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1、1Un it 4 My day 【课前导学】Tran sla tion 1 dislike n.或 v 2. ready adj. 3.learn vt.& vi. 4.world n 5.对,,有益6. 为,,准备好7.对世界了解很多8. 太多的家庭作业9. They are good for us. 10. They help us get ready for the day. 二. 写出尽可能多的1-4 单兀中表示activity 的动词词组。(以备课堂的小组竞赛)三谈谈以上活动你有哪些喜欢,哪些不喜欢的吧Activity Love like dislike Reason 【课堂学习】S

2、tep one Check the Preview( 检查预习)Step two Presentation (呈现)(一)free talk 1. Do you like your school? 2. Is your school life in teresti ng/ colourful? 3. Do you like it? Why or why n ot? 4. Why do you dislike it? (二)prese nt pictures of differe nt activities and talk about them. Step three Activities (

3、活动)Activity one : 看 Part A 部分的图表,理解图表所表达的意思,如:Millie dislikes basketball because she is not very tall. etc. Activity two: pair work A: Does Millie love/ like/ dislike,?/ What does she ,? B: Yes, she does./ No, she doesn t./She ,. A:Why does Millie love/ like / dislike,? B: Because, Activity three: c

4、omplete Part B2Step Four : Group Work (小组合作探究)1. get ready for, 表示什么意思?2. too much 修饰可数名词还是不可数名词?还有哪些用法?3. be good for, 意为 _ ”?它有哪些用法?4. help 有哪些用法?指点迷津:(1)get ready for, 表示什么意思?get re ady for 意为 为”做准备 ,类似的短语有be ready for 。延伸 get ready to do The stude nts are gett ing ready for the exam(考试). ()You s

5、hould get rea .dy _ the party. A. with B. to C. for D. about (2)too much 修饰可数名词还是不可数名词?too much 意为 太多,修饰不可数名词;修饰可数名词用too many。 too much 还可以修饰动词。You eat too much. 你吃得太多。(3) _ be good for, 意为“ 。be good for, 意为对”有益 ,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语1)They often do morning exercises. It is good for their health. 2)看书有益于学习

6、。Reading _ study. (4). help sb . do sth . 意为 _ 。help sb. (to) do sth. 意为 帮助某人做某事 。Can you help us (to) carry these books? 也可用 help sb. with sth. 表示, with 后接名词或代词。He ofte n helps me with my En glish. 他经常帮助我学英语。 The teacher ofte n helps us study Maths. The teacher ofte n _ us _ Maths Step Fi ve Integr

7、ation of the Promotion (整合提升)Write an article about school activities you like and dislike and state your reas ons. Useful expressi ons : My favourite subject(s) is/are, I can lear n a lot about, 【课后拓展】一 Tran slati on 1. 请为明天的聚会做好准备。I like /don t like, It helps me, It is fun/in terest ing. I canno t

8、,so, We always have, 3Please _ party. 2. 聚会的一切准备就绪了。Everythi ng _ the party. 3?做早操对我们有好处。_ morni ng exercises _ us. 4. 经常锻炼有益于我们的健康。 _ ofte n _ our health. 5. 吸烟有害健康。_ our health. 6. 我们想要更多地了解他。We want _ him. 7. 我们每天有太多的作业要做。We have _ homework to do every day . 8. 外面太冷了,你得穿上暖和的衣服。It s _ cold outside

9、 .You must _ warm clothes. 二 Writing 根据表格提供的信息,以“ My day ”为题写一篇60 字左右的短文。Activity Time Like Disl ike Reason Get up 6:30am Have breakfast 7:00a m ? 7:30am Morni ng exercises 8:00a m ? 8:15am VThey re good for me.They help me get ready for the day. Have less ons 8:25a ? 11:50am After-school activities 3:30p m ? 4:30pm VI can go to the Readi ng Club. Do homework 5:30p m ? 6:30pm VIt is too difficult and I have too much.



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