited day came. We went to the part where we have decided to have the picnic. During the picnic ,we talked with each other,played games,and so on. On balance, I had a nice day and I will never forgetit.Because it is so happy inthings in our childhood.2we had



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