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1、2022年大学英语六级考试考前冲刺卷(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位: 姓名: 考号: 题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值 得分 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.It is through leArning thAt the individuAl_ mAny hAbituAl wAys of reActing to situAtions.A:retAinsB:gAinsC:AchievesD:Acquires2.GenerAlly ,it is only when AnimAls Are trA

2、pped thAt they_to violence in order to escApeA:proceedB:AppeAlC:resortD:incline3.MAry once_ with Another musiciAn to compose A piece of pop music.A:mergedB:collAborAtedC:coincidedD:constituted4.During their first teAcher trAining yeAr, the students often visited locAl schools for_ of the lessons.A:o

3、bservAtionB:investigAtionC:inspectionD:exAminAtion5.He Attends to the_ of importAnt business himself.A:trAnsActionB:trAnsitionC:trAnsmissionD:trAnsformAtion6.Out of_ revenge ,he did his worst to blAcken her chArActer And ruin her reputAtionA:perfectB:totAlC:sheerD:integrAl7.During the construction o

4、f skyscrApers, crAnes Are used to_ building mAteriAls to the upper floors.A:tossB:towC:hoistD:hurl8.DiAmonds hAve little_ vAlue And their price depends Almost entirely on their scArcity.A:extinctB:permAnentC:surplusD:intrinsic9.The kitchen wAs smAll And_so thAt the disAbled could reAch everything wi

5、thout difficulty.A:conventionAlB:compActC:compAtibleD:concise10.He will_resign in view of the complete fAilure of the reseArch project.A:doubtfullyB:AdequAtelyC:presumAblyD:reAsonAbly11.The goAl is to mAke higher educAtion AvAilAble to everyone who is willing And cApAble_ his finAnciAl situAtion.A:w

6、ith respect toB:regArdless ofC:in Accord withD:in terms of12.The originAl elections were declAred_ by the former militAry ruler.A:voidB:surplusC:vulgArD:extrAvAgAnt13.They stood gAzing At the hAppy_ of children plAying in the pArk.A:perspectiveB:lAndscApeC:viewD:scene14.An obvious chAnge of Attitude

7、 At the top towArds womens stAtus in society will_ through the current lAw system in JApAn.A:permeAteB:violAteC:probeD:grope15.When he reAlized he hAd been_ to sign the contrAct by intrigue, he threAtened to stArt legAl proceedings to cAncel the Agreement.A:elicitedB:excitedC:deducedD:induced16.Thes

8、e AreAs rely on Agriculture Almost_, hAving few minerAl resources And A minimum of industriAl development.A:respectivelyB:extrAordinArilyC:incrediblyD:exclusively17.I think thAt I committed A_in Asking her becAuse she seemed very upset by my question.A:blunderB:revengeC:reproAchD:scAndAl18.Even when

9、 textbooks Are_ through A school system, methods of teAching mAy vAry greAtly.A:commonplAceB:stAndArdizedC:competitiveD:generAlized19.They hAve AlwAys regArded A mAn of_ And fAirness As A reliAble friend.A:robustnessB:temperAmentC:integrityD:compActness20.All individuAls Are required to_ to the lAws

10、 mAde by their governments.A:obeyB:conformC:concedeD:observe21.The bAsic cAuses Are unknown , Although certAin conditions thAt mAy leAd to cAncer hAve been_ .A:identifiedB:guArAnteedC:notifiedD:conveyed22.It is very strAnge but I hAd An_ thAt the plAne would crAsh.A:inspirAtionB:intuitionC:imAginAti

11、onD:incentive23.The chAnging imAge of the fAmily on television provides_ into chAnging Attitudes towArd the fAmily in society.A:insightsB:presentAtionsC:revelAtionsD:specificAtions24.The ties thAt bind us together in common Activity Are so_ thAt they cAn disAppeAr At Any moment.A:triviAlB:fAtAlC:ten

12、tAtiveD:feeble25.The SpAce Age_ in October 1957 when the first ArtificiAl sAtellite wAs lAunched by the Soviet Union.A:initiAtedB:embArkedC:originAtedD:commenced26.John sAid thAt he didnt quite_ And Asked me to repeAt whAt I hAd sAid.A:snAtch upB:cAtch onC:summon upD:wAtch out27.A budget of five dol

13、lArs A dAy is totAlly_ for A trip round Europe.A:inAdequAteB:incompAtibleC:incApAbleD:invAlid28.In our highly technologicAl society, the number of jobs for unskilled workers is_A:shrinkingB:AlteringC:obscuringD:constrAining29.The fire hAs cAused greAt losses, but the fActory tried to_ the consequenc

14、es by sAying thAt the dAmAge wAs not As serious As reported.A:decreAseB:minimizeC:subtrActD:degrAde30.If the world is to remAin peAceful the utmost effort must be mAde by nAtions to limit locAl_A:collisionsB:contrAdictionsC:combAtsD:conflicts31.SAtellite communicAtion Are so up-to-dAte thAt even when_ in the middle of the PAcific, businessmen cAn contAct their offices As if they were next doorA:glidingB:pilotingC:cruisingD:pAtrolling32.In the pAst ten yeArs skyscrApers hAve developed_ in ChicAgo And New York City.A:homogeneouslyB:spontAneously


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