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1、冀教版初中英语七年级下册冀教版初中英语七年级下册冀教版初中英语七年级下册第三单元全部课件第三单元全部课件第三单元全部课件Unit 3 School LifeLesson 13 How is school going?七年级下册Language pointsLearning Aims1. Master the new words, phrases and sentences.2. Learn the adverbs: always, usually, often never.3. Learn to talk about school.Wang Mei and Jenny are talking

2、online. They are talking about their school life. Lets listen, read and learn more.“Hows your school life?Are you busy?How many classes do you have every day?Whats your favourite subject?Lets talkThink about these questions before reading the text.1. How many classes does Jenny have every day?2. Whe

3、n does Jenny start school?3. What activity (活动) does Wang Mei often take part in?Wang Mei: Hi, Jenny. How is your school life going?Jenny: Well, I am a little busy this term. I have six classes every day. My school days are very long.Wang Mei: Me too. I also have six classes every day. I start schoo

4、l at 8:00 a.m. I usually finish at 5:00 p.m. Its a long day, but I like my school. My school subjects are so interesting.Jenny: What subjects do you have?Wang Mei: I have Chinese, English, math, history and some others. P.E. is my favourite. We always have a big sports meet twice a year. I often tak

5、e part in the long jump. Last term I won first place!Jenny: Wow! Youre good at the long jump.Wang Mei: Yeah! Thank you! What subjects do you have?Jenny: I have social studies, shop, math, French, English and art. My favourite subject is shop! Last week, I made a bird house all by myself.Wang Mei: Th

6、ats so interesting!1. How many classes does Jenny have every day?2. When does Jenny start school?3. What activity (活动) does Wang Mei often take part in?Think about these questions before reading the text.She has six classes every day. She starts school at 8:00 a. m. She often takes part in the long

7、jump. Language pointsHow is your school life going? 你的学校生活怎么样? 1. How is. . . going? 意为“怎么样?”用来询问对方最近学习、工作、生活等状况。也可以直接说Hows. . . ? “go”意为“进展,进行”。2.此类问句的常见答语为:Great/Fine. 很好。/ Pretty good. 相当好。/Not bad. 还不错。/Just so so. 一般般。/Terrible . 糟糕。拓 展How are you?How much do you like your idol?How is the weath

8、er?How do you go to school?疑问词how的用法:how提问方式表示问候询问程度询问天气Language pointsI usually finish at 5:00 p. m. 我通常下午五点放学。finish v. 完成;结束1. finish 在句中用作不及物动词,意为“完成;结束”。finish的反义词为:begin或start。2. finish用作及物动词,意为“完成;结束”,此时其后常接名词、代词或v-ing作宾语,意为“完成(做)某事”。Language pointsYoure good at the long jump. 你擅长跳远。 be good

9、at 擅长be good at意为“擅长”。其同义短语为do well in。后跟名词或动词的v-ing形式。辨 析be good at, be good to, be good for和be good withbe good at“擅长”be good to“对好”be good for“对有益、好处”be good with“善于应付的”Language pointsWe always have a big sports meet twice a year.我们每年都有两次大型运动会。twice a year意为“一年两次”,表示频度可用“次数+时间段”。e.g.I go to the c

10、inema once a month.对频度提问用疑问词how often。e.g.How often do you go swimming? Language points I often take part in the long jump.我经常参加跳远。take part in意为“参加”,表示参加某种活动。e.g.Many people took part in this meeting.Language points Youre good at the long jump.你很擅长跳远。be good at意为“擅长,做得好”,后加名词、代词或动名词作介词宾语。e.g. Danny

11、 is good at drawing.表示这一含义还可用句式do well in。e.g. Linda is good at English, she doesnt do well in science.1. Listen and write down what subjects they have.Chinese English mathHistory P.E.social studies mathshop French English artmath English 2 Read the lesson and answer the questions.1. How is Jennys s

12、chool life going?2. How many classes does Wang Mei have every day?3. What is Wang Meis favourite subject?4. What is Jennys favourite subject?5. What did Jenny make in shop class last week?Shes a little busy this term.Six.P.E.Shop.She made a bird house.3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of t

13、he words or phrases in the box.life finish subject take part in be good at1.I _ singing. I want to be a singer in the future.2.I start school at 8:00 a.m. and _ at 5:00 p.m.3.I often _the long jump at the sports meet.4.A: What _ do you have? B: I have Chinese, English, math and some others.5. A: How

14、 is your school _ going? B: Well, its a little busy.am good attake part infinishsubjectslifeWrite down your class timetable.Pair workUse the timetable to make conversations.Example:A: What subjects do you have?B: A: How many classes do you have every day?B: A: When does the first/ second/ class star

15、t?B: Summary Words: life, term, start, finish, twice, win, social, myself,Phrases:sports meet, twice a week year, long high jump, be good at, by oneself, social studiesSentences: How is going? I often take part in the long jump.Youre good at the long jump.Practice 根据汉语提示完成句子1. I will do my best to l

16、earn English well this (学期). 2. His sister is good at (手工艺课). 3. What time does the film (开始)?4. Can you (完成)the work on time?5. Please think (两次) before you hand in your paper. termshopstart finishtwicePractice 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 1. They a new project. 2. Li Ming in the long jump. 3. He doesnt want to stay at home . 4. We should the old. 5. This week, my father is busy. win first place, be friendly to, on ones own, a little, work onworked on won first place on his own be friendly to a littlePracti


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