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1、 2019学年杭州市滨江区9年级期末统考英语考生须知:1.全卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。试卷共8页,四部分,71小题。2.答题前,在答题卡上写上学校、班级、姓名和座位号,3.所有答案都应做在答题卡标定的位置上,务必注意试题序号和答题序号相对应。第I卷第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。A127 HoursThis movie comes from the true story of a mountain climber. Aron Ralston, who falls in

2、to a canyon(峡谷) in Utah. He cant get out of the canyon because his arm is under a rock. Over the next five days he thinks about his life, his friends, and his family. He wants to save himself. After the fifth day, he cuts off his arm. It is an amazing movie and James Franco gives an excellent perfor

3、mance as Aron Ralston.My Sisters KeeperThis movie comes from a novel by Jodi Picoult. The central character, Kate, has a serious blood illness. Her younger sister has lots of operations to save her sister. This is a moving movie about what it means to be a good parent, a good sister, a good person.

4、The acting is excellent, with Cameron Diaz in the role of the mother. Youll need a big box of tissues.The Kings SpeechEverything about this prize-winning historical theatre play is perfect: the screenplay(台词), the costumes, the background, the sounds, and of course, the wonderful performance by Coli

5、n Firth in the role of King George VI. The movie comes from the true-life story of the Kings speech disability and his unusual friendship with his Australian speech trainer. A great movie. Sherlock HolmesThis action-adventure movie directed by Guy Ritchie takes place in London in 1891. Robert Downey

6、 Jr. plays the role of Sherlock Holmes. He is one of the most interesting characters Ive seen on screen. The special effects(特效) are amazing and the screenplay is excellent. Its fun, its pleasing, and Robert Downey Jr. will hold your attention from beginning to end.16. What does the underlined part

7、“Youll need a big box of tissues!” suggest?A: The story is sad B. The parent is funny C. The characters are famous D. The movie is moving.17. Who acts as a mountain climber in the movie 127 HOURS?A. James FrancoB. Cameron Dia C. Colin Firth D. Robert Downey Jr 18. Information about the director. the

8、 actor and the character is given in _A. 127 HOURS B MY SISTERS KEEPER C THE KINGS SPEECH D SHERLOCK HOLMES 【参考答案】DADBWriters have very clear preferences about where and how they write For example, some writers like to have people around them and background noise, but others prefer working alone.Nov

9、elist Emest Hemingway used to write standing up. D H. Lawrence wrote under a tree. Jane Austen wrote on a small table in her family living room Childrens writer and poet Roald Dahl sat in a very old armchair in a small building and French novelist Marcel Proust wrote in bed. Graham Greene used to wr

10、ite only in the morning. After 500 words. he stopped, even in the middle of a sentence.Nicholsons Cafe in Edinburgh became famous because J. K. Rowling sat there and wrote some parts of her first best-selling fantasy novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. She used to sit at the same table, dri

11、nking coffee and writing in a notebook with her baby asleep in her pushchair.Most novelists write alone but scriptwriters and song writers often write together. A team of seven writers wrote scripts (剧本) each week for the popular merican sitcom(情景剧) Friends. Lennon and McCartney wrote 180 songs toge

12、ther for The Beatles. Perhaps the strangest of all was classical music writer Beethoven. He was completely deaf when he wrote the famous Ninth Symphony, so he took the legs off his piano and felt the small shaking movements of the music through the floor.19. Who made Nicholsons Cafe in Edinburgh fam

13、ous?A. Jane Austen B. Graham Greene C. J.K. Rowling D. McCartney20. Which of the following is true according Paragraph 2? A. Lawrence liked writing with a friend.B. Dahl used to write sitting in a very small armchair.C. Proust likes to write only in the morning.D. Greene used to write 500 words and

14、then stopped.21. What can we learn from Paragraph 5?A. Beethoven looked very strange.B. Beethoven wrote modern music.C. Something was wrong with Beethovens ears.D. Something was wrong with Beethovens legs.22. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Writers prefer to be watched when writing.B. Writers

15、prefer to be left alone when writing.C. Writers have very different writing habits.D. Writers have very funny writing habits.【参考答案】CDCCCHeres an everyday situation: you buy a magazine and you use money to pay for it. But think about that for a minute. Youve actually given the shopkeeper just a piece of paper, a few pieces of metal or nowadays just a piece of plastic. Its all very easy. However, at one time, there wasnt any money. How were things paid for then?In a barter system(易货贸易), things are exchanged by people, But there is a problem with barter: What if the bread-maker wants so


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