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1、美句赏析 【创新+拓展设计】高考英语题型之读后续写素材整理(7) 适用于20212023届高考01.How I longed toplay in the meadow or stand dozingdz in the shade of the trees.我多么渴望在草地上玩耍,或者站在树荫下打盹。02. Wehad great funrolling, galloping or standing together under the apple trees.我们在苹果树下打滚、奔跑或站在一起,玩得很开心。03. Suddenly there wasa terrible cracking noi

2、se. Overhead an oak tree groaned, thencrashed to the ground.突然传来了断裂声,头上的橡树发出嘎吱一声,然后哗啦一声倒在地上。04. I stayed where I was,wishingI could tell John how I felt.我呆在原地,希望能告诉约翰我的感受。05. Suddenly the doorcrashed openand a man ran out.突然门猛地开了,一个人跑了出来。06. Suddenly the doorburst openand a man came in carrying a la

3、ntern.突然门开了,一个人提着灯笼进来了。07. In the middle of the night something woke me. The air was thick andchokingand itstung my eyes. I could hardly breathe and I could hear Gingercoughing.半夜有东西吵醒了我。空气又浓又呛刺痛了我的眼睛。我几乎喘不过气来,还能听到Ginger的咳嗽声。08. The air was thick with smoke.空气中烟雾弥漫。09. Danger was all around me but I

4、 wastoo terrified tomove a step.我周围到处都是危险,但我吓得不敢动一步。10. The lightsflickeredflk(r) and went out.灯光闪了闪就熄了。Anger flickered in his eyes. 他眼中闪现出一股怒火。a flicker of hope/doubt/interest 希望/ 怀疑 /兴趣的闪现: A flicker of a smile crossed her face.她脸上闪过一丝微笑。11. Her eyesdartedaround the room, looking for.她环视了一下房间,寻找.。

5、dart back into sp 猛冲回.dart sb a glance/look (朝某人猛然) 看一眼,瞥一眼12. Then, from inside the house, came an awful crash.然后,从屋里传来可怕的倒塌声。13. Starstwinkledin the black night sky and the air was crisp and cold.星星在漆黑的夜空中闪烁,空气清新寒冷。14. Then a terrible shrieking started.It sounded likea horse was in dreadful pain.

6、The noise was so awful that Ginger and Istopped dead,but there was nothing we could do to help.然后一声可怕的尖叫开始了。听起来像是一匹马在承受可怕的痛苦。声音太可怕了,我和Ginger站在那儿一动不动,但我们无能为力。15. One night,not long afterJames had gone,I woke to the sound ofrunning feet. Suddenly John burst into the house calling, Wake up, Beauty, Its

7、 an emergency!一天晚上,詹姆斯走后不久,我听到了脚步声。突然,约翰冲进屋子,喊道: 醒醒,Beauty,有急事!16. I was hot and tired but I didnt want to let John down. On the way home Igalloped like the windeven though I was exhausted.我又热又累,但我不想让约翰失望。在回家的路上,尽管我筋疲力尽,我还是像风一样疾驰。17.Soon afterJoe had left me, I started to feel unwell.乔离开我不久我就开始感到不舒服

8、。18. .,roaredthe man, cruelly whipping/beating the horses.那人吼道,狠狠地鞭打着马。19. Soon,the day camefor sb to leave sp.很快某人离开某地的日子到了。20. But worse was to come.但更糟糕的事还在后头。21. The horsesnortedsnt andtossedts its head.马打了个响鼻儿,晃晃脑袋。snort with laughter/in disgust 扑哧一声笑了/厌恶地哼了一声22. Igalloped afterher but the road

9、 was twisty and she kept going out of sight.我紧跟在她后面,但路弯弯曲曲,她一直不见踪影。23. It wasa long, anxious wait fornews and I couldnt settle until Ginger came back.等待消息既漫长又令人焦急。直到Ginger回来我才安心下来。24. Bravely Ikept gallopingin spite of the terrible pain. But I couldnt keep it up and suddenly Istumbledstmbl/trippedan

10、d fell on my knees.尽管疼痛难忍,我还是勇敢地继续疾驰。但我没能坚持住,突然我绊倒了/绊倒了,跪在地上。25.It wasnt until around midnight that help finally came. I was so glad to hear a voice I knew, coming from close by.直到午夜时分才有人来帮忙。我很高兴听到一个我熟识的声音从附近传来。26. It was good to have my freedom again although I missed the company of the other horse

11、s, especially my dear friend Ginger. Soimagine my excitementwhen on day Ginger was led into the field.虽然我错过了其他马的陪伴,特别是我亲爱的朋友Ginger,但我又有了自由真是太好了。那么想象一下当Ginger被带到田地里的那天,我是多么的兴奋啊。27. At first I hardly knewwhat to do with myself! Should I eat the grass, roll on my back, gallop as fast as I could or lie

12、down and rest? In the end I did everything andit was the best time Id had in ages.一开始我几乎不知道该怎么办!我应该吃草,在我的打滚,快跑,还是躺下休息?最后我什么都做了,这是我多年来最好的时光。28. Winter came early and it wasbitterly cold with lots of snow and sleetslit.冬天来得很早,天气很冷,下了很多雪和雨夹雪。29.Heartbroken, Istared afterher.How I wishedI could help her

13、.我盯着她的背影,伤心欲绝。我是多么想帮她啊!Claire stared after him until he disappeared around a corner.克莱尔一直注视着他,直到他消失在拐角。30. My legswere numb with coldand it was a horrible journey for both of us.我的腿冻僵了,这对我们两个来说都是一次可怕的旅行。31.There followedmany anxiousdaysbefore Jerry began to get better.过了好几天,杰瑞才开始好转。32.It took severa

14、l attempts beforeI made it.我试了好几次才成功。33. The boyskipped happilyalong beside me.男孩连蹦带跳,高高兴兴地跟着我走。34. Joyfully, Joethrew his arms around my neckand hugged me.乔高兴地搂着我的脖子拥抱我。35. His voicerosewith excitement.他兴奋地提高提高了声音。第 5 页 / 共 5 页 36. throw stones at .向某人扔石头37. prick up ones ears竖起某人的耳朵38. a pack of d

15、ogs一群狗39. a herd of horses一群马40. trip and fall绊倒41. push ones way through the crowd挤过人群42. have a lucky escape幸运脱险43. in record time短时间内44. with heavy hearts心情沉重45. not long after that=shortly after that那以后不久46. bury ones face in ones hands to hide ones tears把脸埋在手里以掩饰眼泪47. gallop all the way一路飞奔48. pick a bunch of wild flowers摘一束野花49. bang on the door as hard as one can使劲敲门50. It was ages before.过了好久才.附加英语填空挑战题和优美句子( )1.We use language every day. We live in a world of words. Hardly anymoment p


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