Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks SectionA(1a-2d)练习题(含答案)

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Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks SectionA(1a-2d)练习题(含答案)_第1页
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《Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks SectionA(1a-2d)练习题(含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks SectionA(1a-2d)练习题(含答案)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Section A (1a-2d)一、根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. Lets go to watch the soccer game and c our team.2. The n on the wall says, “No photos”.3. You can use road s to help you find the place.4. We need a v to help to give out food at the food bank.5. Old Henry has few friends, so he feels very l .二、单项填空

2、1. Would you please help methe invitations to all my friends? Sure. Youd better let me know their phone numbers.A. make up B. clean up C. get out D. give out2. Oh, itso nice. What beautiful music it is!A. smells B. sounds C. tastes D. looks3. Did you have a welcome party for Laura last night? No, we

3、 didnt. It wasbecause Laura was in hospital.A. put off B. taken off C. cut off D. turned off4. All the students in Grade 3 are going tothe banks of the Xiangjiang River.A. turn up B. give up C. clean up D. cut up5. Excuse me. How can I get to the airport? Take Shanghai Road, follow theand you wont m

4、iss it.A. points B. decisions C. games D. signs三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1. 当我沮丧或疲惫时,我喜欢看能让我振奋起来的电影。When Im down or tired, I like movies that can .2. 他过去经常睡懒觉,但是现在他习惯早起锻炼。He late, but now he early for exercise.3. 趁父母还健在的时候,我们要学会关心他们。We should learn to our parents when they are alive.4. 他需要想出一个计划来告诉人们这件事。He n

5、eeds a plan to tell people about it.四、任务型阅读It was a great long time! I was a volunteer for seven days in Beijing during the International Business Meeting. I worked for Haier Group. Haier Company(公司) invited some foreign businessmen to Beijing to take part in the meeting. Those people who were invit

6、ed by Haier from overseas(海外的) countries all stayed at a 5star hotel. We volunteers helped those VIPs rest in the hotel, wrote down VIPs information, translated(翻译) Chinese into English, and sent them gifts every day. Sometimes some of them needed some help like calling for a taxi and we were there

7、to help.Since we worked at the 5star hotel, our meals were wonderful. We all loved them! There was also milk and fruit in the office. We could have them when there was not much work to do. By the way, those things were all free. If we worked late at night, we could stay at the hotel instead of going

8、 home alone.I got on very well with other volunteers. The last day, we took photos, exchanged(交换) our phone numbers with each other and said we would keep in touch often.I learned a lot from this special experience. It was not easy to organize an activity. It was not easy to make friends with other

9、volunteers if most of them were not nice. Anyway, I got through it and I am a little bit stronger now.1. How long did the writer work as a volunteer during the International Business Meeting?(不超过5个词)2. What did the writer think of the food there?(不超过5个词)3. What did the volunteers do the last day?(不超

10、过15个词)答案:一、1. cheer2. notice3. signs4. volunteer5. lonely二、1-5 DBACD 三、1. cheer me up2. used to sleep3. is/gets used to getting up care for/about4. to come up with四、1. For seven days.2. Wonderful.3. They took photos and exchanged their phone numbers with each other.答案:一、1. lives2. drive3. far4. bike5. hours二、 1. hundred2. her3. to get4. minutes5. to clean三、1-10 BADCC BDCBD 四、1-5 FCBGA


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