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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022考研英语阅读恶老板 Horrible Bosses 恶老板 Truth is nicer than fiction 现实要比电影好一点 A horrible film is generating a lame debate 一部恐怖电影引发的一场蹩脚争辩 HORRIBLE bosses come in many flavours. 恶老板们总是各有各的恶。 There are psychopaths, bullies and prats. 他们可能是神经病,是恶霸,是2B。 Incompetent bosses are irksome,too. 但不称职

2、的老板也一样的招人烦。 The bosses at New Line Cinema are not incompetent, in that their films make money, butthey are still villains. 新线电影公司的老板不能说是不称职,由于该公司的电影能大卖,但是他们仍旧算得上恶棍。 For Horrible Bosses, their latest offering, is a crime against art and common sense. 由于他们最新出品的电影恶老板简直就是对艺术的亵渎和常识的颠覆。 The viewer is expe

3、cted to believe that beingpropositioned by Jennifer Aniston is so traumatic that it would drive a man to plot hermurder. 他们要观众认为正确而不怀疑,被詹妮弗安妮斯顿调戏是件多么痛不欲生的事儿,逼得被调戏的家伙只能策划一场对她的谋杀。 Kevin Spacey plays a more convincing psychoboss. But his talents are wasted on a lamescript. 而凯文史派西所扮演的神经病老板还让人信服一些,不过他的天赋

4、也白白铺张在这个蹩脚的剧本上了。 To make matters worse, the film has inspired a torrent of management drivel. 更糟糕的是,这部电影引发了一场口水仗,矛头直指管理层。 OfficeTeam, a recruiter, warns of Horrible Boss Syndrome, which can have seriousimplications for morale. 猎头公司OfficeTeam会警告你当心恶老板综合征,那样将对士气有严峻的影响。 An American survey finds that 46

5、% of employees have worked for an unreasonable boss atsome point. 美国的一项调查表明,46%的员工在职业生涯中曾为不行理喻的老板工作过。 Nell Minow, a critic, says the film reflects the bitterness of the post-meltdown era. 而影评人内尔米诺说这部电影所反映的是后危机时代的苦痛 All this fuss suggests, not that bosses are growing more horrible, but that employees

6、 expectthem to be more agreeable. 这些全部的不满说明,不是老板变得越来越可怕,而是雇员对老板和善可亲的期望越来越高。 Laws ban discrimination, the internet allows people to air their complaints and theprevailing management culture emphasises sensitivity. Horrible Bosses 恶老板 Truth is nicer than fiction 现实要比电影好一点 A horrible film is generating

7、 a lame debate 一部恐怖电影引发的一场蹩脚争辩 HORRIBLE bosses come in many flavours. 恶老板们总是各有各的恶。 There are psychopaths, bullies and prats. 他们可能是神经病,是恶霸,是2B。 Incompetent bosses are irksome,too. 但不称职的老板也一样的招人烦。 The bosses at New Line Cinema are not incompetent, in that their films make money, butthey are still vill

8、ains. 新线电影公司的老板不能说是不称职,由于该公司的电影能大卖,但是他们仍旧算得上恶棍。 For Horrible Bosses, their latest offering, is a crime against art and common sense. 由于他们最新出品的电影恶老板简直就是对艺术的亵渎和常识的颠覆。 The viewer is expected to believe that beingpropositioned by Jennifer Aniston is so traumatic that it would drive a man to plot hermurd

9、er. 他们要观众认为正确而不怀疑,被詹妮弗安妮斯顿调戏是件多么痛不欲生的事儿,逼得被调戏的家伙只能策划一场对她的谋杀。 由于法律禁止卑视,互联网的消失让又人们能随时广播他们对老板的埋怨不满,主流管理文化也都在强调管理要人性。 The monsters of the past knew no such checks. 过去的恶老板们可不吃这一套。 John Henry Patterson, who founded the National Cash Register Company in 1884, would setthe desks of inept employees on fire.

10、于1884年创建国家收银机公司的约翰亨利帕特森会把那些笨手笨脚的员工的办公桌付之一炬。 To find similarly forceful bosses today, one must look East. 而如今要找到一个和帕特森一样强势的老板只能去东方国家了。 When Zhang Ruimin took over Haier, a Chinese white-goods company, in 1984, he smashedone of the companys products to pieces with a sledgehammer to show what he thought of itsquality. 1984年张瑞敏接管海尔一家中国白色家电公司。当时他用一把大锤把该公司出产的一件电器敲得粉碎,为了表示他认为质量很差。 Hollywood could use a few bosses like Mr Zhang. 不过好莱坞倒是可以雇几个像张瑞敏这样的老板。 词语解释 1.debate n.辩论;争论 After a long debate, the house of commonsapproved the bill. 6 / 6


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