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1、2022年湖南在职攻读硕士联考考试真题卷八(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位: 姓名: 考号: 题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值 得分 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.阅读下面短文,回答下列五道题。喝 茶第二段十画线句子“颇合于我的喝茶的意思”指的是()。A时间长这一点上合于作者的饮茶之道B有自然的妙味C真正起到了止渴的作用D没有饭馆子的味道2.阅读下面短文回答下列五道题。桥的运动按照本文,不属于桥动原因的一项是()。A桥的重量与地下的抗衡B气候变化的侵袭C冷暖不均、温度有升降D地震3.阅读下面

2、短文,回答下列五道题。你必须有一样是出色的在面临“抢救儿子或避免一场灾难”时,扳道工的选择体现出他具有什么样的品质分析准确的一项是()。A伟大的父爱B忠于职守,无私忘我C大公无私,舍己为人D强烈的责任心和使命感4.阅读下面短文,回答下列五道题。天才与对称5.阅读下面短文,回答下列五道题。喝 茶联系全文,对中国茶道衰落的根本原因判断准确的一项是()。A喝茶成了一种止渴的需求B太洋场化C中国太穷困了D日本“茶道”的渗入6.阅读下面短文,回答下列五道题。你必须有一样是出色的对那位名不见经传的记者的作品以绝对的优势获奖的原因,分析不恰当的一项是()。A作品足以震慑观众的心灵B展


4、领域的“双重反光”D莎士比亚作品具有普遍的对称,这是由自然和社会生活本身所固有的对称性所决定的9.阅读下面短文,回答下列五道题。喝 茶下列各句不符合原文意思的是()。A开头引徐志摩讲吃茶,意在引出自己对中国茶道的看法,也含有对徐志摩崇洋媚外人格的批评B文章从饮茶历史讲起,说到人们吃茶的习惯及各地不同的饮茶方法,写来如数家珍C作者由饮茶的环境谈及“茶食”时与日本对比,含有对中国茶道衰落的感叹D中国本是有着千百年饮茶历史的国家,但饮茶却愈来愈变成一种止渴的需求,只有南方偏僻的山乡才可见到富有意味的饮茶方式10.Analysts have their

5、go at humor, and I have read some of this interpretative literature, (1) without being greatly instructed. Humor can be (2) , (3) a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are (4) to any but the pure scientific mind.One of the things (5) said about humorists is that they are real

6、ly very sad ’people clowns with a breaking heart. There is some truth in it, but it is badly (6) . It would be more (7) , I think, to say that there is a deep vein of melancholy running through everyone’s life and that the humorist, perhaps more (8) of it than some others, compensates fo

7、r it actively and (9) Humorists fatten on troubles. They have always made trouble (10) They struggle along with a good will and endure pain (11) , knowing how well it will (12) them in the sweet by and by. You find them wrestling with foreign languages, fighting folding ironing hoards and’ swo

8、llen drainpipes, suffering the terrible (13) of tight boots. They pour out their sorrows profitably, in a (14) of what is not quite fiction nor quite fact either. Beneath the sparking surface of these dilemmas flows the strong (15) of human woe.Practically everyone is a manic depressive of sorts, wi

9、th his up moments and his down moments, and you certainly don’t have to be a humorist to (16) the sadness of situation and mood. But there is often a rather fine line between laughing and crying, and if a humorous piece of writing brings a person to the point (17) his emotional responses are u

10、ntrustworthy and seem likely to break over into the opposite realm, it is (18) humor, like poetry, has an extra content, it plays (19) to the big hot fire which is Truth, and sometimes the reader feels the (20) .1()A.whileB.althoughC.butD.if11.For my proposed journey, the first priority was clearly

11、to start learning Arabic. I have never been a linguist. Though I had traveled widely as a journalist, I had never managed to pick up more than a smattering of phrases in any tongue other than French, and even my French, was laborious for want of lengthy practice. The prospect of tackling one of the

12、notoriously difficult languages at the age of forty, and trying to speak it well, both deterred and excited me. It was perhaps expecting a little too much of a curiously unreceptive part of myself, yet the possibility that I might gain access to a completely alien culture and tradition by this means

13、 was enormously pleasing.I enrolled as a pupil in a small school in the center of the city. It was run by a Mr Beheit, of dapper appearance and explosive temperament, who assured me that after three months of his special treatment I would speak Arabic fluently. Whereupon he drew from his desk a post

14、card which an old pupil had sent him from somewhere in the Middle East, expressing great gratitude and reporting the astonishment of local Arabs that he could converse with them like a native. It was written in English. Mr Beheit himself spent most of his time coaching businessmen in French, and thr

15、ough the thin, partitioned walls of his school one could hear him bellowing in exasperation at some confused entrepreneur: "Non, M. Jones. Jane suis pas francais. Pas, Pas, Pas!" (No Mr. Jones, I’m NOT French, I’m not, not, NOT!). I was gratified that my own tutor, whose name was Ahmed, was infinitely softer and less public in approach.For a couple of hours every morning we would face each other across a small table, while we discussed in meticulous detail the colour scheme of the tiny cu



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