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1、初三英语 UnitTeenagers should be allowed to choose .试题1. 用方框里所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、完整(每词限用一次)cutwait withotherpolitehappystandrulehappenfeelNowadays, we are in a modern society. Everybody should be polite in public. But sometimes some people like to【1】in line when they buy tickets or get on the bus or subwa

2、y. They take【答案】 cut【解析】 但是有时一些人在他们买票或者上公交车或者地铁时喜欢插队,结合句意,故填cut 【2】 places as well as time when they are in line, so it is【答案】 others 【解析】 take one splace to do sth, 代替某人的位置。在他们站队时,他们不仅占用了其他人的位置还有时间。结合句意,故填others 【3】 . I cant【答案】 impolite【解析】 所以那是不礼貌的。结合句意,故填impolite 【4】 that. Sometimes, I even get

3、mad when I see them cut in line. When this【答案】 stand【解析】 我不能忍受这个。结合句意,故填stand 【5】 , I often say, Would you mind【答案】 happens【解析】 当这种事情发生时我经常说 ,根据时间,结合句意,故填happens 【6】 in line? But sometimes some of them are angry【答案】 waiting【解析】 你介意排队等候吗?mind doing sth,介意做某事,故填waiting 【7】 me and they say, Its none of

4、 your business. So I【答案】 with【解析】 但是他们当中的一些人会生我的气。be angry with sb生 的气,故填with 【8】 angrier. Then I only tell it to the people who sell the tickets. At last the people who are breaking the【答案】 feel【解析】 根据上文 “ 那不关你的事” 可知我感到更生气。故填feel 【9】 of etiquette( 礼数 ) dont get their tickets. So I am happy and the

5、people who cut in line are【答案】 rules【解析】 最终违规的人会买不到票。结合句意,故填rules 【10】.【答案】 unhappy【解析】 根据上文可知插队的人是不愉快的。故填unhappy【考点】 日常生活类短文。2. 摘要信息,阅读邮件,然后完成内容摘要。Subject: Mobile phone problem Dear Editor, I am a middle school student. I used to bring a mobile phone with me during school hours. But the teachers th

6、ink using mobile phone is distraction (分散注意力的事) to students during school hours and also causes so much trouble in class. So now we arent allowed to bring mobile phones to school. I find it really inconvenient (不方便的 )。 My parents feel unhappy because they cant get in touch with me(不能与我有联系) . But I c

7、ant make our school change this rule. What do you think I should do to solve this problem? Liu FengyiLiu fengyis occupation (职业 ) 【1】_Purpose ( 目的 ) for writing the e-mail 【答案】 A middle school student. 【解析】 根据短文开头的句子“I am a middle school student.”刘凤仪是一名中学生,答案为A middle school student. 【2】_The school

8、ruleStudents arent allowed to【答案】 Asking for advice. 【解析】 根据短文结尾的句子“What do you think I should do to solve this problem?”可知,作者写这封邮件的目的是想向编辑寻求一些建议,答案为Asking for advice. 【3】Thing that Liu Fengyi used to doShe used to【答案】 bring mobile phones to school. 【解析】 根据短文中的句子“So now we arent allowed to bring mob

9、ile phones to school.”学生禁止带手机进校园是学校的制度,故答案为bring a mobile phone with her during school hours. 【4】_Reason( 原因 ) why Liu Fengyis parents are unhappyThey cant【答案】 bring a mobile phone with her during school hours.【解析】 根据短文中的句子“I used to bring a mobile phone with me during school hours.”可知,刘凤仪过去常常带手机进校园

10、,答案为bring a mobile phone with her during school hours. 【5】_【答案】 get in touch with her 【解析】 根据短文中的句子“My parents fe el unhappy because they cant get in touch with me(不能与我有联系) . ”父母不高兴的原因是无法与孩子联系,故答案为get in touch with her 。【考点】 短文信息提取。3. 书面表达。随着社会的发展,人们的生活似乎离不开手机,但是手机占据人们的生活带来一个重要的问题,人与人之间交流少了,亲情、友情应该如

11、何维系?请谈谈你的建议。要点所示1. 在现代社会中,手机的发明改变着社会,手机起着重要的作。2. 手机让人们的联系更加容易,让地球变小了。3. 但过去人们常常交谈,而现在却是交流少了,玩手机的多了。4. 有些学生用手机玩游戏,浪费许多时间,严重影响学习。5. 你的建议。(至少两条)可用词汇:手机: cell phone 智能手机: smart phone 要求:1. 词数: 80 词左右。 2. 文中不得出现自己的真实姓名和所在学校的名称。【答案】 One possible version With the development of IT information industry ,the

12、re has been a.dramatic rise in cell phone,which are now essential to millions of people. But everything has two sides. On one hand,cell phones contribute a lot to daily life. firstly,cell phones enable people to easily and quickly communicate with one another whenever and wherever you are. Secondly,

13、 it is the multifunction of cell phones that h elp us survive those boring moments. On the other hand, the disadvantages can never be denied. The most disadvantages is the unknown effects on health incase of over-use. Furthermore, if people become too reliant on the use of cell phones, our face to f

14、ace skills may decline. From my perspective, any new invention has its drawbacks,but such nagitive aspects cannot always diminish its popularity. I strongly suggest that we use cell phones moderately and appropriately to make them more beneficial.【解析】 考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。要求介绍。同时应

15、选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。温馨提醒:考生必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。写作亮点:这篇文章语言规范,叙述清楚,词汇及时态运用正确,能够把提示的内容叙述清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯是一篇不错的文章。【考点】 提纲作文。4. 从方框中选出适当的句子抄在空白处,完成对话,有两项为多余选项。A; You look so sad, 【1】_ B:I argued with my mother. I spent too much pocket money .【答案】 A【解析】 A 句意: -你看起来很伤心,你怎么了?-我和我的妈妈吵架了。根据对话的意思可知,说话

16、人看出对方很伤心,因此问他出什么事情了。故选A。【2】 _ A: You should talk to her and say sorry. B: Yes ,I know I should. But its not easy.A: Its really difficult for parents to make money.【答案】 E【解析】 E 句意: -我花了太多零花钱,我该怎么办?-你应该和她谈一谈,并向她道歉。根据下面的回答You should 可知,这里是问该怎么办。故选E。【3】 _ B: You are right .【答案】 B【解析】 B 句意: -对父母来说赚钱真的很难,你应该节约零花钱。-你是对的。根据句意可知,他们觉得父母赚钱是不容易的,因此要节省零花钱。故选B。【4】 _What can I do to make her happy? A: What about buying something useful for her by saving some pocket money? B: That sounds good.【答案】 F【解析】 F 句意 -现


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