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1、Mastertitelformat bearbeitenMaster-Untertitelformat bearbeiten ABB Group * | Slide 1The #1 Robot Controller 卓越的机器人控制器IRC5 Overview 简介From the first microcomputer robot controller从世界上第一台微电脑机器人控制器to the 5th generation Robot Controller: IRC5到第5代机器人控制器:IRC5Built on established ABB controller strengthsMo

2、tion control 运动控制Modular cabinet 模块化Software 软件Teach pendant 示教器Miscellaneous 特色功能15 new patents15项专利World best Motion Control 世界最佳的运动控制技术TrueMove ensures that the motion path followed by the robot is the same as the programmed path regardless of the robot speed 在任何速度下,始终按照编程路径运动QuickMove minimizes

3、cycle time by maximizing acceleration at every moment. 以最佳的加速方式确保最短的运动节拍speedtTraditionalQuickMoveTMCycle time gainBenchmark, Sealing 涂胶TrueMoveTMABBCompetitorBenchmark, Path Accuracy 运动路径精度Path deviation路径偏移ABBLess than 1 mmCompetitor XUp to 10 mmCompetitor YUp to 12 mmSeveral path variants and vel

4、ocities tested by a customer不同状况下的客户测试结果Test resultTrueMoveTMBenchmarks, Cycle Time 运动节拍Point-to-Point点到点Linear线性运动ABB50.42 sec50.54 secCompetitor X52.65 sec56.30 secCompetitor Y53.20 sec53.40 secSpot welding cycle, IRB 6600 (including 34 s process time)电焊节拍(包括34秒焊接工艺过程)Material handling cycle 物料搬运节

5、拍, IRB 1600ABB4.4 sCompetitor X 6.7 sCompetitor Y 8.6 sBenchmark - Collision Detection 碰撞防护Reaction forces during a collision in mech arm碰撞后作用于机械手臂上的反作用力2. (kN)Reaction Time (sec)005No Coll. Det.Mech clutchCollision Det.n Substantial reduction of collision forces 大幅降低碰撞力n Robot ret

6、racts automaticallyand releases tension from the tool机器人碰撞后自动退回n Damage to gripper and peripherals minimized 最小程度的设备损伤n Faster recovery after collision 碰撞后快速恢复n No need for mechanical clutch 无需额外的机械设备At a recent customer test only ABB could come up with reliable collision detection! 在客户测试中,只有ABB拥有可靠

7、的碰撞防护Load Identification 负载识别Very accurate 高精度Optimal robot performance 优化机器人运行过程No need for manual calculation 无需人工计算“The only useful load identification” (German customer)唯一可用的自动负载识别 (德国客户)ZXYXwYwZwZtXtYtBackModular cabinet 模块化 CabinetModule Family Concept 模块化Front access of connections and parts正

8、面电气接口Flush sides for reduced floor space平齐侧面,节约空间All modules stackable on top of each other 所有模块位置任意组合202 cmRemote panel 远程面板137 cm162 cm97cmDual cabinet双柜式Process module onDual cabinet 双柜式+过程柜Single cabinet单柜式Process module onSingle cabinet单柜式+过程柜Distributability 可扩展Place modules where they fit bes

9、t 将模块放置在最合适的地方save floor space 节约空间optimize cost 降低成本 Up to 75 m (std 10 or 30)Up to 75m (std 2, 4, 30)Up to 50m (std 7, 15, 22, 30)Up to 75 m (std 15, 22, 30)Versatile I/O and Communication System 通用通讯方式&=Panel Mounted Controller 面板式控制器Controller modules without enclosure, to be mounted in any suit

10、able enclosure by customer没有外壳的控制模块,可放置在客户的任何控制柜内Available for IRB 140, 340, 260, 1600, 2400 以上型号机器人适用Compact and fully integrated solution, e.g. for machine builders 高度集成化的解决方案,如可集成在机床内Software Products 软件Operating System 操作系统 RobotWare Based on VxWorks .Net FrameWork 基于VxWorks 和 .Net FrameWork Rob

11、ust非常稳定 High performance used by NASA in the equipments on Mars性能卓越 VxWorks同时应用在太空总署的火星探测设备的操作系统中 No viruses没有病毒n From competitor manual: 竞争对手:容易受到病毒攻击,下图来自竞争对手的手册中关于受到病毒攻击时的处理方法Powerful and FlexibleThe RAPID Language 编程语言Modern, high-level language 高级编程语言Designed for end users 面向最终用户Structured 结构化语

12、言Shop floor language 类似车间操作模式的语言结构Customized instructions support支持自定义命令Customer developed application support支持客户二次开发Error handling有错误处理功能Interrupt handling有中断功能Many powerful built-in functions许多内置功能IF product = CAR THEN MakeCar;ELSE FOR num FROM 1 TO 10 DO MakeBike; ENDFORENDIFABB 的高级语言结构 IF r1 =

13、0 THEN GOTO L1 CALL sub1 GOTO L3L1: r1 = 10L2: CALL sub2 SUB r1, 1 IF r1 0 THEN GOTO L2L3:Competitor 竞争对手使用的是低级语言XXXXXXYYYYYYZZZZZZRobotStudio-Online 基于PC的操作软件Install and configure the robot controller to your needs 根据您的需要安装和配置机器人的控制器Setup and download RobotWare systems 配置和安装RobotWareEasy and contro

14、lled change of system parameters 十分简便的更改系统参数Monitor I/O signals 监控I/O信号Basic RAPID editing 基本编程语言编辑Managing production data管理生产数据Record events记录事件Backup and restore controller data备份和恢复数据Remote Access可远程接入VirtualRobotTM Technology 虚拟机器人技术 - RobotStudioVirtualRobot is an exact copy of the real contro

15、ller VirtualRobot是现实机器人控制器的精确拷贝Robot programs and configuration parameters can easily be transferred between robots and PC 机器人程序和配置参数可以在机器人和电脑直接方便地传输VirtualRobotTM Technology True Offline Simulation 虚拟机器人技术 完全真实的离线仿真RobotStudio-完全离线仿真RobotStudio Welcome toRobotStudio Build Your StationCreate PathsCr

16、eate a ProgramWhats new in RobotStudioNew Graphics EngineMultiMove and Multiple ControllersEasier To UseTask orientedFlexPendant 示教器ABB Operator ConceptThe FlexPendant and RobotStudioOnline work together示教器和RobotStudioOnline 协同工作Same accessibility of data on FlexPendant as on RobotStudioOnline可同样操作控制器内数据Select the optimal tool for each task不同的应用对象RobotStudioOnline benefit examples:Remote access 远程介入Overview (large screen)Text entry (keyboard) 文本编辑FlexPendant benefit examples:Portability 便携式Safet



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