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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022考研英语阅读合法的免责声明 Legal disclaimers 合法的免责声明 Spare us the e-mail yada-yada 腾回我们的电邮空间 Automatic e-mail footers are not justannoying.They are legally useless 自动附加电子邮件页脚,真让人厌烦,法律上还没啥用呢 IF THIS e-mail is received in error, notify the sender immediately. 假如电邮被误收,请立刻通知发件人。 This e-mail does

2、not create an attorney-client relationship. 电邮没有建立代理-托付的关系。 Any tax advice in this e-mail is not intended to be used for the purpose of avoidingpenalties under the Internal Revenue Code. 任何关于电邮的税务询问不是以避开国内税法惩罚为目的。 Many firmsThe Economist includedautomatically append these sorts of disclaimers toever

3、y message sent from their e-mail servers, no matter how brief and trivial the messageitself might be. 无论电邮的信息是多么简短和琐碎,大部分企业都会自动在电邮服务器中的全部邮件中附加各式各样的免责声明。 E-mail disclaimers are one of the minor nuisances of modern office life, along with firedrills, annual appraisals and colleagues who keep sneezing

4、loudly. 电邮免责声明是现代办公室生活中的小骚扰之一,其它骚扰则是火警演戏、年度评比和同事大声连续打喷嚏。 Just think of all the extra waste paper generated when messages containing such waffle areprinted. 试想想,信息中含有多余的话句,还被打印出来了,多铺张纸张啊。 They are assumed to be a wise precaution. 而且,免责声明还被认为是一种明智的预防措施。 But they are mostly, legally speaking, pointless

5、. 然而,从法律上说,这些声明大多是没意义的。 Lawyers and experts on internet policy say no court case has ever turned on the presence orabsence of such an automatic e-mail footer in America, the most litigious of rich countries. 互联网政策方面的律师和专家们表示,富有国家中最爱诉讼的美国,也还没有哪个诉案是由这种自动的电邮页脚的存在与否引起的。 Many disclaimers are, in effect,

6、seeking to impose a contractual obligation unilaterally, andthus are probably unenforceable. 实际上,大部分免责声明都在争取利用单方契约义务,最终可能导致条款无法执行。 This is clear in Europe, 在这方面,欧洲做得特别清楚。 Legal disclaimers 合法的免责声明 Spare us the e-mail yada-yada 腾回我们的电邮空间 Automatic e-mail footers are not justannoying.They are legally

7、useless 自动附加电子邮件页脚,真让人厌烦,法律上还没啥用呢 IF THIS e-mail is received in error, notify the sender immediately. 假如电邮被误收,请立刻通知发件人。 This e-mail does not create an attorney-client relationship. 电邮没有建立代理-托付的关系。 Any tax advice in this e-mail is not intended to be used for the purpose of avoidingpenalties under the

8、 Internal Revenue Code. 任何关于电邮的税务询问不是以避开国内税法惩罚为目的。 Many firmsThe Economist includedautomatically append these sorts of disclaimers toevery message sent from their e-mail servers, no matter how brief and trivial the messageitself might be. 无论电邮的信息是多么简短和琐碎,大部分企业都会自动在电邮服务器中的全部邮件中附加各式各样的免责声明。 E-mail dis

9、claimers are one of the minor nuisances of modern office life, along with firedrills, annual appraisals and colleagues who keep sneezing loudly. where a directive from the European Commission tells the courts to strike out anyunreasonable contractual obligation on a consumer if he has not freely neg

10、otiated it. 欧洲委员会向法院下指令,要求严打针对那些不赐予消费者自由谈判权利的、不合理的契约义务。 And a footer stating that nothing in the e-mail should be used to break the law would be of noprotection to a lawyer or financial adviser sending a message that did suggest somethingillegal. 这些页脚声称电子邮件中没有违法内容;另外,对于律师和财务顾问而言,它们也不会有保障性,也不会发信息告知人们

11、什么是非法的。 So why are the disclaimers there? 那么,免责声明是干什么用的? Company lawyers often insist on them because they see others using them. 企业的律师总会坚持使用免责声明,由于他们见其它公司也在使用。 As with Latin vocabulary and judges robes, once something has become a legal habit it has atendency to stick. 与拉丁词汇和法官的长袍一样,一旦某行为成为一种法律习惯,该行为就会被连续坚持下去。 Might they at least remind people to behave sensibly? 至少,这些声明可以让人们理智行动吧? 5 / 5



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