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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022考研英语阅读可见光通信 Visible-light communication 可见光通信 Tripping the light fantastic 与光共舞 A fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi is coming 一个高速而廉价的光学Wi-Fi即将问世 AMONG the many new gadgets unveiled at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in LasVegas was a pair of smartphones able to exchan

2、ge data using light. 最近,在拉斯维加斯国际消费电子展上首次展出的电子产品中,有一对能利用光交换数据的智能手机。 These phones, as yet only prototypes from Casio, a Japanese firm, transmit digital signalsby varying the intensity of the light given off from their screens. 目前,这两部不过是日本卡西欧公司的样机,它们能通过转变自身屏幕的光强来传传输数字信号。 The flickering is so slight tha

3、t it is imperceptible to the human eye, but the camera onanother phone can detect it at a distance of up to ten metres. 这样的闪光很微弱,人眼无法感知,但另一部手机的摄像头能够在十米的范围内检测得到。 In an age of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, flashing lights might seem like going back to sendingmessages with an Aldis lamp. 在这个Wi-Fi和蓝牙横行的时代里,使用闪光可

4、能有点像回到用奥尔迪斯手提信号灯发送信息的年月。 In fact, they are the beginning of a fast and cheap wireless-communication system thatsome have labelled Li-Fi. 事实上,它们正是有人称之为Li-Fi的高速、廉价的无线通讯系统的鼻祖。 The data being exchanged by Casios phones were trifles: 两部卡西欧手机交换的数据量特别小: message balloons to be added to pictures on social-ne

5、tworking sites. 不过是添加在社交网站图片中的虚拟对话框。 But the firm sees bigger applications, such as pointing a smartphone at an illuminated shopsign to read information being transmitted by the light: 但卡西欧公司发觉这项技术有更大的应用前景,比如将智能手机对准发光的商店招牌读取通过灯光传送的信息: opening times, for example, or the latest bargains. 如营业时间或最新优待。 Y

6、et that is still only a flicker of what is possible. 但是,这项技术可能有万千功能,以上不过是冰山一角。 Last October a number of companiesand industry groups formed the Li-Fi Consortium, to promote high-speed optical wirelesssystems. 去年十月,多家公司及实业集团共同成立了Li-Fi联盟,以推广高速无线光学通信系统。 Visible-light communication 可见光通信 Tripping the li

7、ght fantastic 与光共舞 A fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi is coming 一个高速而廉价的光学Wi-Fi即将问世 AMONG the many new gadgets unveiled at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in LasVegas was a pair of smartphones able to exchange data using light. 最近,在拉斯维加斯国际消费电子展上首次展出的电子产品中,有一对能利用光交换数据的智能手机。 These phones,

8、as yet only prototypes from Casio, a Japanese firm, transmit digital signalsby varying the intensity of the light given off from their screens. 目前,这两部不过是日本卡西欧公司的样机,它们能通过转变自身屏幕的光强来传传输数字信号。 The flickering is so slight that it is imperceptible to the human eye, but the camera onanother phone can detect

9、 it at a distance of up to ten metres. 这样的闪光很微弱,人眼无法感知,但另一部手机的摄像头能够在十米的范围内检测得到。 In an age of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, flashing lights might seem like going back to sendingmessages with an Aldis lamp. 在这个Wi-Fi和蓝牙横行的时代里,使用闪光可能有点像回到用奥尔迪斯手提信号灯发送信息的年月。 The idea is that light can help with a looming capacity

10、problem. 他们的想法是可见光通信将有助于解决即将来临的数据传输瓶颈问题。 As radio-based wireless becomes ubiquitous, more and more devices transmitting more andmore data are able to connect to the internet, either through the mobile-phone network orthrough Wi-Fi. 随着无线电通讯的普及,越来越多的数据传输量越来越大的设备能够通过移动网络或Wi-Fi与互联网连接。 But there is only

11、a limited amount of radio spectrum available. 但可用于通信的无线电频段是有限的。 Using light offers the possibility of breaking out of this conundrum by exploiting a completelydifferent part of the electromagnetic spectrum, one that is already ubiquitous because it isused for another purpose: illumination. 运用一个完全不同的电磁波段可见光,就有可能解决这个难题;这个波段其实早已相当常用,由于它有另一个作用:照明。 Lighten the darkness 照亮黑暗 To turn a light into a Li-Fi router involves modulating its output, to carry a message, andlinking it with a network cable to a modem that is connected to a telephone orcable-broadband service, just like a Wi-Fi router. 5 / 5



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