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1、PEP英语四年级下期期中考试试卷时间:60分钟总分值:100分总分:听力局部35分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(5分)1.A. firstB.secondC.floorD.wall()2.A. library)3.A. breakfast)4.A. coldB.gym C.gardenB. get up C. go homeB. cloudy C. outside5.A. degreeB.hotC. warmD. flowerD. oclockD. weatherD.cool二、听录音,按听到的先后顺序给以下单词标上序号。10分)beautifulplaygroundwelcomebre

2、akfastsnowy()()()()()officecomputerEnglishsisterlibrary()()()()()三、听录音,将时间和事件连线。(5分)4:30P.E.10:05music class3:00go home6:50get up12:00lunch四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分)( )1 .A. We have a new computer room B.we have a new gym.B. This is a black bird.B. Those are pens.B. Hurry up.B. Its on the second floor.)2.

3、A. That is a blackboard ()3.A. They are books.( )4.A. Just a minute()5.A. Its on the first floor五、听录音,根据问句选择正确的答句。10分)()1. A. Yes, it is .B. Yes, I am.()2. A. Its a book.()3. A. No, it isntB. They are books.B. Yes, I am.()4. A. Ifs AmyB. Its Mikes.B. Its art room.5. A. Its on the first floor笔试局部65分)

4、六、按正确格式抄写以下各句,注意标点符号和大小写。(5分)Is this the teachers5 office? No, it isnt.Time to go home , kids.七、选择(20分)()1.-What is it? -Ifs 10: 00.A.weatherB. time C. color()2. The library is the second floor.A. inB. onC. at()3 .is the music room? Its next to the art room.A. What B. Who C. Where()4. Its 12 oclock,

5、 its time lunch.A. to . B. at C. for()5. Its 9 oclock. Its time to.A. go to bed B. go bed C. bed()6. Go to theand play football.A. library B. teachers office C. playground)7. Lookour computer room ,its new.A. in B. onC. at)8. I go outside now ?C. CanA. IsB. Do)9.Its coldA. butsnowy in Harbin.B. andC

6、. or)10. Whats the weatherA. like B. lovetoday?C. Have八、判断以下单词中划线局部读音是否相同。10分)()1. A. tigerB. computerC.dinner()2. A. girlB. firstC. thirty()3. A. rainyB.sunnyC. fly()4. A. carB. artC. arm()5. A.ballB. wallC. tall九、单词归类将其序号填入下面横线上。)15分) computer windy London English cool sunny Moscow snowy(9)cold (1

7、0)music(ll)art (12)New York (13)Beijing(14)PE (15)Sydney 城市类 课程类 天气类 十、选择正确的答语。将序号填入题前括号内10分)()1. What time is it ?A. Yes, it is.B. Yes , we do.C. Thirty one.D. Its 10:20.()2. Do you have a canteen?()3. Is that an art room?()4. Go to the garden?()5. How many students are there ? E.Water the flowers.

8、 十一、阅读理解:根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确, 正确的写“T,错误的写“F”.10分)Today is Thursday(星期四).Ifs sunny today. I get up at 6:30 in the morning. Then I have breakfast at seven. I go to school at 7:30. My classroom is on the second floor . Its 10:00. Its time for computer class. The computer room is on the first floor. I

9、like computer class very much. Its 3:00 now. Its time fbr PE class. I clean the classroom at 4:10. Then I go home at 4:30.1 go to bed at nine.()1. Today is windy.()2.1 like music class very much.()3.1 get up at 6:30 in the morning.()4. The computer room is on the second floor.()5.1 go to bed at 9:00

10、.做完后,请仔细检查!听力材料:一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。BCBCD1 .second 3.get up 4.outside 5.cool二、听录音,按听到的先后顺序给以下单词标上序号。2 4 6 8 109 7 5 3 11.library 2.beautiful 3.sister 4.playground 5.English6. welcome 7puter 8.break fast 10.snowy三、听录音,将时间和事件连线。1. Its 4:30, its time to go home.2. Its 10:05, its time for

11、music class.3. Its 3:00, its tme for P.E.4. Its 6:50, its time to get up.5. Its 12:00, its time for lunch.四、听录音,选出你听到的句子。BAABA1. we have a new gym.2. A. That is a blackboard.3. They are books.4. Hurry up.5. Its on the first floor五、听录音,根据问句选择正确的答句。AABBA1. Is this your desk?2. Whafs this?3. Are you Chen Jie ?4. Whose is this?5. Where is the computer?笔试答案:七、BBCCA CCCBA 八、对对错对对九、城市:37121315课程:14101114天气:25689十、DBAEC十一、FFTFT


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