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2、代词形容词或副词形式在第二个句子中出现,具备这样的条件,我们就可以把两个句子合并成含有定语从句的复合句。三合并方法:分三步. 留舍替先 主语人who / that 物which /that 行 宾语人who /whom /that 物which /that 定语人Whose 词物Whose/ of which 状语 时间When 地点where 原因why 定语从句所限定的名词或代词叫先行词.为方便起见 ,我们把引导定语从句的关系代词或关系副词等统称为引导词,通过上述合并条件和合并方法可以看出,先行词和引导词在含义上互指。四 举例说明:1I like the girl1very much. S

3、he 2sings and dances best in our school. 释: 1和2在含义上互指,符合合并条件,保留先行词the girl,舍去主语 she,用引导词 who /that 来代替,于是得到: I like the girl who /that sings and dances best in our school very much . 2.This is the place 1.We visited it2 with our friends last week. 释:1和2在含义上互指,符合合并条件,保留先行词the place,舍去宾语 it,用引导词 which

4、/that 来代替或省略,于是得到:This is the place which/that we visited with our friends last week 3.That is a problem1. It can be worked out in three ways2. 释: 1和2在含义上互指,符合合并条件,保留先行词problem,舍去主语it,用引导词 that/which 来代替 ,于是得到: That is a problem that/which can be worked out in three ways . 4.The manager 1 will give

5、some many to the village to build a school. I mentioned him 2to you a few days ago . 释: 1和2在含义上互指,符合合并条件,保留先行词the manager,舍去宾语 him,用引导词 who/whom /that 来代替或省略,于是得到: The manager who/whom/that I mentioned to you a few days ago will give some money to the village to build a school. 5Can you tell me some

6、thing about the man1. You had a talk with him just now2. 释: 1和2在含义上互指,符合合并条件,保留先行词the man,舍去介词宾语 him人,注意:介词后置 常用引导词who/that 来代替或省略;介词前置常用whom来代替,于是得到:Can you tell me something about the man who/that you had a talk with just now. Can you tell me something about the the man with whom you had a talk ju

7、st now. 6.Our hometown is a small village 1. There is a hill in front of it2. 释: 1和2在含义上互指,符合合并条件,保留先行词village,舍去介词宾语 it 物, 注意:介词后置 常用引导词 that来代替或省略;介词前置 常用 which来代替 ,于是得到: .Our hometown is a small village that there is a hill in front of. Our hometown is a small villag in front of which there is a

8、hill. 7I will never forget the days 1.I lived and studied with my classmates at college in the days 2. 释: 1和2在含义上互指,符合合并条件,保留先行词the days,舍去介词宾语 the days, 注意:介词后置 常用引导词 that来代替或省略;介词前置 常用 which来代替 ; 舍去时间壮语 in the days, 用引导词 when来代替 , 于是得到:. I will never forget the days that I lived and studied with m

9、y classmates at college in. .I will never forget the days in which I lived and studied with my classmates at college . . I will never forget the days when I lived and studied with my classmates at college . 五:原理运用:要求逆向思维汉译英:分三步先分后译再合例:我们昨天参观的那个工厂是去年建的. 分:那个工厂是去年建的。我们昨天参观它。译: The factory was built la

10、st year. We visited it yesterday. 合: The factorywhich /that we visited yesterday was built last year 英译汉:含有定语从句最基本复合句的实质是二句合一,先行词和引导词在含义上互指。既可合译又可分译。例 1:I like making friends who are like me. 我喜欢交像我一样的朋友例 2:There is a factory pouring waste water into the river in which the water can not be used for

11、drinking and all fish have disappeared. 有一家工厂在向这条河里倾注废水,在这条河里,水已不能用来饮用,而且所有鱼已消失。the river与 which 互指。六.注意事项1.主谓一致:当引导词作定语从句的主语时,因先行词与引导词在含以上互指,所以定语从句谓语动词的形式应与先行词的人称和数保持一致;当引导词不作定语从句的主语时,从句谓语动词的形式与直接的主语在人称和数上保持一致。例 1.They are the students who are from Japan. 例 2. They are the students who the teacher

12、likes best. 2.须“that ”引导:在初中阶段,定语从句必须用“that ”引导的情形主要有一下几种:.先行词是不定代词例:This is all that I need. .先行词被最高级修饰例:He is the best student that I have taught. . 先行词被序数词修饰例:He is the first student that got to school this morning. .先行词为人、物并列结构例: I like the man and his dog that are from the country. 3.介词的前后置:当引导

13、词作介词的宾语时,先行词是人,介词前置必须用whom 引导,介词后置,可用who/whom/that 引导;先行词是物,介词前置必须用which 引导,介词后置,可用which/that 引导. 对于学生来说,这种方法能为他们在旧知与新知之间难度跨越上搭起平台,实现新旧知识顺利衔接思维能力平稳提升。七。实际操作练习技能提升能力1. Don t talk about such things of _ you are not sure. A. which B. what C. as D. those 2. Is this the factory _ you visited the other da

14、y? A. that B. where C. in which D. the one 3. Is this factory _ some foreign friends visited last Friday? A. that B. where C. which D. the one 4. Is this the factory _ he worked ten years ago? A. that B. where C. which D. the one 5. The wolves hid themselves in the places _ couldnt be found.A. that

15、B. where C. in which D. in that 6. The freezing point is the temperature _ water changes into ice. A. at which B. on that C. in which D. of what 7. This book will show you _ can be used in other contexts. A. how you have observed B. what you have observed C. that you have observed D. how that you ha

16、ve observed 8. The reason is _ he is unable to operate the machine. A. because B. why C. that D. whether 9. Ill tell you _ he told me last week. A. all which B. that C. all that D. which 10. That tree, _ branches are almost bare, is very old. A. whose B. of which C. in which D. on which 11. I have bought the same dress _ she is wearing. A. as B. that C. which D. what 12. He failed in the examination, _ made his father very angry. A. which B. it C. that D. what 13. We re talking about the piano a


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