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1、安徽 2020 学年高二英语上学期期中试题1 / 14 第一学期期中考试高二年级英语试卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共 5 小题,每题1.5 分)1.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. At a school B.At a hospitalC.At a post office 2.What happened to the man? A.He slept badlyB.He ate nothing C.He felt uncomfortable with his stomach. 3.What will

2、 the man do tomorrow? A.Stay at homeB.Visit the woman C.Do something special 4.Where did the woman want to go at first? 5.When will the man meet Dr.Block probably? A.At 9:30 am B.At 11:00 am C.At 1:00 pm 第二节(共 15 题,每题1.5 分)听第 6 段资料,回答6、 7 题6.What should the man do for the next exam? A.Work harder B.

3、Be more careful C.Worry about the exam 7.What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman gave comfort to the man. B. The man always worries about his exam. C.The man didn t work hard. 听第 7 段资料,回答第8、 9 题。8.What does the man think of the present? A.He thinks its perfect. B.He thinks its too colo

4、rful. C.He thinks it fits her boyfriend. 1 安徽 2020 学年高二英语上学期期中试题2 / 14 9.What will the woman do when choosing a present next time? A.She will get some help from the man. B.She will ask her boyfriend to come with her. C.She will learn how to bargain. 听第 8 段资料,回答第10 至 12 题。10.What does the man want to

5、 do? A.To work as a language assistant. B.To study a new language C.To use cassette recorders. 11.What language did the man study in senior middle school? 12.How much will the man get? A.10 yuan an hourB.15 yuan an hour C.20 yuan a day 听第 9 段资料,回答第13 至 16 题。13.What can we learn about the man? A.He l

6、ives in London. B.He was born in Hong Kong. C.The man graduated from a university in England. 14.How old was the man when he became a teacher? A.35 years old B.30 years old C.25 years old 15.What did the man do when he first began writing? A.He wrote articles for magazines. B.He wrote articles for n

7、ewspapers. C.He wrote a popular book. 16.What does the woman do? A.A newspaper reporter B.A teacher C.A writer 听第 10 段资料,回答第17 至 20 题。17.What does the first thing that a child picks up mean in China? A.The thing that the child likes best. 2 安徽 2020 学年高二英语上学期期中试题3 / 14 B.Only a game for a child. C.Th

8、e job that the child will choose. 18.What will Japanese children do on an important birthday? A.Dance with their fatherB.Go to the temple C.Get a new key 19.Which birthday is celebrated specially for the girls in Mexico? A.The thirteenth birthdayB.The fourteenth birthday C.The fifteenth birthday 20.

9、What does a key on a cake mean? A.It means the young person is old enough to choose when to leave and get home. B.It means the young person is old enough to leave their parents. C.It means the young person is old enough to get married. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节(共15 小题,每题2 分,满分 30 分)A A high school stu

10、dent from New York with a great love for China probably has visitedmore places in the country than many Chinese people. Max Horne,18,whose Chinese name is Hong Mingwei, is fluent in Chinese. He has visited China seven times since 2015. He has been to Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, HongKong,Chengdu, Kunm

11、ing,Lijiang and Tibetan areas in southwestern China. “I have been studying Chinese for the past seven years, and I loved every minute of it,”said Max Horne.“When I was in primary school, I had a lesson on the Silk Road. I became very interested in Chinese cultur e at once. I am thirsty for learning

12、Chinese, ” Horne said. Last year,Horne won a national Mandarin (一般话) speech competition for high school shared his story at the 13th Chinese Bridge Speech Contest for US high school students. Horne said that being able to speak Mandarin was the gift of a lifetime,and he decided to pass it on. So he

13、started an after- school Chinese program at Riverdale. “I felt that the gift of China was given to me by my Chinese teacher and all the other educators. So I rea lly want to give that gift of understanding China and Chinese culture to other kids, ”he said. “I teach some third, fourth and fifth grade

14、rs simple Chinese. I hope that they 3 安徽 2020 学年高二英语上学期期中试题4 / 14 would be in interested in China and love China, too.”Unlike many other US highschool students,Horne is something of a“ Chinese local” . He knows how to shop on Taobao, sing Mandarin songs in Douyin, and listen to popular songs that ar

15、e often used in square dancing in China. Horne recently got accepted into Harvard University. Horne said he himself was a good example of the two countries people-to -people exchanges. 21.What inspired Max Horne to learn Chinese? A.A short trip to China. B.A lesson on the Silk Road. C.An after-schoo

16、l program. D.A Mandarin speech competition. 22.Why did Horne start an after-school program at Riverdale? A.To teach other kids Chinese. B.To become famous online. C.To develop his language ability. D.To exchange experience with others. 23.What does the passage mainly talk about? A.An international competition. B.A businessman who travels a lot in China. C.A US student who loves China very much. D.A Chinese student who is accepted into Harvard University. B When facing difficulties, sometimes you



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