PEP版小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 Part B 第3课时教学设计

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1、附件3: 教学设计(第三课时)课时项目Unit4 Part B Lets learn 、Lets do and Lets check(第三课时)教学目标一、知识与技能:1. 能听、说、认读表示动物名称的单词:“bird”, “panda”, “tiger”, “elephant”, “monkey”。2.能根据部分的指令做相应的动作。3.能用句型“I see.”说出自己能看到的英文字母,能运用“Whats that?” “Its a tiger.”来询问动物。二、过程与方法:让学生能通过所学,在真实情景中能灵活运用重点单词和句型,能描述自己喜欢的动物。三、情感态度与价值观学生能认识到动物是人类

2、的好朋友,能从自身做起保护动物。重难点分析1、能听、说、认读和运用重点单词“bird”, “panda”, “tiger”, “elephant”, “monkey”。2、学生能在真实情景中灵活运用所学来描述动物。3、单词“elephant”, “bird”, “bear”的发音。4、能够正确区分“a”和“an”的用法。教学策略三年级是小学生学习英语的基础阶段,这一阶段的重要任务在于激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣。因此,在设计课堂教学活动时一定要根据学生的情况,采用灵活多样的教学方法来吸引学生的注意,努力营造玩中学、学中玩的教学情境。比如说本节课就运用了情境教学法、游戏教学法、动作教学法、自然拼

3、读法和全身反应法等教学策略。媒体准备1、教师准备教学课件;2、教师准备本课时的教学视频及语音材料;3、教师准备单词表中的单词卡片。教学内容主题语境去动物园主题背景语篇类型词汇语音教学语言知识语音1、让学生掌握单词“elephant”, “bird”, “bear”的发音2、单词bird 中字母组合“ir”的发音。词汇让学生掌握重点单词“bird”, “panda”, “tiger”, “elephant”, “monkey”and so on.句型让学生掌握重点句型“Whats that?” “Its a tiger.”来询问动物,并且能灵活运用到实际生活中。语法能够正确区分“a”和“an”的


5、解各国的动物保护法。教学过程具体步骤教师活动学生活动二次备课Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss2. Lets sing the songOld MacDonald.Play the song.(出示课件)Let students follow it to sing.Step 2: Presentation1.引出主情景Show the picture of Zoom and Zip in “Lets learn” on the PPT. (出示课

6、件)T: Look, who are they?Ss: Zoom and Zip.T: Guess! Where are they going?Ss: T:(课件出示:有“zoo”标志的动物园图片)Look, they are looking at the zoo. oo/u:/, zoo/zu:/. (Write down the word “zoo” on the blackboard.) Follow me, zoo, zoo, zoo. Students repeat the word and practice it in groups.2、Teach the new words.Te

7、ach the word “bird”:Play the recording of the sound that a bird makes.(出示课件)T: Listen, who is singing in the zoo?Ss: 小鸟。T: Good, its a bird. (Write down the word “bird” on the blackboard.) Follow me: /b/-/-/d/,. Bird,bird.Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter combination “

8、ir” which pronounces “/”. Let students practice the word row by row. T: S1, look! Whats that?S1: Its a bird.T: (Do the action.) I can act like a bird. Boys and girls, follow me: Act like a bird.Ss: (Do the action.) Act like a bird.Teach the word “tiger”:Show the footprints of a tiger.(出示课件) T: Look

9、at the footprints. Is it a duck?Ss: No.T: Whats that?Ss: T:(课件出示:老虎图片) Look, its a tiger. (Write down the word “tiger” on the blackboard.) Read after me. /t/-/a/-/g(r)/, . Tiger, tiger, tiger.Lead students to read the word “tiger” and practice it in high and low voice. (用同样的方法引出和教授panda, monkey, ele

10、phant。)Remind students that we can say “a monkey/bird/tiger/panda”, but we should say “an elephant”. T: We should say “an” if a word begins with a vowel sound, for example: an elephant, an apple.(课件出示:an elephant, an apple及图片)We should say “a” if a word begins with a consonant sound, for example: a

11、dog, a cat.(课件出示:a dog, a cat及图片)Step 3: Practice1、 Listen and touch. Two students are invited to the front. After the teacher says a word, two students touch the word on the blackboard quickly. 2. A guessing game.T: Guess. Whats that?S1: Its a panda.T: No.S2: Its a dog.T: No.3. Pair work.Let studen

12、ts work in pairs to ask and answer with each other.S1: Whats that?S2: Its a / anS2: Whats that?S1: Its a / anStep 4: Consolidation1. Lets do.Show some pictures of different animals one by one. (出示课件) Let students say the words through the pictures.T:(Show the picture of a bird.)You can say like this

13、: Act like a bird. Bird, bird, bird.(Show the picture of a tiger.)Ss: Act like a tiger. Tiger, tiger, tiger.Play the video of “Lets do”. (出示课件) Ask students to practice after the video.2.Lets checkLet the students listen and number.3.创设星期天去动物园,给爸爸妈妈介绍小动物的情景。让学生以小对话或者是小语篇的形式输出所学内容。A: Mum/Dad, look at

14、 the .B: Whats this?A: Its a/an .B: Whats that?A: Its a/an .B: Act like a .A: (Do the action.)B: Great!3. 情感态度与价值观:老师让学生知道动物是人类的好朋友,我们应该保护动物,让学生知道没有买卖,就没有杀害。 Step 5 Summary (可包含homework这里的homework指的是常规书面作业。)1. Lets make a conclusion about what we have learnt today (group work).And let the students f

15、ind the content in their books. Read them together.2. Homework.布置家庭作业。 Read the important words and sentences. 拼读重要的单词和句型。 Make a dialogue with your friends to talk about the animals. 和朋友做对话来讨论动物。 Make an English poster about protecting animals with your partner. 和你的小伙伴一起制作保护动物的英语海报。 1.老师和学生进行问好,拉近师生的距离,能较好的促进教师开展教学活动。2.教师带领学生唱歌,调动课堂学习气氛。1、教师展示Zoom and Zip的图片,让学生猜他们要去



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