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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022年12月英语六级作文范文:宿舍分配新规则 话题: 每个同学进入校内总会遇到的一件事那就是分宿舍,你们学校是在你进入学校前就将宿舍已经分好了还是你可以自行选择住哪个宿舍呢?假如你和一样选择的是前者,或许你的心底就在祈祷舍友们是要与自己合得来的,而今日我们就来聊聊20xx年英语六级备考作文:宿舍安排新规章。 参考范文: When students go to college, they are so excited about the new life. In the campus, they can enjoy freedom without parent

2、s supervision. Whats more, they will have roommates. If they are lucky, they will become longtime friends, if not, troubles will come all the time. To reduce trouble, the new rules to assign dormitory has been carried out. In tradition, the students get their roommates at random, so it takes them so

3、me time to get familiar with each other. Most students realize their roommates living different lifestyles, so contradiction happens. In order to let students focus more attention on study, some schools assign the dormitory according to the students daily schedule, which is favored by the public. Th

4、ey said if this rule had carried before, then much trouble would have been avoided. Indeed, some students trend to sleep early and then wake up early, while other students like to stay up. The latter will be addicted to playing computer games, then the sound of typing and the computer light annoy the former. Now this problem can be solved, which is good for both sides. We are happy to see the change, if the new rules can bring positive sides, then they deserved to be advocated. 2 / 2


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