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1、一年级上册英语期末试题三套 英语试题的目的不只只是考个分数,证明我成绩多好多坏,更要紧的是,在做题中,你要了解其中的题型、题意,可以举一反三。不要让试题这部分在你眼中成为一种负担,了解学习的意义。以下是智学网收拾的有关资料,期望对您有用。一、 辨音题。(6分)1. big doll 2. girl orange 3. cat kite4. new cinema 5. five photo 6. sofa please二、英汉互译。(10分)1. 看一看_6.try this pair on_2. 五只猫 _7.have breakfast_3. 她的鞋子_8.read the new word

2、s_4.一辆新的小汽车_9. whose gloves _5. 在八点十分_ 10. Dont worry.三、单项选择。(10分) 1._ my pen? Its on the bed.A. Whats B. Wheres C. Where 2. Look at Gao Shan._ gloves are so big.A. He B. His C. Her 3. Whats the matter_ you? Im thirsty.A. for B. with C. on 4. What time do you get up?_.A. Its thirteen. B. I

3、ts five thirty. C. At six thirty. 5.Heres a _ you.A. to B. for C. with 6. May I come in? _.A. Im sorry. B. Not at all. C. Come in, please. 7. Do you like _?A. kite B. cars C. a bus 8. The shorts_ too long.A. are B. is C. am 9. Whats _ over there?A. that B. this C. it 10. Is it a crayon? No, _.A. it

4、isnt. B. it is C. they arent.四、从II栏中选出与I栏相匹配的答语。(5分)I II1. Wheres Nancy? A. Its fifteen.2. Whose skirt is this? B. Its five ten.3. Whats five and ten? C. Shes in the classroom.4. What time do you have breakfast? D. Its Nancys.5. Whats the time? E. At six fifty.五、依据所给情景,选择正确答案。(10分)1.你想了解这双袜子是哪个

5、的,可以问:A. Whose socks is it? B. Whose socks are they?2.你想问什么时间了,可以说:A. Excuse me, whats the time, please? B. What time do you get up?3.上课迟到了,学生可以对老师说:A. Thank you. B. Sorry, Im late.4.感叹冰激凌真凉啊,可以说:A. Its an ice-cream. B. What a cold ice-cream!5.你想告诉他们“它是我哥哥的”,你可以说:A. Its my brothers. B. Its my brothe

6、rs.六、连词成句并写出中文。(10分)1. be, dont, late, again_ _2. this, notebook, for, is, you_3. the, my, mothers, gloves, are_4. to, go, time, its, to, bed_5. me, excuse, this, your, purse, is_七、依据中文提醒,完成下列句子。(14分)1. 这牛仔裤太长了。The _ are _ long.2.请勿合上那本书。_ _that book, please.3. 请坐。喝些橙汁吧。Please _ down. _ some orange

7、juice.4.在那边的那个是什么?是他哥哥的夹克衫。Whats that _ _?Its _ brothers_.5. 过来,你喜欢这个气球吗?Come , you like ?八、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(5分)Hello, my name is Betty. Im ten years old. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. My brother and I are students. I like rabbits, but my brother likes monkeys. I get up at

8、 six. I read the book in the morning, then I go to school at seven. I love my family very much.1. Betty is eleven years old.2. There are three people in Bettys family.3. Bettys brother likes monkeys.4. Bettys father is a teacher.5. Betty goes to school at seven thirty.一、按顺序补全26个英文字母的大写形式。(10分)A B C二

9、、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。( 10分)Ee Hh Mm Tt Ww三、把各小题中不一样类的单词的序号填在括号里。(6分)( )1. A. black B. brown C. foot( )2. A. pen B. ear C. eye( )3. A. bag B. book C. blue( )4. A. face B. mouth C. bag( )5. A. red B. name C. yellow( )6. A.ruler B.nose C.pencil四、选词。(6分)1. ( )A. hand 2. ( )A. blackB. head B.greenC. arm C. blue新

10、3. ( )A. school 4. ( )A. whiteB. bag B. blackC. book C. orange5. ( )A. bag 6. ( )A. noseB. book B. mouthC. pen C. foot五、在右栏中找出左栏每一个单词的中文意思,把它的字母编号写在左侧的括号里( )1.yellow A. 铅笔( )2.bag B. 双眼( )3.mouth C. 尺子( )4.school D. 黄色的( )5.ruler E. 书包( )6.leg F. 黑色的w( )7.pencil G. 橡皮( )8.eye H. 学校( )9.black I. 嘴( )

11、10.eraser J. 腿六、情景反应。(6分)( )1. 早晨,你见到其他人打招呼时,应该说:A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon!( )2. 当你想了解他们名字时,你应该如此问:A. How are you? B. Whats your name?( )3. 见到朋友时,你感到非常高兴,你应该说:A. Hello! B. Nice to meet you.( )4. 当你和其他人说再见时,你应该说:A. Goodbye! B. Im fine. thank you.( )5. 当你向同学们介绍Mike时,你应该说:A .Im Mike B. This is

12、 Mike( )6. 国内国旗的颜色是:A. red and white B. red and yellow 一、顺序乱了,你来排排! Howmany? Whatsyourname?Imfine. Howmanyboys?Itsred. Imapanda.Howareyou? MynameisDaming.nine three二、哪个填得准确呢?1、_,ImAmy. A.Hello B.yellow2、Howareyou?_. A.Goodbye B.Imfine.3、_?MynamesPanpan. A.Whatsyourname?B.Bye.4、_!Bye! A.Goodbye! B.Hello!5、Im_boy. A.an B.a三、看看哪个的脑筋快!nine-eight= six-four= ten-seven=three+two= one+five= seven+two=四、依据所给情景选择正确语句,看哪个做的最认真!1、与人问好时 A.Goodafternoon2、询问其他人的姓名时 B.Howmanygirls?3、你想了解“有多少个女生?”时 C.Whatsyourname?4、下午遇见好朋友如何打招呼 D.Hello.5、告别时 F.Goodbye.标签:小学一年级



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