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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022考研英语阅读差距再次扩大 OCCUPY WALL STREET may be long gone fromlower Manhattan, but worries persist about the gapbetween Americas richest 1% and the rest. Talk ofinequality pervades the presidential race. In hisJanuary state-of-the-union message, BarackObama called the struggle for a level

2、 economicplaying field the defining issue of our time. 占据华尔街行动可能在曼哈顿下城一去不复返了,但人们对美国1%富人与其他阶层之间的差距的担忧仍未消散。总统竞选中也充斥着关于社会不公的演讲。巴拉克?奥巴马在一月份的国情咨文演说中将争取一个同等的经济竞争场地称为我们时代的打算性大事。 Republicans bristle at the notion. In February Rick Santorum, the second-placed Republicancandidate, declared: There is income in

3、equality in America. There always has been and,hopefully, and I do say that, there always will be. New income data from Emmanuel Saez,an economist at the University of California at Berkeley, may fan the flames. 共和党人被这个看法激怒了。二月份,共和党总统提名候选人的其次位热门人选Rick Santorum称:美国存在收入差距,而且始终以来都有,我盼望,我的确是这么说的,将始终有收入差

4、距。美国加州高校伯克利分校的一位经济学家 Emmanuel Saez供应的新收入数据可能更是火上浇油。 Mr Saez is well known for his work on tracking the share of national income that goes to thehighest earners. From Internal Revenue Service tax numbers he has constructed a series ofdata going back to 1913 that has helped frame the debate over risin

5、g inequality inAmerica. On the eve of the Great Recession, his numbers show, income gaps reachedextremes last experienced in the late 1920s. The top 10% of American earners brought in46% of the nations salary income in 20xx. The top 0.1% alone earned over 12% of all salaryincome. These striking tota

6、ls capped years of rising inequality. Between 1993 and 20xx,over half of all real income gains in America flowed to the top 1%. Saez 先生致力于追踪美国最高收入者占有的国民收入份额,他因这项工作而广为人知。依据国内收入署供应的税收编号,Saez 构造了一组1913年以来的数据,激起了美国国内对更加严峻的社会不公的辩论。其数据显示,在经济大衰退前夕,收入差距达到极端值,最近一次达到该值是在 20世纪20年月末。20xx年,排名前10%的美国收入者将全国工资收入的46

7、%收入囊中,而单单是前0.1%的高收入者就挣得了占据逾12%的工资。这些惊人的数据代表多年以来的贫富不均现象达到了顶峰。1993-20xx年间,有超过一半的全国实际收入所得流入美国1%的人口手中。 The recession then took a heavy toll on the rich. Between 20xx and 20xx the inflation-adjusted income of the bottom 99% dropped by 11.6%, the largest decline seen since theDepression. The top 1% suffer

8、ed a much larger drop of 36.3%, substantial enough tosuggest the possibility of a break in the previous trend. The distribution of incomes inAmerica levelled off sharply in the 1930s and remained flat until the late 1980s . Arepeat performance seemed possible. 此次大衰退给富人们造成了严峻的损失。 20xx-20xx年间,调整通胀后,占人

9、口99%的较低收入者的收入削减了11.6%,是大萧条以来的最大降幅。1%的富人的降幅则更大,达到 36.3%,足以有超过从前趋势的可能。大萧条时期20世纪30年月,美国的收入安排大幅趋平,这种状况持续到了20世纪80年末。这次好像又是一次循环。 OCCUPY WALL STREET may be long gone fromlower Manhattan, but worries persist about the gapbetween Americas richest 1% and the rest. Talk ofinequality pervades the presidential r

10、ace. In hisJanuary state-of-the-union message, BarackObama called the struggle for a level economicplaying field the defining issue of our time. 占据华尔街行动可能在曼哈顿下城一去不复返了,但人们对美国1%富人与其他阶层之间的差距的担忧仍未消散。总统竞选中也充斥着关于社会不公的演讲。巴拉克?奥巴马在一月份的国情咨文演说中将争取一个同等的经济竞争场地称为我们时代的打算性大事。 Republicans bristle at the notion. In F

11、ebruary Rick Santorum, the second-placed Republicancandidate, declared: There is income inequality in America. There always has been and,hopefully, and I do say that, there always will be. New income data from Emmanuel Saez,an economist at the University of California at Berkeley, may fan the flames

12、. 共和党人被这个看法激怒了。二月份,共和党总统提名候选人的其次位热门人选Rick Santorum称:美国存在收入差距,而且始终以来都有,我盼望,我的确是这么说的,将始终有收入差距。美国加州高校伯克利分校的一位经济学家 Emmanuel Saez供应的新收入数据可能更是火上浇油。 Mr Saez is well known for his work on tracking the share of national income that goes to thehighest earners. From Internal Revenue Service tax numbers he has

13、constructed a series ofdata going back to 1913 that has helped frame the debate over rising inequality inAmerica. On the eve of the Great Recession, his numbers show, income gaps reachedextremes last experienced in the late 1920s. The top 10% of American earners brought in46% of the nations salary i

14、ncome in 20xx. The top 0.1% alone earned over 12% of all salaryincome. These striking totals capped years of rising inequality. Between 1993 and 20xx,over half of all real income gains in America flowed to the top 1%. That now looks less likely. On March 2nd Mr Saez updated his figures to the end of

15、 20xx. Thenew data reveal a rebound in the fortunes of the rich. From 20xx to 20xx, the top 1% ofearners enjoyed an 11.6% rise in income while the rest of the workforce saw a gain of just0.2%. 现在看来,那好像不太可能了。3月2日,Saez 先生将其数据更新至20xx年末。新数据显示富人们的财宝值正在反弹。从20xx年到20xx年,1%富人的收入上涨了11.6%,而其他工薪阶层只上涨了0.2%。 Rene

16、wed gains at the top are not surprising. Declines in high incomes during the recessionwere driven by a collapse in stock prices, which have since roared back to their levels ofbefore the crisis. By contrast, salary income has scarcely budged. Excluding capital gains,the top 10% of earners captured a near-record share of income in 20xx. More increases mayfollow. 富人收入重新上涨并不惊奇



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