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1、酒店问讯处理标准Guest Expectation 客人期望:I expect my inquiries to be handled efficiently, accurately and courteously by knowledgeable staff who understands what I need and want. 我希望由了解我需求员工为我提供高效准确礼貌的服务。Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么该任务对你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers回答: 1. We must provide a promp

2、t and accurate service. 我们必须提供快捷无误的服务。2. We want to service and help our internal and external customers. 我们要为内部及外部顾客提供服务和帮助。3. A perfect handling can retain guest loyalty and therefore increase revenue. 完美地处理问讯能够赢得客人的忠实感并增加酒店收入。4. Improve our GSTS score. 要提高客人的满意度。5. Show our professionalism. 要展示我们

3、的职业水准。STEPS步骤How / Standards标准1) Handling inquiries处理问讯Ensure that all inquiries are dealt with PROMPTLY and that the person dealing with the inquiry is capable of doing so. 确保快捷地处理所有问讯; 处理问讯的人要有处理问讯的能力。Nothing offends more than being passed from one person to another or having to wait for somebody

4、to go to another person to get all the correct information. 不可以将客人的需求从一个人转到另一个人或是让客人等待某个人去询问其所须要的寻求信息。The best way to avoid this situation is for the inquiry to be channeled to the correct person/department in the very first instance. 避免该情况发生的最好的方法是在一开始就要找到正确的咨询人或部门。If you are not sure, tell the gue

5、sts you will call back within 5 minutes. Then turn to others for help and call guests back within the promissory time limit. 若对信息不确定,可以告知客人5分钟之内会回复客人,然后找相关人员寻求帮助,并在承诺的时间内反馈给客人。2) Retain guest loyalty争取客人忠实感Close attention to inquiries will:密切关注问讯将会:1. Enhance the hotels good reputation. 提高酒店声誉。2. Re

6、tain guest loyalty and therefore increase revenue. 争取客人忠实感可以提高收入。3) Put yourself in the others person situation 要设身处地地为别人着想Remember, what is common to you will often be a novelty to guests, therefore, it is all the more important for you to put yourself in the other persons situation. 记住,对你来说是很平常的事情

7、可能会令客人感觉很新鲜, 因此,设身处地地为别人着想是非常重要的。4)Collect information注意收集各方面的信息To make sure our guest could get correct information once they ask for. 以确保能在第一时间内满足客人的问询。Summary questions问题小结:1. Why do we put emphasize on prompt and accurate service? 为什么我们要强调快捷无误的服务?2. a) Why cant we pass the inquiry to somebody else to handle? 为什么我们把问讯转交给别人处理? b) Why is guest loyalty important? 为什么客人忠实感很重要?3. Why do we need to try to put ourselves in the guests situation? 为什么我们要试图设身处地地为客人着想?



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