2020~2021学年外研版(2019)必修二-Unit 2 Let's celebrate-Section B(developing+presenting ideas)单元基础专项练习(含答案)

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2020~2021学年外研版(2019)必修二-Unit 2 Let's celebrate-Section B(developing+presenting ideas)单元基础专项练习(含答案)_第1页
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2020~2021学年外研版(2019)必修二-Unit 2 Let's celebrate-Section B(developing+presenting ideas)单元基础专项练习(含答案)_第2页
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2020~2021学年外研版(2019)必修二-Unit 2 Let's celebrate-Section B(developing+presenting ideas)单元基础专项练习(含答案)_第3页
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《2020~2021学年外研版(2019)必修二-Unit 2 Let's celebrate-Section B(developing+presenting ideas)单元基础专项练习(含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020~2021学年外研版(2019)必修二-Unit 2 Let's celebrate-Section B(developing+presenting ideas)单元基础专项练习(含答案)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Lets celebrateSection B(developing+presenting ideas)单元基础专项练习n 选用合适单词或短语并用其恰当形式填空feel like, have nothing to do with, be keen on,no less than, look forward to, more . than .1I my neighbour because he is a selfish man. 2I love basketball very much and I it. 3My lowest expectation is 4,000 yuan b

2、ecause my college degree deserves that amount. 4The reason to be cheated is to think oneself clever others.5I Ive been to Spain many years ago. 6We all the day when the scientists can discover more secrets of the universe. n 单句语法填空1He (承认) that he had taken my umbrella by mistake.2In the past, lante

3、rns were usually lit by candles and (装饰)with pictures of birds, animals and flowers, etc.3The bell (表明) the end of the class, which interrupted our heated discussion.4The child was (吸引) by the beauty of the Christmas tree decorations.5She took a deep breath and sat up slowly with great (力气). 6The Am

4、erican couple (抱怨) about the high cost of visiting Europe.7A school has (给荣誉) one of its brightest and most promising former pupils.8Of course, in time the_ (极地的) ice cap will melt. 9Do you believe in the (exist) of ghosts?Perhaps they only exist some peoples imagination.10My cousin came to see me f

5、rom the countryside, (bring) me a full basket of fresh fruits.11I only smoke an cigar; that is, I only smoke a cigar .(occasion)12I admitted (break) the window.13It didnt at that time, for it came into not long ago.(exist)14The (edit) told me that he would issue my recent poems in about a months tim

6、e.15She said his death was a great (lose) to herself.16He (admit) to Cambridge University last year.17He was handsome and intelligent and obviously very (attract) to the girls.18All the streets were decorated flags to welcome the president.19 (成人) need to live their own lives, but its difficult for

7、children. 20Now that she was (retire) she lived with her sister. 21I met my favourite writer on several (场合)22The MidAutumn Festival is important because it is a special (时刻) for family.23The only question is how fast the (过程) will be.24Two thousand years ago, the festival did not (存在)25The students

8、 were (参加) in an international energysaving competition.26Do you fancy (play) basketball with us this weekend?27The report takes a (全球的) view of the companys problems. 28The (观众) want more music and less drama, so weve cut some scenes.29She had requested that the door to her room (leave) open. 30The

9、 law requires equal treatment for all, (regard) of race, religion, or sex. 31With a lot of homework (do), he is not allowed to go out.32There is no (indicate) of his recovery from the illness.n 完成句子1Mary wants to to visit her hometown.玛丽想利用这个机会邀请你访问她的家乡。2My parents think I didnt study for my exams,

10、but .我父母认为我考试前没有复习,但我的确是复习了。3We worked there for a week, .我们在那儿工作了一周,帮助他们为会议作准备。4Well have to deal with the question.我们会有不止一种方法来解决这个问题。5It is believed that the English short film will be .相信这部英文短片不仅有意义,而且很有趣。6 ,we all felt very happy.问题解决了,我们都感到很高兴。7Without her permission, nobody her room.没有她的允许,任何人

11、不准进入她的房间。8They stood there for half an hour, .他们在那儿站了半小时,看着天上的星星。9The 21st Century is ;it is also a helpful textbook to the students.二十一世纪英语报不仅仅是一种报刊;对学生来说,它还是一种有用的教科书。10Also, you will enjoy an interesting game, if you win. 另外,你会欣赏一个有趣的游戏,如果你赢了,你可以得到一份礼物。11It is that impress us.不仅是你的热情,你的团队合作和良好的精神状

12、态也给我们留下了深刻的印象。SECTION B参考答案:n 选用合适单词或短语并用其恰当形式填空1. have nothing to do with2. am keen on3. no less than4. more than5. feel like6. look forward ton 单句语法填空1. admitted2. decorated3. indicating4. attracted5. effort6. complained7. honored8. polar9. existence;in10. bringing11. Occasional;occasionally12. br

13、eaking/having broken13. exist;existence14. editor15. loss16. was admitted17. attractive18. with19. Adults20. retired21. occasions22. occasion23. process24. exist25. participating26. playing27. global28. audience29. (should) be left30. regardless31. to do32. indicationn 完成句子1. take the occasion to invite you2. I did study3. helping them to prepare for



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