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1、酒店顾客信息保密标准操作Guest Expectation 客人期望: I expect my room number as well as other information to be confidentially handled. I also expect the hotel to provide a secure a safe environment for my person and my belongings with the utmost respect for my privacy.我希望我的房号和其他信息保密处理。我也希望酒店能尽力尊重我的隐私,为我人身和财产提供一个安全可

2、靠的环境。Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么该职责对你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers回答: 1. I understand that Guest information must be kept confidential. 我了解客人信息必须保密。2. We must respect guest privacy. 我们必须尊重客人隐私。3. Avoid guest complains. 避免客人投诉。4. Improve GSTS score. 提高客人满意度调查分数。5. Be as professional as

3、 possible. 尽可能专业化。STEPS步骤How / Standards标准1) Three main levels of confidentiality保密的三个主要标准1 CONFIDENTIAL Guest is Incognito to the public 机密 不对外公布客人信息2 RESTRICTED Only authorized persons can be connected. 受限 仅与特准人有关联3. DND Do not disturb The call will be automatically rerouted to the Guest Service C

4、enter. DND 勿打扰 电话将自动转到客服中心2) Use PMS to protect guests confidentiality用Opera来为客人保密 CONFIDENTIAL机密In PMS Enter “CONFIDENTIAL” next to the guests family name.在PMS中 进入客人姓氏旁的 “机密”项。In an event that someone would like to speak to this guest, kindly advise the caller/visitor by saying : “I am sorry Sir/Ma

5、dame, we have no record of this guest being registered with us” 如果某人想找该客人说话,请告知访客/来宾:“对不起,先生/女士,我们没有该客人的登记记录”3) Use PMS to do the restriction为什么要用PMS设限RESTRICTED受限In PMS - Enter “RESTRICTED” next to the guests family name.在Opera 中- 进入客人姓氏旁的“受限”。In the event that someone would like to speak to this g

6、uest, we must obtain the callers name. Only authorized persons can be routed to the guests extension.If the guest is correctly identified transfer the call. If the caller is NOT identified, kindly advise theguest by saying, “I am sorry Sir/Madame, we have no record of this guest being registered wit

7、h us”。如果某人要找该客人说话,我们必须获取访客姓名。只有特准人才能连接到客人的电话分机。 如果客人被确认无误转接电话。如果访客被确认有误,请对客人说:“对不起,先生/女士,我们没有该客人的登记记录”4) Respect privacy尊重隐私权DO NOT DISTURB DND勿打扰 DNDIn PMS - Enter “DND” next to the guests family name. 在 PMS中 进入客人姓氏旁的 “DND”。In an event that someone would like to speak to this guest, kindly advise t

8、he guest by saying, “Mr. XXX is not available at the moment, would you like to leave a message?” 如果某人想找该客人说话,请告知客人:“XXX 先生现在没空,你能留言吗?”All the telephone calls to the guest room will be automatically rerouted to the Guest Service Center. 打到客人房间的所有电话将自动转接到客服中心。Summary questions问题小结:1. Why does the gues

9、t care about his/her privacy? 为什么客人关心他/她的隐私?2. What are the levels of privacy? 隐私有哪些标准?3. Why do I have to obtain the callers name for identification? 为什么我们要获取客人姓名来做身份验证?4. Why would a guest make a DND request? 为什么客人要做勿打扰请求?5. What would you do if a DND has been on the room for say 24 hours or more? 如果房间设置勿打扰约24小时或者更长时间,你会做什么?



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