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1、丘脑供血动脉及梗死特点12021/5/722021/5/7丘脑结构及功能特点 除嗅觉外所有感觉入皮层前整合站 由多个独立分化的神经核群组成 纤维联系复杂 供血动脉较多(4条) 梗死的临床表现各异32021/5/7丘脑供血动脉 丘脑结节动脉 丘脑膝状体动脉 脉络膜后动脉(内侧,外侧) 丘脑旁正中动脉(丘脑穿通动脉) 脉络膜前动脉?42021/5/752021/5/762021/5/772021/5/782021/5/7丘脑供血动脉 丘脑结节动脉 丘脑膝状体动脉 脉络膜后动脉(内侧,外侧) 丘脑旁正中动脉(丘脑穿通动脉)92021/5/7 Diffusion-weighted MRI of a l

2、eft anterior thalamic infarct involving the anterior nuclei and mamillothalamic tract in a 58-year-old patient who presented with perseverations, incoherent speech with intrusion of previous topics, and distorted memories.102021/5/79、 人的价值,在招收诱惑的一瞬间被决定。5月-215月-21Friday, May 7, 202110、低头要有勇气,抬头要有低气。1

3、0:49:5110:49:5110:495/7/2021 10:49:51 AM11、人总是珍惜为得到。5月-2110:49:5110:49May-2107-May-2112、人乱于心,不宽余请。10:49:5110:49:5110:49Friday, May 7, 202113、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。5月-215月-2110:49:5110:49:51May 7, 202114、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。07 五月 202110:49:51 上午10:49:515月-2115、一个人炫耀什么,说明他内心缺少什么。五月 2110:49 上午5月-2110:49May 7, 2021

4、16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2021/5/7 10:49:5110:49:5107 May 202117、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。10:49:51 上午10:49 上午10:49:515月-21112021/5/7丘脑结节动脉 向额叶的投射纤维 意志缺失 前核 Papez环路 记忆障碍 腹前核 向大脑皮层运动区投射纤维 言语功能障碍(丘脑性失语) 内囊后肢 皮质脊髓束 对侧轻偏瘫 视束前部 视野缺损122021/5/7132021/5/7丘脑供血动脉 丘脑结节动脉 丘脑膝状体动脉 脉络膜后动脉(内侧,外侧) 丘脑旁正中动脉(丘脑穿通动脉)142021/5/7 T2-weig

5、hted MRI of a left inferolateral thalamic infarct in the territory of the thalamogeniculate arteries in a 58-year-old man showing executive dysfunction with verbal fluency difficulties, pathologic response inhibition,and pathologic conceptual ability, in addition to a right sensory and ataxic hemisy

6、ndrome. 152021/5/7丘脑膝状体动脉 腹后外侧核 内侧丘系&脊髓丘脑束 纯感觉性卒中 累及内囊后肢 感觉运动性卒中 腹后外侧核,腹后内侧核等 丘脑综合征(Dejerine-Roussy综合征)162021/5/7丘脑供血动脉 丘脑结节动脉 丘脑膝状体动脉 脉络膜后动脉(内侧,外侧) 丘脑旁正中动脉(丘脑穿通动脉)172021/5/7182021/5/7脉络膜后动脉 丘脑枕,外侧膝状体,丘脑内侧核,僵核 视野缺损,视幻觉,不自主运动192021/5/7202021/5/7丘脑供血动脉 丘脑结节动脉 丘脑膝状体动脉 脉络膜后动脉(内侧,外侧) 丘脑旁正中动脉(丘脑穿通动脉)21202

7、1/5/7 T2-weighted MRI of a unilateral left paramedian infarct in a 54-year-old man who, during coronary angiography, presented sudden vertical diplopia and transient hypersomnolence. Cognitive tests, performed 2 days later, were entirely normal except for loss of selfactivation.222021/5/7丘脑旁正中动脉 板内核

8、&中脑嘴网状结构 意识水平下降 内侧纵束 垂直凝视麻痹 红核嘴侧 红核-丘脑综合征232021/5/7Artery of Percheron242021/5/7252021/5/7 T2-weighted MRI showing a bilateral paramedian stroke predominantly on the left side in a 39-yearold woman. This patient presented with improper behavior and inadequate and disinhibited comments to her husband

9、. Three hours later, she complained she was “not able to control her eyes,” then rapidly became comatose. Cognitive tests, performed 3 days later, showed persistent loss of self-activation and severe amnesia262021/5/7272021/5/7282021/5/7292021/5/7302021/5/7312021/5/7322021/5/7332021/5/7丘脑供血动脉 丘脑结节动脉

10、 丘脑膝状体动脉 脉络膜后动脉(内侧,外侧) 丘脑旁正中动脉(丘脑穿通动脉) 脉络膜前动脉?342021/5/7352021/5/7362021/5/7372021/5/7Thanks382021/5/79、 人的价值,在招收诱惑的一瞬间被决定。5月-215月-21Friday, May 7, 202110、低头要有勇气,抬头要有低气。10:49:5110:49:5110:495/7/2021 10:49:51 AM11、人总是珍惜为得到。5月-2110:49:5110:49May-2107-May-2112、人乱于心,不宽余请。10:49:5110:49:5110:49Friday, May 7, 202113、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。5月-215月-2110:49:5110:49:51May 7, 202114、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。07 五月 202110:49:51 上午10:49:515月-2115、一个人炫耀什么,说明他内心缺少什么。五月 2110:49 上午5月-2110:49May 7, 202116、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2021/5/7 10:49:5110:49:5107 May 202117、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。10:49:51 上午10:49 上午10:49:515月-21谢谢大家392021/5/7


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