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1、贵州省遵义市刀靶中学高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. 12. As he was too young, he was not _ the concert hall.A. admitted into B. asked for C. taken along D. brought with 参考答案:A略2. It seems _ our team is going to win.A. even though B. when C. if D. as if 参考答案:D3. The company earned a lot of money. As a result, the member

2、s personal income rose by a/an _ of 13 percent. A. average B. ordinary C. common D. usual 参考答案:A4. He _ a Party member last year.A. joined B. joined in C. took part in D. became参考答案:D5. I sent him the dictionary by mail this morning. You _ that, for hes coming tomorrow morning.A. neednt have done B.

3、 didnt have to do C. neednt do D. mustnt do 参考答案:A略6. It is _ classroom that can hold 100 students.A. a large B. such a large C. so large a D. too large a参考答案:A 7. A friendly soccer match held between Ditan Elementtary School in Beijing and a Russian elementary school saw the Chinese team _ by the R

4、ussian team 0:15. A. defeated B. defeating C. being defeated D. having been defeated参考答案:A8. , the wind died down and people began to appear on the street.A. A bit less B. Little by little C. A little bit D. Not a little参考答案:B9. Its widely accepted that life is _ theres sunshine and water. A. there

5、B. where C. in the place D. in which 参考答案:B10. _ that mistake once, I shall not make the same mistake again.A. Made B. To make C. Making D. Having made参考答案:D 11. I dont feel _ enough to rush about, so Ill sit down. A. energetic B. academicC. attractiveD. available参考答案:A12. I _ the book the whole day

6、, yet I havent finished it. A. have been reading B. have read C. have ever had D. had ever had 参考答案:A13. The little child didnt understand the _ question so there was a _ expression on his face.A. puzzling, puzzled B. puzzle, puzzled C. Puzzling, puzzling D. puzzled, puzzling 参考答案:A14. -Tom, _we go

7、home together this afternoon ? -Ok !A .shall B. must C. would D. need 参考答案:A略15. I thought that maybe my words will play a role, but when I_ her to give up smoking, I failed. A. managed to advice B. persuaded C. tried to persuade D. suggested参考答案:C16. When does the ceremony _?All the boys and girls

8、are waiting for it.Sorry,I have no idea.A. happen Btake place Ctake part in Dturn up参考答案:B17. Do you know the tall man _ to Mr King over there?Sorry, I dont know him. Ato speak Bspeaking Cis speaking Dhas spoken参考答案:B略18. The weather of Kunming is better than of Tianjin.A. thisB. thatC. oneD. it参考答案

9、:B19. The computers system suddenly while he was searching for information on the internetAbroke out Bbroke down Cbroke up Dbroke in参考答案:B略二、 新的题型20. 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)参考答案:语法填空61. what 62. better 63. a 64. to change 65. simply66. intelligent 67. invented 68. that 69. predicting 70. as21. “Wh

10、at a lovely day it is!” (变为间接引语)参考答案:He/ She exclaimed that it was really a lovely day.三、 阅读理解22. “This way, everyone.” said the young Bahamian as he led the way to the hoar. As the boat moved over the waves, I thought back eleven years to my first island visit via a cruise ship. As we landed, I not

11、iced a sign advertising swimming with dolphins. I looked at my mother; she knew exactly what I wanted, but I was too young. “Maybe some other time,” she said. I think everyone knows that those four words usually translate to never. It made me, a little boy, depressed for many days. From that day on,

12、 it was my dream to swim with those gentle creatures.Now, after 15 minutes of travelling, we reached the Sanctuary Bay. As we arrived, I saw the gray creatures showing off their unique talent before my eyes. We were led off the boat, past a back building. Our guide told us we would have the pleasure

13、 of spending the next 90 minutes with Kaholo, a young male, and Robola, the largest female, who is quite famous for having played the lead in the film Zeus and Roxanne.My father and I were joined by four others and followed the man once more. He told us to jump into the water while he let the dolphi

14、ns into that part of the bay. For the first 20 minutes, we could go anywhere and touch the dolphins as they swam by.Kaholo and Robola must have known I was their biggest fan because they swam towards me as if I had had fish. After the introductory period, they jumped over our heads. I got a hug and kiss from Robola, and also learned how to have Kaholo talk to me.This was by far the most magi


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