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1、 慢速生活英语口语广播71我们公司雇佣了外面的一家公司为我们建立起一套计算机系统以便来监视我们主要工程的进度。The company gave us a presentation on how the new system worked.那个公司给我们做了一个产品演示会来介绍系统是如何工作的。Afterwards, the employees got a chance to ask questions.这之后,公司的员工可以有时机来问问题。 Dialog 英语情景对话 Cecelia: So, in a nutshell, those are the features of the new s

2、ystem. Any questions? 女:那么,总的来说,这些就是新系统的主要功能。大家有什么疑问吗Yuri: Yes, I have a question. From your description, it sounds like the new system may be difficult to use. Can you speak to that?男:是的,我有个问题。从你的介绍来看,这个系统好象用起来很简单呀,是这样的吗Cecelia: I understand your concern, but actually, the system is very simple to

3、use. I mentioned a lot of features that the system has, but the typical employee wont be using more than two or three on a daily basis. Yes, you had a question?女:我理解你的担忧,但实际上,这个系统特别简便易用。我是给大家介绍了系统的许多功能,但员工在日常的工作中能实际用到的不过两到三项。好的,您的问题是?Alessandro: Yeah, my biggest concern is that all of the employees

4、in the company will have access to the system. How does this affect my projects that have sensitive information?男:噢,我最关怀的是假如公司每个人都能登录到这个系统,而我的工程有许多敏感信息,这是否会带来不好的影响Cecelia: Thats a good question. One of the key features of the program is that it allows the project manager to limit access for any of his or her projects. Now, if there are no other questions, thank you all for coming and we look forward to working with you in the future.女:你问得好。我们系统一个主要的优点就是让工程经理能对自己的工程设置权限。好,假如大家没有别的问题,特别感谢大家来听这个演示,我们也很期盼以后有时机与你们一起共事。


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