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1、课时5 Writing Unit 3 Computers本单元以电脑为话题,在写作时,要注意灵活运用所学知识,通常会提到电脑的用途,电脑的优点以及电脑对人们的危害等情况。但无论写哪方面的题目,我们在遇到这种话题作文时,一定要认真审题,紧扣要求去写,以防止跑题。computers, factory, e-mail, download, games, important, useful单 词: useto do, play an important role, send emails, chat with短 语: 1. People also use the computer to work.2.

2、 Computers play an important role in our lives.3. I think it is very important and useful.句 型:随着科学技术的开展和社会的进步,电脑已走进了人们的日常生活,并且发挥着重要的作用。请写一篇小短文,描写一下您对电脑的认识,以及你平时使用它的情况。要求词数80左右。1.体裁:记叙文2. 人称:第一人称3.时态:主要使用一般现在时4. 要点:如下表【审题指导】【思路构建】步骤构思列提纲1总体描述人们使用电脑的情况。Most families have computers at home. People also

3、 use the computer to work in2介绍自己用电脑做的事情。do my homework, send emails, play games3总结全文。I think, important, usefulToday most families have computers at home. People also use the computer to work in the office, in the factory or in a shop and so on. Computers play an important role in our lives. I have

4、 a computer at home. I often use it to do my homework and send emails to my friends. Sometimes I use it【范文赏析】to play games and download some songs and films. At weekends, I can use it to chat with my friends.I think it is very important and useful in modern society. In the near future, computers wil

5、l change our life completely.点评:该篇书面表达语句流畅,过渡自然。文章通过“我的例子介绍了电脑在日常生活中的作用。 本文使用了一些较好的日常用语、短语和较新的句子。如:使用use.to do指出电脑的广泛使用;使用often, sometimes, at weekends来说明用电脑做不同的事情;使用I think.发表了“我个人对电脑的看法。全文流畅,是一篇优秀作文。不同的人对因特网有不同的看法,有的人对它持肯定态度,有的人对它持否认态度。那么,你对因特网是一种什么看法呢?请以“ My views on the Internet为题写一篇120词左右的文章。My

6、 views on the Internet_My views on the InternetWe can do a lot of things through computers. For example, we can order books through an online bookstore. The online services are developing rapidly. If you need some information, you just need to link your computers to the Internet and you will be able

7、 to find the information easily. _However, every coin has two sides. Many students are fond of playing online games. They feel computer games are so exciting. They cant control themselves and spend most of their spare time playing them. The Internet is a great invention. As students, we should make the best use of it. Let the Internet be our servant, not our master.


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