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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022考研英语阅读德国明天会更绿 Germany s victorious Greens A greener future?明天会更绿? Two state elections have upturned German politics两个州的选举反转德国政局 THE Greens are the against party. They are againsta flashy rail project in Stuttgart, against nuclearpower and, say their critics, against progress andg

2、rowth. Yet on March 27th the partys defiance paidoff in stunning fashion. German angst over thenuclear disaster in Japan crested just as two south-western states held elections. In Rhineland-Palatinatethe Green vote tripled, vaulting the party into government as junior partner of the SocialDemocrati

3、c Party , which had previously ruled alone. In Baden-Wrttemberg 58 years ofgovernment by the Christian Democratic Union came to an end. The Greens will now takecontrol of a state government for the first time. 德国的绿党是个反对党。他们反对斯图加特花哨的铁路工程,反对核能,而且据他们批判者称,他们反对进展进步。然而,就在3月27号这一天,他们的抵抗获得了惊人的回报。西南部两个州进行选举之

4、时,正值德国民众因日本核危机而担忧,在莱茵兰普法尔茨州,绿党的得票数增至原来的三倍,使其成为该州原本唯一的执政党社会民主党新的联合执政党。在巴登符腾堡州,执政长达58年的基民盟面临下台。绿党将首次成为该州的执政党。 This almost-unthinkable result is a big blow to Angela Merkel, the chancellor and CDU leader,who has lost the partys crown jewel. Her pre-election decision to shut down seven nuclear-power pla

5、nts looked panicky rather than principled, and may have made matters worse for theCDU. The elections were an even bigger setback for her coalition partner, the Free Democrats.But the SPD also has little to cheer about: its share of the vote was the lowest in half acentury in Rhineland-Palatinate and

6、 the lowest ever in Baden-Wrttemberg, where it will becomethe junior coalition partner. Only the Greens have reason to celebrate. 这个意想不到的结果对安吉拉?默克尔是一个巨大的打击。作为德国总理和基民盟领袖,她失去了基民盟执政的一个传统重镇。她在选举前打算关闭七座核电站。这个打算更像是仓促之举而不是坚持原则,并使得基民盟的情势更糟。选举结果对她的执政伙伴自民党是个更大的挫折。然而社民党也没有什么值得庆贺的:他们在莱茵兰普法尔茨州的得票率降至半个世纪以来的最低点;在巴

7、符州的得票率则是有史以来的最低点。这使得社民党成为巴符州绿党的联合执政党。只有绿党有庆祝的理由。 The partys offices in Stuttgart, Baden-Wrttembergs capital, look readier for protests anddemonstrations than for the assumption of government responsibility. Yellow drums done upto look like nuclear-waste containers are stacked by the door. Bamboo pol

8、es for hoistingbanners rest against them. Yet the ready-to-rally impression is somewhat misleading. Baden-Wrttembergs Greens are on the partys extreme realist wing, says Dieter Fuchs of theUniversity of Stuttgart.The incoming premier, Winfried Kretschmann, belongs to the CentralCommittee of German C

9、atholics and to a traditional shooting club. His down-to-earth Swabianmanner matches the states spirit better than did the conservative pugnacity of StefanMappus, the premier he defeated. The export-oriented Mittelstand has nothing to fear, hesuggests. You can be in the black with green ideas, he sa

10、id in an interview shortly before theelection. Germany s victorious Greens A greener future?明天会更绿? Two state elections have upturned German politics两个州的选举反转德国政局 THE Greens are the against party. They are againsta flashy rail project in Stuttgart, against nuclearpower and, say their critics, against

11、progress andgrowth. Yet on March 27th the partys defiance paidoff in stunning fashion. German angst over thenuclear disaster in Japan crested just as two south-western states held elections. In Rhineland-Palatinatethe Green vote tripled, vaulting the party into government as junior partner of the So

12、cialDemocratic Party , which had previously ruled alone. In Baden-Wrttemberg 58 years ofgovernment by the Christian Democratic Union came to an end. The Greens will now takecontrol of a state government for the first time. 德国的绿党是个反对党。他们反对斯图加特花哨的铁路工程,反对核能,而且据他们批判者称,他们反对进展进步。然而,就在3月27号这一天,他们的抵抗获得了惊人的回

13、报。西南部两个州进行选举之时,正值德国民众因日本核危机而担忧,在莱茵兰普法尔茨州,绿党的得票数增至原来的三倍,使其成为该州原本唯一的执政党社会民主党新的联合执政党。在巴登符腾堡州,执政长达58年的基民盟面临下台。绿党将首次成为该州的执政党。 This almost-unthinkable result is a big blow to Angela Merkel, the chancellor and CDU leader,who has lost the partys crown jewel. Her pre-election decision to shut down seven nucl

14、ear-power plants looked panicky rather than principled, and may have made matters worse for theCDU. The elections were an even bigger setback for her coalition partner, the Free Democrats.But the SPD also has little to cheer about: its share of the vote was the lowest in half acentury in Rhineland-P

15、alatinate and the lowest ever in Baden-Wrttemberg, where it will becomethe junior coalition partner. Only the Greens have reason to celebrate. 位于巴符州省会斯图加特市的绿党办公部门,看起来更像是在为抗议和示威作预备,而不是担当政府责任。做成核废料集装箱样子的黄色大鼓堆放在门口,对面放着举旗的竹竿。这种即将进行集会的印象多少会让人产生误会。斯图加特高校的迪特尔?福克斯说,巴符州的绿党属于该党中的极端现实主义派系。即将上台的总理温弗里德?科瑞奇曼是德国天主

16、教徒中央委员会成员,并加入了一个传统射击俱乐部。他的斯瓦比亚现实主义做派,与败北的前总理史蒂芬?马普斯的保守好战相比,更契合该州的精神。他示意出口导向型的中小企业无需恐慌。你可以做一个持绿色观点的黑党。他在选举即将开头前的采访中说道。 That is what he must now prove if the Greens are tobe more than a one-term wonder. Voters rewardedthem for their stance on nuclear power. But onissues that usually matter more, like jobs, economicpolicy and education, they rate the Greens below theCDU and even the SPD.


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