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1、.Nickel electrolysis process at Outokumpu Harjavalta Metals Oy奥托昆普哈贾瓦尔塔金属公司镍电解工艺AbstractThis paper deals with the electrolysis of nickel from sulphate solution and its electrochemical principles. As an example, the nickel electrolysis process at Outokumpu Harjavalta Metals Oy is discussed in more de

2、tail. The leaching of nickel matte and the purification of the nickel sulphate solution prior to electrolysis is also discussed. In addition, a short review of other hydrometallurgical nickel matte treatment processes andnickel electrolysis technologies is given.摘要: 本论文主要研究了硫酸镍溶液的电解过程及其电化学原理。作为例子,本论

3、文主要在细节方面讨论了奥托昆普哈贾瓦尔塔金属公司的镍电解过程。同时也讨论了电解过程之前的镍浸出及净化过程。除此之外,其它镍湿法冶金处理过程及电解技术也在文中涉及到。Outokumpu has produced electrolytic nickel at Harjavaita works since 1960. Nickel is electrowon from a nickel sulphate solution using diaphragm cells where a diaphragm cloth is used to prevent the catholyte solution an

4、d the acidic anolyte from mixing. Nickel isdeposited on thin nickel starter sheets and the anodes are of unalloyed lead. The current density is 200 A/m2 and the deposition time is seven days. The ready cathodes weigh about 65 kg and they are harvested, washed and cut into squares and strips and fina

5、llypacked for delivery. Electrolytic nickel is supplied to the electroplating, melting and superalloying industry.早在1960年开始,奥托昆普便在哈贾瓦尔塔工厂开始生产电解镍。电解镍是从硫酸镍溶液中用隔膜电解槽电解产出的,而隔膜布的作用是防止阴极液和阳极液混合。电镍在很薄的始极片上沉积,而阳极是纯铅阳极。阴极电流密度为200A/m2,阴极周期为7天。达到生产周期的电解镍约65 kg,经出槽、烫洗后剪切成方块和条状,最终包装并发送至客户厂家。电解镍主要用在电镀、熔炼和超耐热合金等领域

6、。In addition to nickel cathodes, Outokumpu has also been producing nickel briquettes since the last expansion in 1995. The expansion of the nickel production has also brought about several process changes in the smelter and the refinery. The smelter now produces two types of nickel mattes, which are

7、 treated in separate leaching plants. After leaching, the nickel solution is treated in a new solvent extraction step to produce a purified nickel sulphate solution for electrolysis and hydrogen reduction. The annual capacity of the nickel plant is 18,000 tons of cathodes and 22,000 tons of briquett

8、es.除电解镍之外,奥托昆普从1995年扩建之后也开始生产镍砖。这次扩建对冶炼厂和精炼厂都带来了很多的技术改革。冶炼厂现生产两种类型的冰镍,分别用不同的浸出装置处理。浸出后,含镍溶液在新的溶剂萃取工序处理,并产出纯净硫酸镍溶液用来进行电解和氢还原。镍厂生产能力为18000 t/a的电解镍和22000 t/a的镍砖。1. IntroductionNickel is an important alloying element in the metal industry. More than 70% of the nickel is consumed in stainless and alloyin

9、g steels /1/. Other main uses of nickel are non-ferrous alloys and corrosion resistant and decorative plated coatings . The world primary nickel demand was 928000 tons in 1996 /2/.1、简介镍是金属工业中一种非常重要的元素。超过70%的镍消费于不锈钢行业和合金行业文献1。镍的其它用途有非铁合金11%和防腐蚀以及装饰性电镀8%。在1996年,全球镍需求量为92.8万吨/年文献2。Nickel is refined fro

10、m sulphide or laterite ores. About 60% of the nickel is mined from sulphide deposits and 40% from laterite deposits /3/. In laterite ores nickel is bound in iron oxide or silica compounds from which it is difficult to upgrade. Therefore, direct smelting of ore is generally used to produce ferronicke

11、l or nickel matte. Direct leaching of laterite with ammonia or sulphuric acid is also used. Studies on the hydrometallurgical processing of laterite ores have been very numerous recently and various new leaching and refining processes have been proposed. Also, several mining projects on laterites ar

12、e under way. 镍主要从硫化矿或红土矿中提取。目前约60%的镍是从硫化矿中提取,40%的镍从红土矿中提取文献3。由于红土矿中镍表面被氧化铁或氧化硅覆盖而难以提炼,因此矿石被直接冶炼生产镍铁或冰镍。也可从红土矿中由氨或硫酸直接进行镍浸出。目前对于红土矿湿法冶金过程有很多研究,并且提出了很多新的浸出和精炼过程。同时,很多公司正在开展红土矿采矿工程。Typical nickel-containing sulphide minerals are pentlandite 9S8, pyrrhotite Fe1-xS and millerite NiS. Nickel-bearing sulph

13、ide ores can be concentrated e.g. by flotation to upgrade the nickel content. Nickel concentrates, generally containing 7-25% Ni, are recovered. The nickel concentrates are usually smelted to charge the iron and magnesium oxide of the concentrate into an iron silicate slag. The nickel is recovered i

14、nto a sulphide matte containing 35-70% Ni. The main minerals of the matte are heazlewoodite Ni3S2, chalcocite Cu2S and a Ni-Cu alloy. Important side metals of the nickel mattes are cobalt, copper and platinum group metals.典型的含镍硫化矿有镍黄铁矿9S8、磁黄铁矿Fe1-xS和针镍硫矿NiS。硫化镍矿可以通过浮选来浓缩并提升镍含量,获得含Ni约725%的镍精矿。镍精矿一般通过

15、冶炼富集其中的铁和氧化镁,并将其转化为硅酸铁炉渣。镍则成为含Ni 3570%的硫化冰镍。冰镍中主要含有六方硫镍矿Ni3S2、辉铜矿Cu2S和Ni-Cu合金。冰镍中含有的其它主要金属有钴、铜和铂族金属。Because of valuable side metals and also because of harmful impurity elements, nickel matte must go through a multi-stage refining process. Generally, matte is treated by hydrometallurgy consisting of

16、 oxidation of matte in leaching or in electrorefining, purification of the nickel solution and recovery of high grade metallic nickel by electrolysis or hydrogen reduction.由于冰镍中含有很多其它金属,并且很多金属为有害金属,因此冰镍必须经过一个多级精炼过程。一般来说,冰镍需经过由冰镍氧化浸出或电解、镍溶液提纯组成的湿法冶金流程,再通过电解或氢还原工艺得到高等级的金属镍。2. Hydrometallurgical matte refining processesHydrometallurgical processes to refine nickel matte can be specified as follows /4,5,6,7,8/:1 Matt



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