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1、 新GRE阅读理解模拟练习题四Mary has a blander personality than Howard.玛丽的性格比霍华德还要沉闷。 Each word was a blasphemy. 每一个词都是污辱。 Police said that the blast occurred at 9 a.m. 警方说这次爆炸发生在上午九点。 a blatant attempt to buy votes 公然的贿选企图. I abhor advertising that is blatant, dull, or dishonest. 我痛恨那些华而不实、平淡无奇或自欺欺人的广告。 She was

2、, after long experience, wary of her uncle”s selfishness, sometimes blatant, sometimes subtle. 经过长期的阅历, 她对她叔父的自私已经有所戒备; 这种自私有时厚颜无耻, 有时奇妙阴险。 blazon/ brazen/ blatant: blazon forth宣扬 brazen/ blatant/ brassy厚脸皮的 blatant惹眼的,炫耀的 blazon纹章 a bleak and desolate landscape 一片荒芜的风光He glimpsed Miss Wan”s bleak f

3、uture. 他模糊感到万小姐前途黯淡。 A blithe heart makes a blooming visage. 人逢喜事精神爽。(visage n.面容)S he blithely ignores the hard facts.她全然无视铁一般的事实。 She is rather blunt in speech. 她说话很直率。 The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it. 反复消失的暴力大事使人们的反响都变得麻木了。 This pencil”s blunt.这支铅笔不尖了。 The

4、 houses appeared as a blur in the mist. 房子在薄雾中隐模糊约看不清。 This creates a spectrum of colors at the edges of objects which blurs the image. 这在物体的边缘形成了一道色谱,使图像变得模糊不清。 Don”t blurt out this piece of news.这消息别嚷嚷出去。 Her blush told of her embarrassment.她脸红显露出她的困惑。 I blushed at my stupidity.我为自己的愚蠢惭愧得满脸通红。 ”Th

5、at”s lunacy,” he blustered.“那真是疯了,”他吼道。 the bluster of the wind.狂风的吹打声 He is vain, arrogant, blustering, trying to keep leadership of his associates. 他倾慕虚荣,傲慢自大,狂暴蛮横,试图保住他在同伙中的领导地位。 This storm will bog all the cars down in the bog. 这场暴雨将使全部的车辆都陷在沼泽里。 a hearty and boisterous brat活泼爱吵闹的孩子/顽童 I made so

6、me excuse and bolted for the exit. 我编了个借口后便向出口冲去。 Don”t forget to bolt the door with the bolt.别忘了用门闩闩门。 When he reached the gate, there was the usual badinage with Charlie. 当他来到公园大门时,还是与平常一样和查理开玩笑。 He is in bondage to his ambition.他被他的野心所支配。 a boom in car sales汽车销售额的剧增Another crisis is looming.另一场危机

7、一触即发。The new software will prove a boon to Internet users.这种新软件将会对互联网用户大有好处。 Do not belittle/ look down upon/ despise the boor. 不能瞧不起乡下人。 Don”t be such a boor!不要这样粗鲁! That effort will be bootless.那种努力将是无益的。 I was suffering with a bout of nerves.我感到一阵紧急。 A little bracing roughness is better than spoi

8、ling him. 令人精神振作的微弱粗暴比娇宠他要好得多。 There was no bombast or conceit in his speech. 他的演讲并没有夸张其词和自吹自擂。 I don”t want to sit next to that old blowhard. 我不想坐在那个爱自吹自擂的老人旁边。 Don”t brag about what you”re going to do. Get something done. 先别吹,做出详细成绩来再说。 He was disliked because his manner was always full of braggad

9、ocio. 人们厌烦他,由于他老是吹牛。 Sir, I don”t seek a quarrel, not being a braggart. 先生,我并不想寻衅挑斗,也不是爱吹牛的人。 She answered with a brandish of her umbrella. 她挥动着伞答复。 He appeared in the house brandishing a knife. 他挥舞着一把小刀,消失在房间里。(blandish vt.奉承;勾引) You know, blandishment cannot be done by everyone. 要知道,讨好谁也做不到。 They

10、are fools who adulate/ blandish every decision of their leaders. 对领导的每个打算一味奉承的人是蠢材。 We could not carry out that brash plan 我们不能执行那个轻率的打算。 ”I”ll be fine on my own,” she said with bravado. “我一个人没问题。”她逞能地说。 a bravura performance精彩表现The film is directed with a technical bravura and visual splendor这部电影的导

11、演过分卖弄摄影技巧,追求华美炫目的视觉效果。brvr, -vjr They had nothing better to do than brawl in the street. 他们除了在街上斗殴做不出什么好事。 I don”t want to see our two neighbors engaged in a brawl. 我不盼望我们两家吵架吵得不行开交。(crawl v.爬行) a rare breed of miniature horses一种罕见的小矮马 The bricklayer learned to bridle his temper.泥瓦匠学会了掌握脾气。 Civiliza

12、tion is on the brink of apocalypse.文明已濒临消灭的边缘。pklps to set off at a brisk pace以轻快的步伐上路 My dog”s hair bristles.我的狗毛发直立。 Ellis bristles at accusations that Berkeley”s experiment is ill-conceived. 埃利斯对有人指责伯克利的试验考虑不够周密感到生气。 Do not belittle the boor. 不能瞧不起乡下人。 Brittle/ Fragile things break easily.脆的东西简单破

13、裂。 I thought I”d better broach the matter with my boss. 我想我还是跟老板说一下这事。 The meeting produced the usual bromides about third-world debt and the environment. 会议上提出的还是那些惯常争论的老套话题第三世界债务和环境问题。 He said it was all a load of cobblers. 他说那完全是一派胡言 。a dose of bromide.一剂溴化钾冷静剂”brmad She brooded over the plan, tr

14、ying to find some mistakes in it. 她认真考虑打算,试图发觉其中的错误。 They browbeat him into signing the document. 他们威逼他签署了文件。 If I had been there, I would not have let him bully you. 当时假如我要是在场,我就不会让他欺侮你的。 He has been variously described as a hero, a genius and a bully. 他被描述为英雄、天才、恶霸,不一而足。 The bruise was caused by a kick.这伤痕是脚踢的。 Apples bruise easily.苹果易碰伤。(cruise v.巡游) The representative”s job is to bruit/ propagate the company”s products abroad. 公司


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