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1、2022年有关五年级英语作文合集7篇五年级英语作文 篇1A little boy took part in the TV show when he was two years old. As a celebrity, people watched all his movements. Sometimes when this boy was crying, the audience said he was spoiled by his parents. But when they saw more, they thought this boy was so lovely, because he

2、was kind and very polite. We cant judge a person by the first impression.一个两岁的小男孩参加了电视节目上。作为一个名人,人蜜察着他的一举一动,有时候这个小男孩哭泣时,观众就说,他被他的父母宠坏了。但当他们看到更多信息时,他们又觉得这个男孩是那么的可爱,因为他很善良也很有礼貌。我们不能根据第一印象就去判定一个人的好坏。五年级英语作文 篇2There are three people in my family, father, mother and I.Start with my dad! My father made th

3、e first meal in our family, but he often got home and sat down on the sofa to read the newspaper, so he had to make my mother cook. Until my mother said it was time to eat, he sat at the table and ate. After dinner, he went to the newspaper again. Sometimes when I ask him a question, he will only cl

4、ick his head. But my father washes the dishes clean and fast.Talk about my mother! She can work but can clean our house for a day. When I was in school, my mother always got up at five o clock, and when she called me up, the spicy rice was ready. She often helps me review (my lessons). I love her ve

5、ry much.Finally say me! I dont want to read a book (when) I dont look at it. Sometimes I read a book (at night) at ten o clock until my eyes were open.Our family is a happy family. I love my parents very much.我的家有三口人,爸爸、妈妈和我。先说说我的爸爸吧!我爸爸做的饭在我们家要数第一,可是他经常一回到家就坐在沙发上看报纸,所以只好让我妈妈做饭了。直到我妈妈说该吃饭了,他才坐在桌子前大口

6、大口的吃饭。吃完饭又去看报纸了。有的时候我问他一个问题,他只会点一下头。不过我爸爸洗碗洗得既干净又快。再说一说我的妈妈吧!她干活可是能手,一天的工夫就能把我们家打扫得一干二净。我上学的时候,我妈妈经常五点多就起床,把我叫起来的时候,香喷喷的饭已经做好了。她还经常帮我复习(功课),我很爱她。最后再说说我吧!我不(想)看书(的时候)说什么也不看,拿起书就放不下。有时候我一看书看到(晚上)十点,直到眼睛睁不开了才睡觉。我们家是一个幸福的家庭。我很爱我的爸爸妈妈。五年级英语作文 篇3这是一节有趣的英语课,每一个同学都是在快乐的气氛中度过的。第二节课是英语课,“叮铃铃,叮铃铃”上课的铃声响起来了,原本还

7、是一个充满着欢声笑语的教室,立刻因为这个铃声而变得安静下来。过了几分钟老师来了,把一切都准备好了之后,老师拍了拍手,笑着对我们说:“同学们,今天我们先来做一个游戏好不好?”一听到游戏同学们便异口同声地说:“好!”说完后班上就议论开了,你一言我一语地说着,可大家都不知道到底是什么游戏。老师接着说:“同学们,今天我们做的是 Whats missing?这个游戏。下面同学们请看电脑,这个游戏是考验大家的记忆力,下面我会给大家放一批图片,请大家记住它们,然后我会从中拿走一张,这时请大家凭着记忆想出这少了的是哪个图,并用英语说出来。好,现在游戏开始。”紧接着电脑上出现了五幅图,分别是“购物中心邮局小学中

8、学历史博物馆”。这时老师问:“同学们都记住了吗?”“恩,记住了。”“好。”然后电脑上只剩四幅图了。“谁知道现在少了哪一幅图啊?”说着老师还做出了一个举手的动作。老师话音未落,就有同学举手了。“好,就你说吧!”这位同学站起来说:“少了a shopping centre这个词。”“恩,真不错,恭喜你答对了。”老师依旧笑着说就这样一节课就在游戏的快乐气氛中结束了。通过这节课,使我更加喜欢英语了,同时我更喜欢这样的游戏,因为游戏不仅好玩,而且使我对这些单词有了深刻的印象,还有助于我们记忆单词。我爱上了这节课;爱上了这个游戏;爱上了英语五年级英语作文 篇4今天是一个异常紧张的一天,因为今天下午要英语口试



11、,说明我对考试已不再那么紧张,不过,平时还要更专心地、认真地学习,毕竟强大的自信来自于坚实的基础!五年级英语作文 篇5Hello, every one. I am a boy in Class 4 Grade 6. I like reading very much. A good book is a good friend. I often play with this good friend. Every day, after finishing my homework, I will share my spare time with my book happily.Usually my b

12、ook will tell me some funny stories. Sometimes it shares some thought with me. I can learn a lot from the book. It makes me happy. It makes me sad. It makes me brave. It makes me independent. I love my friend so much. Do you love your friend? Do you love your books?五年级英语作文 篇6i am a 10 years old boy.

13、 smart and handsome. i am proud of myself. because i can get perfect scores in chinese, math and english. it is not good enough, i am also proud of being an elder brother. that is a friday evening, my baby brother was crying all the time. my parents were both cooking for dinner. i said to my mum, le

14、t me look after this little thing. my mum said, “are you sure you can?” “ yes ,believe me i can.” i answered. then mum went to the kitchen. i went towards my baby brother. “ oh baby, dont cry. i will sing a song for you” i carried him and sing songs for him. after a while, he was asleep. i was so ti

15、red. my parents were happy and praised me a good boy. this is my first time to look after my baby brother and i feel proud of myself.五年级英语作文 篇7happy winter holidayI have got a happy winter holiday this year. In this year, I have a 7-day winter holiday. In the first day, I went back to my hometown wi

16、th my parents. When I got there, I saw my grandparents. Then we had lunch together. At that time, we not only had dilicious food,we also talk about our wonderful life. We laughed and sang, it was so happy then. After lunch, I got out and found my old friends in the field. They were all taller and stronger than before. We sat down on the ground and talk about f



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