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1、苹果CEO库克麻省理工2022毕业典礼演讲 Hello, MIT! 麻省理工的同学们,你们好。 Thank you. Congratulations class of 17. I especially want to thank Chairman Millard, President Reif, distinguished faculty, trustees, and the members of the class of 1967. It is a privilege to be here today with your families and your friends on such o

2、n amazing and important day. 感谢大家。庆贺20xx届毕业生。我要特殊感谢麻省理工学院董事长罗伯特•米兰德(Robert Millard)、校长拉尔夫•赖夫(L. Rafael Reif)、杰出的全体教员、学院董事以及1967届校友们。今日,在这个极不平凡和重要的日子里,能够和你们的家人和好友共同在这里庆祝,我感到非常荣幸。 MIT and Apple share so much. We both love hard problems. We love the search for new ideas, and we especially l

3、ove finding those ideas, the really big ones, the ones that can change the world. I know MIT has a proud tradition of pranks or as you would call them, hacks. And you have pulled off some pretty great ones over the years. Ill never figure out how MIT students sent that Mars rover to the Kresge Oval,

4、 or put a propeller beanie on the great dome, or how youve obviously taken over the presidents Twitter account. I can tell college students are behind because most of the Tweets happen at 3:00 a.m. 麻省理工学院和苹果有很多共同点。我们都喜爱攻克难题,追求新想法,尤其是喜爱找到能够变更世界的宏大创意。我知道,麻省理工拥有恶作剧的骄傲传统,也就是你们所称的“黑”(hacks)。在麻省理工学院就读的这几年

5、,你们确定完成了不少特别棒的恶作剧。我恒久想不明白你们是如何把火星漫游车送到演讲厅的,也不知道你们如何在图书馆的圆顶上带上螺旋桨帽子的。明显,你们也接管了总统的Twitter账号,因为在凌晨3点发布那么多推文只有你们才能得出来。 Im really happy to be here. Today is about celebration. And you have so much to be proud of. As you leave here to start the next leg of your journey in life, there will be days where yo

6、u ask yourself, Where is this all going? What is the purpose? What is my purpose? I will be honest, I asked myself that same question and it took nearly 15 years to answer it. Maybe by talking about my journey today, I can save you some time. 今日在这里出席你们的毕业典礼,我由衷地感到兴奋。今日是一个值得庆祝的日子,你们有很多值得傲慢的成就。当你离开这里,

7、开启人生下一个篇章时,你会扪心自问,“下一步发展方向是什么?”、“目标是什么”、“自己的目标又是什么”。醇厚说,我问过自己相同的问题,花了近15年时间才找到答案。今日,通过共享我的人生旅程,我或许能够帮助你们节约一些找寻答案的时间。 The struggle for me started early on. In high school, I thought I discovered my lifes purpose when I could answer that age-old question, What do you want to be when you grow up? Nope.

8、 In college I thought Id discover it when I could answer, Whats your major? Not quite. I thought that maybe Id discovered it when I found a good job. Then I thought I just needed to get a few promotions. That didnt work either. 我的困惑很早就已经出现。上中学时,当我以为能够回答那个老生常谈的问题你长大了想做什么时,我就找到了自己的人生目标。但其实不然。上高校时,我曾以为

9、自己知道想学什么专业就找到了目标。也不完全如此。在我找到一份好工作,认为自己只须要几次晋升后,我又有了这样的想法,但都不对。 I kept convincing myself that it was just over the horizon, around the next corner. Nothing worked. And it was really tearing me apart. Part of me kept pushing ahead to the next achievement. And the other part kept asking, Is this all th

10、ere is? 我不断的告知自己,在将来的某一天或某个地方,我肯定能够找到人生目标的终极答案。但不幸的是这始终没有发生,这让我非常难过。我一边不断的工作争取下一个成就一边拷问自己:“莫非生命的意义就在于此吗?” I went to grad school at Duke looking for the answer. I tried meditation. I sought guidance in religion. I read great philosophers and authors. And in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I might

11、even have experimented with a Windows PC, and obviously that didnt work. 于是,我到杜克高校深造、我尝试冥想、我在宗教和灵修方面尝试,我阅读很多宏大哲学家和作家的经典。在年少无知的岁月里,我甚至尝试运用Windows PC,明显它没有给我我想要的答案。 After countless twists and turns, at last, 20 years ago, my search brought me to Apple. At the time, the company was struggling to surviv

12、e. Steve Jobs had just returned to Apple, and had launched the Think Different campaign. He wanted to empower the crazy onesthe misfits, the rebels and the troublemakers, the round pegs, and the square holesto do the best work. If we could just do that, Steve knew we could really change the world. 经

13、过多数的曲折,时间来到了20年前,苹果公司当时成为了我的“下一个尝试”。当时,苹果公司正在牵强生存。史蒂夫乔布斯刚刚回到了苹果,并提出了知名的“Think Diffrent”口号。他想要让疯狂的人,非主流的人,反叛分子,麻烦制造者来到这家公司工作。乔布斯知道,假如苹果能够做到这一点,那么他们就可以变更世界。 Before that moment, I had never met a leader with such passion or encountered a company with such a clear and compelling purpose: to serve humani

14、ty. It was just that simple. Serve humanity. And it was in that moment, after 15 years of searching, something clicked. I finally felt aligned; aligned with a company that brought together challenging, cutting-edge work with a higher purpose; aligned with a leader who believed that technology which

15、didnt exist yet could reinvent tomorrows world; aligned with myself and my own deep need to serve something greater. 在此之前,我从未遇到过有着如此热忱的领导,也没见过有如此笃定决心的公司:服务全人类。多么简洁的一个目标。服务全人类。在15年寻求真理之后,我最终找到了这样一个答案,就在那一刻,我觉得自己受到了启发。我的志向和公司的目标达成一样运用技术达成更崇高的目标。我的志向和乔布斯也是一样的,我们今日所做的努力能够变更人们明天的生活,变更人们的将来。 Of course, at

16、 that moment I dont know all of that. I was just grateful to have psychological burden lifted. But with the help of hindsight, my breakthrough makes a lot more sense. I was never going to find my purpose working some place without a clear sense of purpose of its own. Steve and Apple freed me to throw my whole sel



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